The Movie Blog Uncut Podcast - Special Guest Kellvin Chavez Of Latino Reviews

Hey there folks. We’re back with another installment of The Movie Blog Uncut podcast. Today I’m not only joined by Soul Video and Chuck Norris, but also by my friend Kellvin Chavez of LatinoReviews.Com. Whheeeee.

Together we discuss:

1) Transformers extra footage in Imax. Good idea or bad idea?

2) Spider-Man 4 Casting

3) Monsters Inc. 2 (why instead of Incredibles or Nemo?)

4) The Hangover

5) Land of the Lost

All this an a few things more.

You can listen to or download this episode here

  • OldDarth

    As soon as I heard Will Ferrell was involved with LOTL all interest in seeing this was alos lost. No marketing promos were needed.

    To bad too. The original concept is interesting enough to warrant a straight on movie adaptation. Something that is highly unlikely to happen now.

    Ultimate dream - Pixar doing an adaptation of this movie. Sigh.

  • Elliott

    Hey John,

    I love that you’re getting back to the Audio Editions!

    One criticism: Do you take a brief listen to the podcasts before you post them? Because the music and the begining is louder than your voice, I could barely hear you.

  • bigboxshops

    I am expecting to the Spider-Man 4 Casting.—-selling cheap shipping .

  • Andrew

    1) I honestly couldn’t care either way. I’m going to see it in IMAX for one reason, and that is the fact that I have never seen a movie in IMAX before. (I almost saw The Dark Knight in IMAX though, damn the fact that I didn’t.)
    2) I used to hate Spider-Man 3, but after watching it again a couple of months ago, I think it’s one of those movies that grows on you. I still won’t buy the DVD at full price, I’ll wait for bargain bin, but I’ll disagree with John, I think that Dunst was perfect in this role.
    3)Personally, I would love to see A Bug’s Life 2. I thought that, prior to seeing Up, was Pixar’s best movie, and I thought that the characters were well-written enough to get a sequel. But Cars 2 and Monsters Inc. 2 sound good as well.
    4) Still haven’t seen it, but now with this good word-of-mouth, I’ll definitely see it.
    5) I have a ten-year-old soon-to-be little stepsister. I’ll probably end up watching this either in the theater or on DVD.

  • Vidsub

    It wont work for me. I downloaded it, and everytime I open it, my program says it encountered an error and wont work….

    • Kristina

      Don’t download it. Just click and listen.

    • Vidsub

      Still doesent work… haha

    • Kristina

      Your computer is cursed.

    • Kristina

      Do you have Quicktime on your computer? If you don’t have it or if your Quicktime isn’t updated, it won’t work.