‘The Karate Kid’ Trailer Arrives

Not THAT Karate Kid, the remake. I swear if they don’t say “Sweep the leg” I will be disappointed. COBRA KAI FOREVER. “Put him in a body bag, Johnny, yeah!”

Ok we lost sand the floor and paint the fence for “Take off your jacket”.

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39 Responses to “‘The Karate Kid’ Trailer Arrives”
  1. jmoney says:

    All i have to say is ” WHY”.

    • Brock says:

      I have to agree with you

    • cloud720 says:

      I’ll tell you why. Its because his dad is will smith. How could would it be if you were 10 and got to do a movie where you did karate? It would be fucking awesome.

      On its on no one would probably see that movie about a 10 year old learning karate. Attach the karate kid name and you probably have enough of a built in audience that you won’t lose any money.

      Will smith is the coolest dad ever.

      • cloud720 says:

        “How cool would it be” not” how could would it be”.

      • Rodney says:

        If they just had a movie about a kid learning Martial Arts from an unsuspecting new friend it would just be called a ripoff of The Karate Kid. At least as a remake they have permission to be a ripoff.


    • Cole says:

      The real question should be “Whats the rush?”

      First off, it’s not Karate, it’s CHINESE KUNG FU. But if Jackie Chan can overlook it then I guess we should too.


      How old exactly is Will Smiths kid? He’s not a bad choice because he’s a celebrity child, but because he looks like a little kid. So how the hell is he going to sell the “King Ass for Love” storyline? Why not wait 5 years and make it (groan) “believable”.

  2. Rodney says:

    “Ok we lost sand the floor and paint the fence for “Take off your jacket”.”

    That might be better than building a new frachise around the phrase “Wax off”

    Oh the juvenile giggles that brought in the 80s!

    • Steve L. says:

      LOL, Rodney it still brings juvenile giggles to this day sir!

      I’m on the fence on this one. I’m a fan on the 80’s version but it also has some seriously campy things going for it. One being Ralph Macchio. At least the focus on the kung fu in this version actually has some real kung fu!

    • Cole says:

      Whats the complaint? Waxing off and Jacket off still seem to be maintaining the deliciously dirty coming of age dialog from the original.

  3. Al says:

    sigh……jackie chan, my idol, i am so disappointed in you. im starting to lose faith in you buddy.

  4. Alex Schopp says:

    Honestly, that trailer is a lot better than i expected it to be. This movie will never live up to the original, we all know that, but i’m not completely irritated by the fact this is getting remade like i was before i saw the trailer. I don’t see this one becoming a classic like the original one is to us, but it still looks watchable.

    It’s definitely not worth the pure disgust that so many people are showing towards it.

    • chris...the real one says:

      is it nostalgia that makes u think it wont live up to the original..looking back on the old karate kid, it wasnt that good at all…not tryin to clown, im the same way with the original transformers and gi joe cartoon movies.

  5. Ken says:

    Because i idolize jackie chan to highest,an watch just about anything he’s in,i’ll watch this, but the movie trailer didn’t excite me much.also jaden(dre)is so young. at that age most kids get roughed up,but u more of go to the local ymca, take a boxing lesson or two than go all out honing your kung fu skills for school bullys. ~imo.

  6. Iam Wright says:

    My only problem with this film is the age of Smith. With it being a kid, I just can not take this trailer (and film) seriously. Its even worse that trailer is trying to be serious till the end. Only reason to watch is for Jackie Chan

    • Rodney says:

      Well he is fighting other kids around his age. So it makes sense.

      The part that bothers me about the Karate Kid films has always been his rapid ascent into martial arts mastery. But then thats the gimmick of the film, so you either want to watch it or you dont.

      • Cole says:

        Maybe you should check out the trailer again because it seems like EVERY kid (including the girls) were bigger than him. I paused it at 1:39 and that “kid” has a good 8″ on him.

        I know the original Karate Kid had skinny old Danny fighting bigger opponents too, but there’s a HUGE difference between fighting a bunch of cornbread “frat-karate” whiteboys and chinese kung-fu students who studied their entire lives.

  7. Astrocreep says:

    *yawn* looks pretty lame.

  8. bill says:

    Though the flyswatter/chopsticks bit was kind of funny, paying homage to the original, but making it their own bit

  9. epic8619 says:

    Jackie’s goatee makes him look like he’d play a good villain in another movie.

  10. duck says:

    I like that they taking the “Karate” kid to China. Does Jackie Chan play a Japanese Guy or something? I know all slanty eyed asian dudes are all the same, but it would be odd if no karate is actually in the movie called the karate kid. People for the Ethical Treatment of The Way of the Empty Hand (PETWEH) will be up in hands about it! Maybe it is like fusion cuisine. Like Chinese Karate, or Canadian Muay Thai, or Egyptian Pizza, Sushi enchiladas etc. This movie is very promising in this way. Jaden could beat those sorry kung fu pandas with some capoeira moves using a fly swatter. Then spit out “Heell, Nah” while putting on his Prada jacket.

  11. chris...the real one says:

    meh…doesnt look all that bad. looking back on the original, that was crappy as well….first black kung fu kid since the last dragon so ill stay a lil optimistic…

  12. yamo says:

    Put this movie in a body bag, Johnny, yeah!

    • Mike says:

      Nice. :-)

      Ten year old boys will eat this up… but I think they should have called it something else.

      The coolest part of the trailer was “Rememeber the Name” by Fort Minor (Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park). I love the chorus of that song.

  13. MyCoolNice says:

    Stop being a baby people. If you love the 80’s version go buy it. Give jaden and jackie a chance for goodness sakes. Jackie is a legend, arguably the greatest action/martial artist star of all time. Jaden just might do good job, heck! he just might grow up and be a bigger movie star than his father….naahh. Im looking forward to the movie just because jackie is in it. If he was’nt, I would probably wait until it comes on netflix and watch it on my ps3.

  14. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, wow…

    He’s teaching the kid Kung Fu, not Karate, plus the Kung Fu Kid sounds better to me. But like you said, this way they can say it’s not a ripoff, even though it is?

    Bad title choice aside, the Kung Fu lover in me kind of wants to see this, and I’m still a big Jackie Chan fan. I’m sure I’ll rent it on DVD at some point. But I think the kid is too young, only makes me think this is going to be a lame kids flick with Martial Arts in it more then anything. Surf Ninjas anyone?!

    I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt for now, til I see more trailers.

  15. dax says:

    THis could be a very big hit with the kids. It’s like the 3 NInjas movies which featured very young kids doing martial arts and getting trained by a kung fu master. Kids love these types of films, and there hasn’t been one in a while.

  16. Darren J Seeley says:

    At one point the remake was named Kung Fu Kid. But they wanted to keep the “brand name” so it’s back to The Karate Kid.
    Sounds better I guess than Tae Kwon Do Kid or the Jiu-Jistu Kid.
    Freestyle Kid…? Hmmm…MMA Kid….hmmm…oh, what the hell.
    Anyway, perhaps Chan’s Miyagi knows kung fu and karate, so he teaches Danny karate.

    Am I excited about the film? No.
    Do I think the young set will be thrilled about the film? No.

    That’s right. No.

    Savaged by critics? Yes.
    About ready to wax off? You bet.

  17. Hertje Zollner says:

    they should call it the Disney McDonalds Microsoft Scientology Nobody Freakin Cares about Chinese Culture Kid!!

  18. HDpunk says:

    it seems too serious… & the whole jacket thing looks terrible

  19. EZELL says:

    Never Back Down anyone see that? It was a modernized Karate Kid and was pretty damb good

  20. yamo says:

    I don’t know if it’s just me,but don’t Jaden Smith looks like Riley Freeman off the Boondocks on Adult Swim?

  21. Chris says:

    The Lil’ Gansta’ Ninjuhh

    This looks pretty silly as well. Why on earth was this movie made.

  22. 420BAND says:

    give me the whole catching the fly with chop sticks thing and I might give it a go…

    Sidenote: Elizabeth Shue is STILL hot!

  23. Cap'n Pickle says:

    This is a big pass for me. As for my kids, I’ll just show them the original.

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