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September 1, 2009

Green Hornet Pushed Back To December 2010

— Posted by John Campea

There has already been more drama surrounding the production of “The Green Hornet” than most Oscar nominated film. The project had problems getting off the ground, then there was controversy over the fact that funny man Seth Rogen was going to be in the lead role, then the film lost it’s first director (Stephen Chow) and later lost his as their Kato.

Since then a new director has been attached (Michel Gondry) and a new Kato has been found (Jay Chou) and all seemed set for a summer of 2010 release. But now… those plans have gone out the window.

“The Green Hornet” has been pushed back 5 months to December of 2010. Rogen offers up the following explanation:

“It gives more time for post, which would have been immensely rushed if we were to come out in the summer. It also affords us more time to promote the film, (now we can go to Comic-Con with more than a car!) and ultimately is a great vote of confidence from the studio.”

So considering Rogen’s explanation for the delay, are you happy about the delay of the film? Upset by it? Or, do you care either way?

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  • Tim “Cloverfield”

    One can only hope it gets delayed….FOREVER! The Hornet is sacred, Rogen is simply….A HACK!


    It’s not a good idea for Seth to be the lead, this dude sucks. What is this? A comedy? His thing is stoner movies and shit like that.

  • Kaneda979

    On one hand, this thing has already taken FOREVER to get made, so having to wait a whole other year does kind of suck.

    But, they haven’t even started filming yet and with a 2010 summer release, that sucks even more.

    So I’m glad it was delayed, I just hope they actually do finally get this ball rolling.

  • Cinema Phreak

    I’m ok with the move, at least they are pushing it off for the right reasons, ultimately they want more time to make the movie better which is not a bad thing. At least they aren’t pushing it off so they can make more money like they did with harry potter.

  • 3R!C

    Meh, I’m sure Rogan can find another 20 films to come out in over the next year before the release.

  • David Lopan

    A lot of studios are just struggling with cash right now, thats really one of the main things. I mean even shutter island was pushed back due to money issues with the studios. The Green Hornet production team has actually been getting wardrobe from my company for the movie. I’m excited just to see our clothing on the big screen, ha!

  • Shane Hero

    Considering they haven’t actually begun production yet, none of these set-backs worry me at all. Lots of this stuff goes on with movies all the time before they begin, often we just don’t hear about it, or it’s not a big deal if the movie is unknown.

    I see no reason this movie couldn’t be good, and if what Rogen says is true, then maybe the studio does have confidence for a good reason.

    Of course, there’s also no way in the world Rogen would ever come out and say “The film is shaping up to be a complete disaster, the studio thinks it will be total shit, so they’re moving it to a release date they hope will lose them the least amount of money”.

  • herby

    Something interesting is happening with this film. With each set back, the more interested I am in seeing the final product.

  • Darek-T

    I don’t care that much.
    Though I guess it is a good move because it’ll give them more time to make a better movie and more time to promote it so people will go see it.
    And since it’s not coming out for a long time people won’t be mad about the delay.

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