“The Lizard” To Be The Only Spider-Man 4 Villain

This is fantastic news if it turns out to be true (but this is normally a pretty reliable source). The website Marketsaw is reporting that Spider-Man 4 is going to only have ONE villain… and that villain is going to be The Lizard.

You might remember that a couple of days ago it was confirmed that Dylan Baker was indeed going to be back for Spider-Man 4 as Dr. Connors… but it was never mentioned if he would become The Lizard or not. Looks like he will!

I think this is good news… especially the one villain part. What do you think?

About John Campea

who has written 0 posts on The Movie Blog

  • Gigan300

    FINALLY, some good news regarding this film.

  • Lu Galasso

    Everyone here probably won’t agree with me but I prefer more villians plus other superheros to support Spidey. To me it seems more exciting to have multiple people involved and to see how they work as a team.