Superman Rights Get Chopped Up

Holy crap… as someone who worked in law for a number of years, I can tell you that sometimes it works in really strange ways. And this one is VERY strange… but probably correct.

The family of Superman creator, the Siegel’s, have been in a battle with Warner Bros to get back control of the Superman character. In a recent ruling Warner won the rights to the character TEMPORARILY (they have until 2011 to start production on a new movie or all bets are off), but now a NEW ruling has confused the issue even more as the Siegel’s and Warner now each own the rights to different parts of the Superman story.

The good folks over at Cinematical break it down like this:

According to Variety, the Siegels have recaptured the rights to the first two weeks of the daily Superman newspaper strips, and portions of Action Comics and Superman comics. They apparently now control all depictions of Superman’s origin story, which means they now own Krypton, its fiery destruction, Jor-El and Lora, and Kal El. In 2008, the Siegels recaptured the rights to the Superman character (which includes his costume and his alter-ego of Clark Kent), Lois Lane, the Daily Planet, its gruff editor, and their love triangle. DC still owns Jimmy Olson, his ability to fly, Lex Luthor, kryptonite, and Superman’s expanded powers and origins.

So basically, Warner has until 2011 to make another Superman movie, but they can’t mention Krypton, his parents, the daily planet or Lois Lane…. but they can still show him flying.

This is going to get interesting.

In reality, what this decision does is sort of FORCE Warner and the family to come to a settlement, because nothing can really happen under the currently circumstances.

  • Robert

    Theve killed captain america. Now superman. Wow were a country of patriots. Never mind its all about he money. Fuck our history as a nation……….

  • gprbali

    I prety sure that kids still love very much this film.

  • Iam Wright

    Just send Supes to Gotham. Nuff said.

  • http://none Lawrence

    With this legal mess, I’d say forget about producing a new Superman movie. He’s not fun to watch anymore anyway.

  • MandarinOrange

    Here is what you do. A new color of kryptonite is discovered which makes superman invisible. Jimmy is then the main character of the movie and ends up getting captured by Lex is then defeated by the invisible superman (who is never actually mentioned by name). That should stay inside their limitations.

    • Jake

      No question.

  • Len

    thats the funniest thing i’ve read in a long while!!!! LMAO

    Just finished watching the 4 seasons of lois and clark the new adventures of superman. havent seen them since i was a kid…. FANTASTIC! So cheesy and the visual effects…brilliantly bad :) there’s something about seeing the cables holding up superman :) :) but now i’m kind of sad as it looks like i’ll be waiting a while to see anything new of superman. suppose i’ll give smallville a go.

    i highly reccommend lois and clark though

  • melbye

    Also,i have to wonder how this will affect Smallville. I hope ir kills it. That show has been going on for too long now

    • Jake


    • Jake

      Maybe I never saw enough of the show, but it always seemed really cheezy and unbelievable to me. Maybe I haven’t seen enough of the characters. In a show, characters are everything.

  • Sterculius

    I really don’t care as long as they make a good Superman movie, something they have yet to do. Everytime they get WAAAAY too interested in Lois Lane, nobody cares. She needs to stay quietly on the sidelines like Batman’s Alfred, she doesn’t need to be the focal point of the story. Same goes for Lex Luthor, he needs to be a thorn in Superman’s side, not his archrival. He’s a human, he can’t ever convincingly pose a threat.

    If they ever make another superman movie, it better have SUPER villains. But not Zod, that’s been done before.

  • Kaneda979

    Wow, this shit is crazy, it’s like they just ripped the character into tiny little pieces. So does this effect the comic books as well? Who the hell owns the rights to his super strength or is that included in “Superman’s expanded powers”?

    I’m not a huge fan of Sups, but he is a timeless character, means allot to allot of people all around the world, both young and old, and should continue on matter who wants how much money and control.

    WB/DC should just let the Siegel’s have all the rights and pay them to use them. But hopefully the Siegel’s wont be too greedy and not deprive the world of this beloved character.