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September 18, 2009

The Movie Blog Podcast - September 18th 2009

— Posted by John Campea

Hey there folks. We’re back with another installment of The Movie Blog Podcast. Today I’m joined by regular guest Christina Warren of Mashable.Com and FlickCast.Com. We’re also joined today by Vic Holtreman, the one and only founder and Senior Editor of ScreenRant.Com

Together, we discuss:

1) Jennifer’s Body

2) Edward Norton claiming no cameo in Iron Man 2

3) X-Men: First Class casting

4) Nic Cage leaving Green Hornet, and the mess that movie seems to be in

These, and a few things more.

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  • David Low

    I think what they said in this podcast about megan fox can be said for Seth Rogen. Once you hear that his name is attached to this, yknow it wont be that great. all you apologists keep saying maybe he will surprise us, and liken it to michael keatons casting in batman, which is a totally absurd comparison because seth has been quite upfront about the fact that THEY ARE DOING THIS AS A COMEDY. he keeps likening it to his own Pineapple Express and Beverly Hills Cop. He isnt going to surprise us and give a great performance, because he isnt taking this seriously. like megan fox we know exactly what we will get from him, and thats the same crap we always get from him.

  • Darren J Seeley

    My thoughts, whirlwind and brain waves:

    I have been commenting on SR here and there as well. It’s great to hear Vic’s voice, I hope he crops up again in the future on a MB podacst; Christina loses a point with me though due to the Farrah side comment. To say the late actress in the same breath as the questionable talent of Ms. Fox is highly suspect….not that I’d want to see Fox do a remake of Extremeties or anything…or even Saturn 3 for that mattter.

    (well, Farrah DID fight a robot…)

    To Hilk or not to Hulk? Well, worse comes to worse they could have a Banner not appear but “Hulk” instead for a moment or two. As to the problems of recasting??? Gee, even Vic forgot an actor was replaced in Iron Man and seeing how ‘War Machine’ could be a huge chunk of sell in next year’s must see…if recasting Banner is needed for Avengers a few years from now, so be it.


    X-Men. I’m not a big supporter of First Class. However, as I said before, if they regulated most of the “known” characters to the sidelines (or doing another project) and focus on, say, White Queen, Quicksilver, or Havok (Cyke’s brother)…etc. Otherwise, I too would like to see a film that takes place after the Last Stand.


    Green Hornet.

    Y’know what. I used to defend the project tooth and nail. John, you want to hear a prediction? I don’t want to make it. I’ve still got my fingers crossed…but I…wonder…if…

    its time to



  • tDot


    Hving aactually seen Jennifers Body I can tell you that Megan Fox was good, this being her first real oppurtunity to act (are we really going to suggest she was given a chance at anything but looking good in a Michael Bay film) AND the movie was half bad either.

    And shoot down Ebert if you want, and maybe even Peter Travers, but AO Scoot pulls zero punches.

    Try watching then movie before commenting.

    • Dragonslayer

      We are not shooting down Ebert or Travers. But the one who made the comment was using him to defend a movie that he hadn’t stated he had seen or not. We are not trashing these guys, we are mearly saying everyone has an opinion, and sometimes, it may be on something others don’t agree with.

      AO Scoot? Sounds like something out of Looney Tunes. LOL. Just kidding.

      • Topspin

        Dragonslayer, no disrespect intended but, (if you read my statement above), I was neither supporting nor defending the movie. I merely stated the “fact”, that the above mentioned reviewers have reported Megan’s performance in a positive manner contrary to most expectations. My point was that they concluded this after they watched the movie. I agree with you that at the end of the day, what matters most is an individual”s opinion and not what a professional reviewer states, no matter how well respected they are.

      • Dragonslayer

        I didn’t know. Excuse me.

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