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December 18, 2009

Home Theater 3D is Closer than we Thought

— Posted by Rodney

The world of 3D films has seen a HUGE boost over the last couple years and everytime we hear news of a film we are used to hearing the additional detail that it will be filmed for 3D.

Now it looks like we are closer than we thought to seeing this same technology at home as the details are released including an expected 2010 release on the technology.

EnGadget spills:

First, that the Blu-ray Disc Association has chosen the Multiview Video Coding (MVC) codec to store 3D, so that even though it is now providing a full 1080p frame for each eye, it will only require about 50% more storage space compared to the 2D version, and all discs will be fully backwards compatible, in 2D, on existing players. Better than backwards compatibility, the PlayStation 3 will be forwards compatible with the new discs — a new HDTV setup (the spec promises to work with plasmas, LCDs or projectors equally well) with IR emitters and glasses will still be necessary.

I have no doubt that the film distributors are already lining up their big blockbusters with a 3D version for Bluray, but fortunately it doesn’t mean a new edition. Bluray releases will be 3D capable.

Even better news is that this tech will just be an online update for Playstation 3 owners instead of having to buy another 3d enabled player for your home theater.

The next step is to find a way to do it without the glasses.

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  • Soggie G.

    Personally I don’t want to see 3D films at home. I would prefer to watch 3D if it was on a huge theater screen cause some of us don’t have the money for a huge 1080p Plasma Screen, and because of that the 3D looks terrible on my tv lol

  • WholeBlack

    If you do a search for 3-D t.v. on youtube, you’ll see a few next-gen televisions and apparently certain models won’t require any special glasses to see the effect.

  • Bernardg

    Now 3d, next time holographic imaging projector (they already using it on some events)

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