The Movie Blog: Uncut Podcast - June 1st 2009

Hey there guys. I’m currently in beautiful Las Vegas for an industry party at the legendary Playboy suite at the Palms, but that didn’t stop us from doing an Uncut episode today. Via the wonders of Skype I’m joined once again by Soul Video and Chuck Norris. Today we discuss:

1) Subjectivity in film

2) Soul has seen “The Hangover” and gives us his thoughts

3) UP (Best movie of the year and of the last 3 years)

4) Drag Me To Hell (not so much)

5) Bryan Singer maybe returning to the X-Men universe?

6) Joss Whedon not involved with Buffy movie

All this and a few things more.

You can download the episode here

Or you can just stream and listen to it here:

  • OldDarth

    Very glad these are back.

    The new crew is doing a great job. The original crew will always be remembered fondly. Hmmm, is there a Star Trek analogy happening here?

    BTW, mark me down as an original Trek series fan who is totally down the new version. Can’t wait to see where they go with the sequel - but please do something totally original!

    Finally, UP is a perfect movie.

  • lewis

    As with what a poster above said, John’s “theory” of subjectivity can be applied to any art form. Kind of ironic that a few items later after the “Film is subjective!” alert we are told that Up! is “the best movie of the past three years”. From what I can see, the use of reminding people that film is subjective serves the purpose of making people admit that they are not always right about everything. But that’s not to say that everything is always completely subjective. If everything was subjective, then why listen to anyone’s opinion about anything? Why listen to anyone’s movie review if everything is subjective? Maybe because some people are better than others at giving a review? Well-not so fast-isn’t it SUBJECTIVE to suggest that anyone is “better” than anyone else at giving a movie review? The whole subjectivity issue is actually part of a larger debate about relativity that has been going on for many decades. At heart, though it may be totalitarian for one person to insist that they are always right about everything, it is just as much a form of intellectual terrorism to insist that everything is subjective and thus no one can possibly be correct about anything. Also, FACTS are not subjective. If a certain documentary filmmaker includes false facts in his documentary, then the documentary is misleading, and that is not a “subjective” call to deem something factually incorrect. But I understand we’re talking about art here, and aesthetics in general are much more subjective. I believe there’s a phrase “There’s no accounting for taste.”

    To another above poster, I think it’s quite obvious that the tagline of “the home of correct movie opinions” is a joke.

  • Brian

    Hey Rodney,
    You ever think of getting on the podcast? I think it’d be awesome if you joined the other 3.

    • Rodney

      Its been brought up, and schedules permitting might happen one day.

  • algoresnuts

    Drag Me to Hell was a fun ride. Up was boring. I wish I was three years old again; then maybe I’d enjoy it.


    Return Of The King is a classic.

    Btw John, did you ever see Angels & Demons?

  • Shock

    Well john I don’t like that movie or Two twoers but love the Fellowship of the ring!,And 11 Oscars or all the Oscars they mean JACK-SHIT when you give an oscar to Eminem.