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September 17, 2009

Paranormal Activity Trailer - Holy Crap

— Posted by John Campea

There is a new trailer out for the upcoming horror film “Paranormal Activity“. All I can say at the moment is this: If the movie is half a scary as the trailer, you’ve got a winner of a horror film on your hands. I’ve never been freaked out by a trailer before… until now. It’s no wonder some of the major horror movie websites on the net are calling it “one of the scariest movies of all time”.

Holy crap this looks freaky as hell. I’m not even sure I want to see it. :P

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  • addu786

    Great movie but it does leave alot of questions unanswered…. i wonder if it is infact based on a true story…

  • vangirl

    I saw this film last night ( after waiting in line for 3 hours) and it scared the hell out of me, not all of it just one part. I LOVE scary movies, but I think this movie ruined me.. I was almost crying…

  • Jon


  • The Other James Taylor

    I’m a sucker for all horror movies so I’ll watch any of them but at what point was that trailer supposed to be at all scary?

  • 1138

    That was supposed to be scary? OK…I hope the movie is better.

  • scoville

    I’m going to a screening of this next Thursday. I’ll let you know what I think.

  • JohnIan

    From what I’ve read, it’s fuzzy.

    This movie now has three endings. All of which are negative (in a good way). The studio had them film a new one, a more classical “Hollywood” horror ending - we get the big reveal; the two other climaxes left you wondering what had happened.

    The first version gave you a big shock (choppy choppy); like a jumping cat, only MUCH better. The second involved the police coming into the house. The third goes all out evil (if this the one they’re using, theater goers are going to mess their pants - who’s looking at whom?).

    Not sure which one I prefer. Each has their own merits; 1) Surprise, 2) Sorrow, 3) Tenure. I just hope they have all the ending on the DVD. Better yet, through seamless branching, let you watch the movie with ending A, B or C.

    Hell, I’m still waiting for the deluxe edition of “The Blair Witch Project”, they shot A LOT more footage that never made it into the movie. Different endings as well. You would think that this year; the ten year anniversary that something would’ve been done. Nope. Squat.

    As for the effectiveness; all depends on what you believe or your level of paranoia. Some will take it as joke and boring. Sure fine, for the rest of us we KNOW better. And some of us better than others.

  • Lowell

    They should call the ghostbusters

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