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August 24, 2009

Jack Sparrow Hunting The Fountain Of Youth In Pirates 4

— Posted by John Campea

This will come as a surprise to absolutely no one… but it appears what we’ve all suspected (that the next Pirates of the Caribbean film will focus on a hunt and race for the mythical Fountain of Youth) may indeed be “fact”.

Jeff Wells over at Hollywood Elsewhere is reporting that an inside source of his has confirmed this to him.

The project is supposed to start shooting next year with a 2012 release date.

I HATED Pirates 3. Total absolute trash that continued the franchises downward spiral since the brilliance of the first film. I really do hope they can get this franchise back on track. Perhaps with the removal of Knighly and Bloom the film can focus more on the stronger characters of Sparoow and Barbosa. That alone should make the film 3x better.

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  • Kristina

    No more.

    I love Johnny, but enough is enough. This franchise ran (or sailed) itself into the ground. I’m done.

  • riggs

    as long as they keep away from captain jack tripping off of fucking stone crabs then ill go see it.

  • Tiglet

    You’re being a bit to harsh on the movie

    • SlashBeast

      I think he’s being too nice.

  • Andy D

    If the rumours of Russell Brand playing Jack Sparrows brother turn out to be true, I’ll be first in line to see this.

    T’would be a spot of brilliance in the casting department.

  • Stephen

    I loved the first movie. I dont recall much of the second, but the third pissed me off when they used Captn sparrow as a gag character. friggin idiots.

  • Kaneda979

    Hmm, the hunt for the Fountain of Youth, not very original if you ask me. But then again, it does fit with the series and it’s characters, so I guess it’s not all bad.

    I liked the first 2 movies allot, first one most of all. But I felt the 3rd one was just a huge, long, and pointless mess. I did love the part where Jack is trapped in the other plain of reality, that shit was just funny and crazy as hell. My girl friend bought it, just so we can have the whole series, I pop it in now and then just to watch that one part.

    I can stand to see another one, but only if it does just focus on Jack, or Jack and Barbosa, if the guy who played him does come back for another. And if the plot actually has purpose of story, unlike part 3.

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