A Third “3 Men And A Baby” Movie Coming

You know what… hold on a second. I think I actually like this idea.

It’s been almost 20 years since the last “3 Men and a Baby” movie. When the first film came out, it had 3 of the hottest stars in the business (Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson and Tom Selleck… I told you it was a LONG time ago). The three of them aren’t really doing all that much these days… so why not another film.

AMC is reporting that there are now plans for another sequel to be called “3 Men and a Bride” and to be honest I think the story sounds like it has promise.

Taking place nearly twenty years after the sequel “3 Men and a Little Lady” (which I remember watching in the theater in first grade, hence the feeling old), the film will apparently be titled “3 Men and a Bride” and reunite Guttenberg and co-stars Ted Danson and Tom Selleck as they prepare to give their now fully grown daughter away.

So color me optimistic. I think this has a lot of promise. I also hope Leonard Nimoy (yes… THAT Leonard Nimoy) comes back to direct like he did for the original… he didn’t do the sequel).

What do you think?

About John Campea

who has written 0 posts on The Movie Blog

  • 420BAND

    SOUNDS INTERESTING, as other have said Danson Rocks in Curb, and now has Bored to death on his roster as well, Seleck is always cool, Steve is the only question mark on this Where has he been?

    Sounds like 3 fathers of the bride sort of thing…

    • David Lopan

      Guttenberg did do Veronica Mars for a while.

  • Josh

    I wonder if the ghost will be back for this one. I haven’t seen him in anything in a while either.

  • TDot

    You guys know that Steve Guttenberg has been BATSHITCRAZY for sometime now right?

    Dude is jacked on roids and flipping out, google it, you will see some interesting things, like a recent jog through central park with no pants on.

    Im not even kidding

    • PMAN

      The jogging thing was a stunt he did for the Funny or Die web site.

    • Slushie Man

      Who cares? As long as he acts good on-screen, I don’t give a shit about an actor’s personal life.

    • Reuben Agboola

      I googled Steve Guttenberg and it just took me straight to the Stone Cutters website….What gives?….

  • Derek 8-Track

    No wonder the sequel sucks so much, Nimoy wasn’t directing, just kidding.
    This is a great idea by the way. I miss ol’ Steve Guttenberg. I feel like he and Tom Hanks should be at the same level… it just never quite worked out for Guttenberg.