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September 28, 2009

Movie Blogging: Pandorum

— Posted by John Campea

A couple of weeks ago I asked a PR rep for “Pandorum” when the press screenings for the movie were. This strip is “based” on an actual email exchange I had with them.


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  • Kristina

    If they were worried about the twist, they could have just asked reviewers not to reveal it. There have been plenty of instances where reviewers won’t reveal the ending or the big twist, so that’s not a viable excuse.

    • DM6

      Critics tend to mention that here is a twist in the film regardless.

  • Mikano94

    “Based” Yeah, cause every conversation I have with a service guy sounds just like this.

  • leeloo


  • “Julianstark”

    This was classic. Hilarious. This probably happened with Obsessed as well

  • Shane Hero

    I went in to a shop today and asked for them to give me a free iPod. I told them it was totally for their benefit, so I could go and tell everyone whether I liked it or not. The stupid jerks wouldn’t give me one, and said I had to pay like everyone else. Obviously because the iPod is shit and they have no faith in it. So now I’m telling everyone that iPod’s suck.

    Sorry, that was totally unrelated to the topic.

    • John

      Hey Shane Hero,

      There is a huge problem with your analogy. You’re not CNET, or Macworld, or PC Magazine. Tech companies DO send out review units of new stuff so that tech shows/magazines/podcasts/websites will talk about them.

      Also, with the movies, 95% of all movies screen for critics in advance, and in my very limited experience, whenever a movie has NOT screened for critics in advance, the movie has completely sucked. To me it’s obvious it’s because they have no faith that people will like it.

      Like I said, that’s just my experience so far.

      • bigsampson

        SO he does have a point…u are assuming….now your assumption is probly right but still u cant deny the fact that is a assumption.

      • Ty

        Um…actually john’s explanation makes perfect sense. Why the fuck would a company just give out ipod’s to try and boost sales when going to magazines and other tech promoters would be much more beneficial.

        Assumption or not, it makes the most sense.

      • John

        Here’s the thing Big Sampson,

        When you jump into a pool… do you assume you’re going to get wet? Obviously you do, because every experience you’ve had with that has had the same outcome. After enough repeated experiences, you’d be insane not to assume.

        Actually, the definition of insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting a different outcome.

        But it’s more. When you see a trailer and say “that looks good” or “that looks bad”, you’re making an assumption.

        Assumptions are not bad things when backed up by experience. Yes, keep an open mind and be willing to judge on its own merits… but use your common sense too.

  • Team Jacob Girl

    I’ve never understood why a movie wouldn’t want as much publicity as it can get? Doesn’t keeping it from press in advance mean less people will hear about it?

    • John

      Hey Team Jacob Girl,

      I don’t think keeping a movie from critics in advance mean less people will know about a movie. To me it just smells of a studio that has no faith in it and is certain that the critics (and people in general) won’t like it. So they try to keep that a secret until after opening weekend, when a movie makes most of its money.

  • Servant of Krom

    Fuck pandorum. What a waste of money.

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