Planet Hulk Trailer

I don’t often talk about direct to DVD stuff here… especially animated direct to DVD stuff… but this one has me very excited.

There are two comic book story lines that I’ve been waiting to read for a couple of years now that I’m pumped about finally getting around to. One is “Planet Hulk” and the other is the sequel to it, “World War Hulk”. I’ve heard so many people say so many positive things about these two story lines that I’m itching to finally get around to them.

Anyway, Marvel has jumped on the popularity of these stories and have produced an animated movie of “Planet Hulk”. I’m actually really looking forward to seeing it!

You can see the trailer for it here:

So have any of you read the comic series? Does the trailer look like its captures the essence of the story?

  • T-Vo

    but will we see “SKAAAR, SON OF HULK!”???

  • hoto

    i like watching Planet Hulk.
    it is perfect movie for me.
    for any free movie download:

  • SlashBeast

    The Planet Hulk comic was good, not as great as people were claiming it was though. The pacing was attrocious and it was quite underwhelming. It was more or less an average story padded to 13+ issues.

    The movie looks like a pretty good adaption though.

  • Jim

    I’m not impressed with the animation either, and I don’t like Hulk’s voice. A guy with that kind of lung capacity is going to have a big voice…he sounds human.

  • Mr Greeb

    I must say, I’m not all that impressed by the animation. Or rather, the details. If you look at f.ex. 00:41, or the close-ups at Hulks face, it’s not all that impressive. That an animated movie has lower animation-quality than some anime is disappointing.

    Besides that, though, it lookes cool.

  • Dr. Theopolis

    All those Marvel Animated “films” are unwatchable. OK, the ones I’ve tried to watch are unwatchable (Avengers, Iron Man). Hands down the DCU direct-to-DVD movies have been mostly excellent quality and watchable.

    How come in this one, Hulk is not Bruce Banner at any point? Is he ‘furious’ the entire time? And good point, Richie… he seems rather well-spoken for a hulking, angry beast.

    • Anti-Septic

      Well in the Planet Hulk storyline Hulk and Bruce Banner are very closely meshed. Banner’s consciousness comes through the Hulks persona and he can change back to Banner at will but chooses to remain in the Hulk state, he is in total control which makes him extremely dangerous because Banner is a genius and that is what the Illuminati fear. Without giving any spoilers, I would tell you only to read Planet Hulk and you will find a moment where Bruce Banner reveals himself.

      As long as he is in the Hulk state he is safe and near invincible and that is where this current Banner feels safest. Although he is still often prone to fits of near uncontrollable rage as he has always experienced in the past.

  • Richie

    Pardon my ignorance because I have not read the series but this hulk seems articulate and well spoken vs. the hulk we all know that’s more brute and unable to control his temper…

    • Varun

      Hulk goes through different states (mostly depending on the writers). Sometimes he is rageful, sometimes he can speak, sometimes he is in control.

      This is one of those control times. It is written into the story I believe