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News Chat
September 17, 2009

Does X-Men: FIrst Class Have Its Cyclops Already?

— Posted by John Campea

As some of you may already know, Fox has been developing “X-Men: First Class” for some time now. The story would revolve around the first formation of the Xavier School For The Gifted and its inaugural batch of students (which go on to form the X-Men).

While the studio has yet to officially green light the movie, and while no director has been hired (or at least announced) one actor is claiming to already be cast in the movie.

Actor Tim Pocock (who played the young Scott Summer (aka Cyclops) in this summer’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”) has put up a post on his twitter account that claims he is indeed in the First Class movie:

“Currently shooting Australian TV series till February 2010…then X-Men: First Class.“

Is this a young actor just getting ahead of himself, or do you thin kFox is really set to move forward with this project? (source: Fused Film)

UPDATE: Pocock retweeted the following clarifying that his First Class update was a “cruel prank”

victim of cruel prank.last tweet=NOT me.AM filming Aussie show official word on XM:FC but am interested.please post retraction.

Via ScreenRant

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  • AB

    I guess, the guy looks like Cyclops when he was a teen. oh well i can wait to see how fox screws up this movie if they green light it.

  • Rob

    Yo…cyclops needs his own side movie called X-Men Origins: Cyclops.

    And then make a prequel to that movie titled X-Men Origins / Look Who is Talking: Cyclops, The Baby Chronicles

    Baby Cyclops will be voiced by Bruce Willis. Jean Grey will be in it too as “Baby Phoenix”, who will be voiced by Roseanne Barr.

    *ahem* (movie trailer voice)

    “This summer, the babies are jumping the crib…and saving THE WORLD….one milk bottle at a time.”

    See what Fox is doing there? They got the Comic fans…ANNNDDDD they got the “girls who love baby movies” fans. That’s at least 500 million opening weekend.

  • James

    This would DEFINITELY be the Tweet of the week if it weren’t for Obama’s

    “Kanye is a jackass” Tweet

    • James

      Im sorry about the tripple comment but-

      BY THE WAY….Kanye West IS a jackass and I want to fucking punch him in the head

  • James

    No, its bullshit.

    He WILL be Cyclops in First Class and the crew didnt like him talking about it, hes an idiot for Tweeting about it, so they told him to Tweet again to make sure people would think it was a joke

    Fair and simple. He thought he could talk about it, and he did.
    And now they wanna cover it up.

  • Darren J Seeley

    I’m glad this was a prank and/or wishful thinking on the actor’s part. I’m not sure Fox should roll out First Class to begin with myself unless it focuses more on characters other than young Cyclops, Beast, Jean Grey and Storm…who are delegated to cameos at best.

    Otherwise, the film project is even more limiting than Wolverine was. We have five to six characters who are never entirely in jeopardy. (Prof X and Magneto being the other two)

    If FC does proceed the roster could include Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey or Storm- but it cannot be those four together.

  • Dragonslayer


  • Joey

    It’s so sad to see the X-Men franchise degrade into shameless, mediocre, money grabbing sequels. I saw Wolverine the other day for the first time and I know that if I was Mr. Singer I would be appalled to see that the great groundwork I had put in had been wasted. Now if Mr. Singer came back on board and restored some dignity to the series, I would be interested. But it seems like Fox is satisfied with resting on the laurels of the first 2 movies, while greenlighting direct to DVD quality sequels and watching the profits roll in.

    • Rodney

      All movies are made for the money, and all sequels are made to further exploit the popularity for money.

      Its not shameless.

      • Darren J Seeley

        Not yet, anyway :)

  • Ty

    Idk the guy…so who knows if he’s the sarcastic, ambitious type…

    But I don’t see why not :-)

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