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September 8, 2009

Leonard Nimoy Says No More Spock

— Posted by John Campea

One of the very unique challenges facing the new “Star Trek” team was finding a way to create a whole new cast and legend, while at the same time staying a part of the traditional Star Trek lore. One of the keys to there successful project was brining back Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock.

With plans already underway for the next Star Trek movie, fans have been eager to know if Nimoy would once again return in his iconic role. Not so, says Nimoy.

At the recent Dragon Con, Leonard Nimoy shared a stage with William Shatner and told the crowd that he was done and that there were no plans for him to return to the franchise again.

So are you disapointed that Nimoy is done, or do you think it’s a good thing for the new franchise to move forward on their own now?

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  • Grave

    Im in the minority of Star Trek Fans that hated the film not because they got youger actors or Kirk was wearing a black shirt. The film looked good but lacked substance. Not to mention the bullshit story of the alternate universe which is only a scape goat for changing things that shouldnt have changed with whatever event occured. But in any case Nimoy being done as Spock was inveitable. He played the role so many times for decades. Its time for him to enjoy the future without Star Trek.

  • LAgirl

    I think it was classy to have an original character like Leonard in the movie, but I think it’s time for the new cast to take over from there. Spock did a great job in the movie and I believe the new Spock will do great too. I hope Lenard stays on Fringe too. It might bring some more excitment to the show.

    • thematticus

      I didn’t think it was classy. I thought it was the opposite. It was blatant pandering by Abrams for credibility with the fans. It worked, and was a genius move. The premiere at the Alamo Drafthouse was awesome as well. They knew what they were doing with the marketing aspect.

  • Cinema Phreak

    I say it’s a great not to leave on and to keep him around would be gimicky, he has succesfully passed the torch to Zachary Quinto. Not to say I don’t trust that he could sucessfully be worked into a nother storyline but to what end. this next Trek movie should be a chance for them to spread their wings in their roles, torch sucessfully passed.

  • Thos

    I enjoyed the new Star Trek. Looking forward to seeing more of Nimoy in “Fringe”.

  • thematticus

    I am in the minority, I know, but I really think the new star trek was over rated. The time travel device could have worked, but the waiting around for years for the enterprise to appear hing was just dumb. Shaky cam has NOTHING on the annoyance of constant lens flares, and the Nimoy had no business showing up in that movie. I realize that the majority of people like the film, but I just don’t think it is nearly as good as people make it out to be.

    • thematticus

      And the’oral sensitivity’ line was just god awful.

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