Bryan Singer Could Return To X-Men

It was with a heavy heart that I first heard Bryan Singer wasn’t going to come back to direct X-Men 3. He had single handedly resurrected the Comic Book movie genre with his first 2 X-Men efforts (I still think X-Men 2 is the best comic book movie ever made), and then handed the franchise off to lesser hands. Don’t get me wrong, I still got a a bit of a kick out of X-Men 3, but it was obviously the worst of the franchise. Oh what could have been!

Well… maybe we’ll get to know what could have been after all. Variety is reporting that Singer is considering going back to the X-Men universe to direct the spinoff “X-Men: First Class”, a project that would focus on some of the lesser known youngsters from Xavier’s School for the Gifted.

I’ve never been really big on the idea of First Class… but if Singer does in fact end up signing up for it, that would change my mind VERY quick.

Would Bryan Singer coming back change your excitement level for a X-Men: First Class flick?

  • Plan 9

    Won’t matter. 3rd superhero/sci-fi sequels never work. Some reboots are expections, but they aren’t really sequels….

  • 1-7

    I’ve lost all faith in Singer “resurrecting” franchises after Superman Returns.

    • thematticus

      Dude screwed up one time. Can’t you give him another chance. Granted, that superman has a kid thing was shark-jumpingly retarded, but everyone deserves another chance. IMO opinion he has had one failure and a lot of success.

    • 1-7

      Apologists give second chances. I don’t.

  • obi-wan kubrick

    I agree that Singer resurrected comic book films and that X-2 is maybe the best comic book film. I would prefer him doing the real X-Men 3.

  • Kaneda979

    “I’ve never been really big on the idea of First Class… but if Singer does in fact end up signing up for it, that would change my mind VERY quick.”

    LOL, you took the words right out of my mouth John.

    Hopefully he will come back. But even if he doesn’t, it’s atleast a nice feeling at the moment that we might have a chance to see an actual good X-Men movie again. Even if Fox does refuses to do a more “true” version of the X-Men.

  • Tobias Tzfanya

    Actually, I found the X-Men films uniformly uninspiring - so much so that I can’t remember all that much from the first three and have totally let the Wolverine one pass me by. Think I’ll do the same for this one as well.

  • SlashBeast

    I liked Wolverine and Wolverine 2, oops! er… I mean X-Men and X-Men 2. But this new X-Men idea sounds interesting and (almost) any director is better than B-Rat.

    • thematticus

      True, true. Everything this man just said is true.

  • Darren J Seeley

    I’m a little curious here…what makes us think it is “X-Men: First Class”? Nobody wants a reunion with his ‘Usual Suspects’ scribe Chris McQuarrie who just happens to be writing Wolverine II?

    In any case, if Singer does choose ‘First Class’, I would like to see the aftermath of ‘X-Men The Last Stand’ where a new group of students are focused on. Also, I would like the timeline slightly different from that of some of the past X films where the first three had a three year span apart but movie wise it was a few months. Bringing the timeline by six to seven years (Last Stand was released in 2006; First Class could be 2011 or 2012) could do the following:

    1) While it’s possible that Professor X is still alive, Magneto slowly gets his powers back, they find a clone of Jean Grey (Maddy Prior) and Cyclops is not as dead as we once thought…
    let’s just say this with Storm and Logan being the only senior members (Beast has a political liaison post) there needs to be “new teachers”.

    Thus any of the “grads” can take over as teachers: Iceman, Rogue, Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, Angel, maybe Colossus.

    2) Should Nightcrawler return? Only if recast. Not that Alan Cumming wasn’t great, he was. But from the interviews I read, Cumming didn’t want to reprise the role. Personally, I’d like to see the character return.. in X-Men :Exaclibur if it ever comes to pass.

    3) I would like to see Mr. Sinister and/or Apocalypse. Maybe a hint of The Brood.

    4) A redemption of Magneto.

    5) I will now pass this joint…

  • leeloo

    pretty sure i read that the marvel guy kevin feige said that first class would be about the original x-men when they became the first students of prof x.

  • Don

    I did not think that Superman returns was that good.
    (1) Superman stalking Lois Lane with her new boyfriend at there house. Remember he was outside the house flying and listeing and seeing with his super hearing and vision to Private conversations.

    (2) Superman and Lois Lane had a son and he also has superpowers. Did not like this story line at all.
    (3) Lex Luthor, scam to make ugly crystal new landmass. Who in the hell want to buy that??