Rob Marshall To Direct Pirates Of The Caribbean 4

I’ve got to admit I did not see this one coming. We’ve all known for some time that there was going to be a Pirates of the Caribbean 4. The only reason I’m not completely against this idea is because I’m holding out some hope that a 4th film will redeem the awful mess the last 2 films were and return the franchise to the brilliance of the original.

Now it appears they’ve hired a new director… and it’s a choice that just might do it! It’s been announced that director Rob Marshall will take over for Gore Verbinski and helm the next Pirates movie.

This is a very interesting choice. Marshall isn’t known for his comedy or action. His films win Oscars (Chicago, Memoirs of a Geisha) and his next film coming out, “Nine” (not to be confused with the animated film called “9” coming soon) will undoubtedly win some Oscars too considering that’s what Marshall does, and that Daniel Day-Lewis, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard, Kate Hudson and Dame Judi Dench are all in it.

So can Marshall do adventure? I simply don’t know. But what we DO know is that he’s a fantastic director, and that can do nothing but help the franchise.

So what do you think? Does this announcement increase, decrease or not change at all your excitement level for Pirates of the Caribbean 4?

  • Backabuth

    I want everybody back in another awesome adventure. I hear Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly refuse to be in another film and that takes most of the magic out of everything. Now all there will be is action and no love.

  • Ifaz

    As I stated earlier, a new cast would perfect. My choices would be:
    Johnny Depp
    Taylor Kitsch
    Moon Bloodgood
    Anne Hathaway[okay, i’m kidding]
    Sara Foster.

    • Ifaz

      sorry i posted the same thing twice.

  • Ifaz

    As I stated earlier, a new cast would perfect. My choices would be:
    Johnny Depp
    Taylor Kitsch
    Moon Bloodgood
    Anne Hathaway[a’right, may be not]
    Sara Foster.

  • Ifaz

    I fucking hate Orlando Bloom. A pretty face with a motherfucking attitude and acting.

  • Eliel

    Yes! - Bring it! We are eagerly awaiting Pirates Of The Caribbean 4, with great anticipation. World’s End left us with an unresolved ending. We hope that the plot in Pirates Of The Caribbean 4 will be more like Curse Of The Black Pearl in that it will at least be coherrent and more in keeping with what Mr. Walt Disney might have envisioned. Please…keep to the code.

  • Ifaz

    I think a sidekick for Johnny Depp would be good. My first choice would be Taylor Kitsch[Gambit of X-men origins].

  • Tavil

    Wow! Surprising choice for director.
    Hopefully it’ll be good.

  • Skye

    Last paragraph reads incorrectly—he HASN’T gotten the nod from Oscar since.

  • Skye

    Ok, I actually still liked POTC 2 & 3 (except for the dragged out maelstrom scene, which was **BRUCKHEIMER’S** doing, not the director (Verbinski). And if the film was THAT bad, why’d it make so much money at the theaters AND in DVD sales?

    Yes, leave Will Turner out (already done as Bloom has declined to return since his character’s arc is pretty well wrapped up). Leave Knightley out. Bring back Rush and Depp, naturally, and as many of the supporting pirate ship crew members as possible because those characters made the films what they were. As for who directs, that won’t matter one little bit unless the scriptwriters give him good material to work with. Depp said he wouldn’t do it again with Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio continuing to write his character, so I assume they’ve been booked for the job. That’s a step in the right direction. Step 2 is to bring them to filming (just like on the 1st one) so they can add to and trim away from the script as needed and make it all work as beautifully as the first time.

    And just to remind people, there WAS action in both “Chicago” and “Memoirs of a Geisha,” both Oscar-nommed films directed by Marshall. He can do this.

    And dammit, give Depp his Oscar this time for Sparrow!! He got nommed the 1st time but didn’t win, and he has gotten the nod from Oscar since, even though the character has only become more 3-dimensional, deeper, and funnier as he went on. It’s time Oscar joined the rest of the award shows in recognizing Depp’s talents.
