Shutter Island Gets Moved To 2010

Well holy crap I didn’t see this one coming! It’s not totally unusual for studios to change release dates. It is a bit unusual to changed dates by MONTHS when only two months away from it’s scheduled release date. Shutter Island just did that.

The new Leonardo DiCaprio film directed by Martin Scrosese has been hitting the marketing hard and had an October release date all set and ready… but today it’s been revealed that Paramount has moved the film to February 2010 taking the film out of Oscar contention for this year (something a lot of people seemed to think would be an early favorite).

No official reason has been given for the change.

So does this bum you out… or do you not really care either way? I’m personally disappointed… but I don’t expect a Harry Potter type reaction from fans either. (Source: In Contention)

  • jimf

    I would suggest reading the book while you wait…Dennis LeHane is a heck of a writer…also did Gone, Baby Gone.

  • Lily

    Bugger. I was going to meet up with a friend from New Zealand just to see this. On the plus side, maybe I’ll have more chance to see it with them then.

    I’m also annoyed because this seemed like the film that would get Leo his “About Damn Time” oscar.

    My last hope is that this does not become another repeat of Gangs of New York.