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The Movie Blog T-Shirts Inspired by You

By Rodney - December 29, 2009 - 13:39 America/Montreal

The New TMB will be built around the sense of community. It was you guys that make this site worth doing, so we want to make sure you can partipate as much as possible.

With that in mind, I have made some TShirt designs that we can share with you:

The site logo for those just wanting a symbol of the Community
The Movie Blog Shirt here!

This one was inspired by a comment by longtime International Friend James (Hazmat) who confessed “This site keeps me away from porn and drugs” so I made him this shirt:
TMB Antridrug Shirt here!

And lastly, some longtime readers might recall a sacred rule around here where TMB Alum Doug made a bet on a podcast saying he would “fuck a squash” if Wild Hogs took #1 at the boxoffice that weekend. Well.. it did. Now we will never forget the potential of a family friendly film on boxoffice results.
Remember the Squash Shirt here!

If you have ideas for a shirt you want to see made that somehow relates to the site (be sensitive of copyrights) make sure to let us know.

If you want merchandise to be available to the International Friends, we can make that happen.


  1. Rob says:

    You should put a link up in the nav that directs to the store.

  2. Derek 8-Track says:

    I remember Brandon Rouths dick n balls being the subject of much conversation on this site. were there any great quotes or one liners that came out of those conversations?

  3. Matt Keith says:

    LMAO @”Remember The Squash”

  4. MBUncut says:

    Anyone remember when it was first announced that Swayze had cancer? Doug Nagy’s rant? I want a shirt of that.

  5. thematticus says:

    The anti-drug shirt is priceless

  6. meli says:

    These are cool especially 2 and 3.

  7. aaron leaman says:

    Anti Drug one, can you make in XXS?

  8. gene czech says:

    can you make a 5x size? i love this site a t shirt would be nice.

  9. Slushie Man says:

    You could have one that’s all black, with green Matrix-like font that says ‘What is The Movie Blog?’ then on the back have the website address in the same Matrix-like font. not sure if that would breech copyright issues or not, but I don’t think it would.

  10. Dragonslayer says:

    “Remember the squash.”

    We shall never forget.

  11. Darek-T says:

    I NEEEEED a squash shirt!!!

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