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September 1, 2009

How Marvel Could Influence Disney

— Posted by John Campea

Ever since it was announced that Disney had bought Marvel, most of our discussion (understandably) has been about how much we think (or worry) Disney will influence Marvel.

Well… what if we asked the question in reverse? What would Disney look like if Marvel influences it instead?

An artist by the name of Jeffrey Thomas put some alternate art together of classic Disney characters. This, I imagine, is how they would probably look if Marvel has anything to say about it.




You can see more of this guy’s fantastic art over here.

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  • Price

    I have to agree with some of these neutral comments. Though the art work is brilliant, it seems quit out of place in both the Marvel and Disney realms. The characters that are being depicted are heroins, and good (in the right vs. wrong sense) to boot. These images show them to be more deranged and evil. I think a better example may be the recent art work done by Eric Shanower and Skottie Young in their telling of the Wizard of Oz, may be a better approximation. It has elements of the Marvel darkness with the villains but a softer edge on the heroin and her lot. Just my two cents.


  • Apocryphon

    Funny, I didn’t know that Marvel was producing mid-90s Image Comics/Top Cow bad girl exploitation books.

  • Lily

    Bad Marvel with this Disney Animations
    Bad Artist.
    I dont like it.

  • Kaneda979

    Looking at all the pics now thought from that blog, they seem more like Top Cow comic’s style the Marvel really.

    Just the pic of Snow White with the “demon” versions of the dwarfs around her reminds me so much of the Darkness comic.

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