The First Avenger: Captain America to film in June

I was starting to wonder when we were going to get news about The First Avenger: Captain America. Well it seems that it is out of deveolpment and on course to be released in summer 2011.

ScreenCrave says:

In the middle of an interview with the director, an interesting piece of info was picked up regarding the film’s time line.

“By the time I got on a plane and arrived, it was three,” recalls Johnston, speaking from the art department of THE FIRST AVENGER: CAPTAIN AMERICA, which he’s readying for a June start. “But at that point, what kind of difference can a week make?”

Since Johnston is dealing with the pre-production details of the film, it’s safe to say it’s out of the development stage.

This is exciting indeed. We have Iron Man 2 around the corner, news flowing like rivers about Thor, and Captain America is still slated for a summer 2011 release! And that means that Avengers is right on its heels!

Now casting news is sure to come for Cap himself. I still think Matthew McConaughey could do it, but won’t be surprised if Sam Worthington gets it.

That Hansel… he’s so hot right now.

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71 Responses to “The First Avenger: Captain America to film in June”
  1. Ed Pascale says:

    Nathan Fillion for Captain America, Lolz.

    I understand if that is ridiculous.

    Can’t wait to hear who they get though.

    • WholeBlack says:

      No, because Fillion is perfect for “The Greatest American Hero” as mentioned on this site before.

      • Slushie Man says:

        Obviously he was joking, no need to take it so seriously.

      • WholeBlack says:

        I didn’t take it serious because I saw that he typed “Lolz,” I just made a follow up statement anyway. I don’t need that explained to me.

  2. DirkAnger says:

    After seeing Aaron Eckhart in a pretty cool military uniform from the set of Battle: Los Angeles I gotta admit that I think he could fit the bill of Cap rather nicely. Somebody in their early 20s as Cap would look kinda phoney leading all the alpha personalities on the Avengers.

  3. ADOX says:

    Is that a zoolander joke? I vote worthington, for all other movies too.

  4. BobaFett says:

    Captain America should be Michael C. Hall, but will probably end up being Brad Pitt.

  5. Persiflage says:

    Ron Livingston

  6. Matt Keith says:

    Aaron Eckhart.

    • Matt Keith says:

      I hope Worthington doesn’t get the part. Don’t get me wrong I think hes a great actor, but I prefer an American be cast as a character that’s supposed to represent America.

      PS: Don’t even try to use the “Bale is Welsh” issue because Batman doesn’t represent America, Captain AMERICA(pretty self-explanatory) does.

      • Slushie Man says:

        You’re right, cause there are no Americans that have foreign accents AT ALL.

      • Matt Keith says:

        American born actors smartass.

      • Rodney says:

        And there are no foreign actors that can convincingly sound and “look” american at all.

        That’s just inconcievable.

      • Matt Keith says:

        Ok Rodney, well when they have an American actor portray Canadian Man(or whoever represents Canada), then it’ll be OK.

        PS: Don’t try and use Wolverine as an example, because hes just a superhero who happens to be Canadian. He doesn’t represent anything.

        Capt. America represents America and symbol of patriotism, which is something our dumbed down society has forgotten with their facebook and myspace pages.

      • Rodney says:

        Matt, as long as he looked like and sounded like that character, then I have no problem with it.

        If Race is not essential to the core and spirit of the character, there is no reason another actor can’t do it.

        If they had an American black man playing “The Prime Minister” that’s fine. Means nothing. But if they get a black guy to play “Vanilla Ice - The most popular white rapper in the 90s” then it just doesn’t make sense.

        Actors are pretending to be something they are not. That is what they do. So who cares if an actor was born in South Africa if he can pull off a very convincing Captain America. As long as he acts American, and embodies the role. If an Australian who happens to look like Steve Rogers can drop the accent and act like Steve Rogers, then I am in.

        Kingpin was a giant white sumo wrestler, and they got a Black bouncer to play him. It worked. Halle Berry played Catwoman and it wasn’t that she was black that made that movie suck.

        And for the record, a lot of us Canadian Comic book geeks hold very dear to the fact that Wolverine (easily one of the most popular characters in an American comic book company) is Canadian. And he was played by an Australlian. No one cared. He did a good job with it. You cannot disqualify him because he doesnt “represent Canada” If they made an Alpha Flight movie I wouldnt care if no Canadians were cast, just that the roles were portrayed properly.

        Captain America represents America? Well isn’t America known for its multiculturalism, and attracting people from all over the world to come live the “American Dream”? So its only ok to “be American” if you are white and born here? The rest can just pretend to become American?

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        Being born/raised in the US should not be a requirement to land the role; being the best actor for the part is.

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        Besides, if we ***really*** wanted to be this strict on “he must be American” then should the casting directors look for A Native American?


  7. Chris says:

    I don’t think its relevant if the actor playing the Cap will be American. Just get someone who won’t have a strong accent that’s not American.

  8. Toshio says:

    i thought its gonna be will smith? ;)

  9. M says:

    I vote for, and always will…vote for, Paul Walker.

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      same here, I just hope he can keep up with RDJs acting. he sure would look the part though, especially if he bulked up.

    • thematticus says:

      Disagree. We need someone who can actually act. Very few people would take this seriously. He has the look, I’ll give you that, but he can’t hang with RJD.

      • Derek 8-Track says:

        I agree, i think his acting would be the only thing holding him back. which is vital to the success of the movie.

      • BobaFett says:

        I think PW’s problem is his choices of scripts. He was excellent in Running Scared. About 15 lbs of muscle and he could be the man as well. I still want to see Michael C Hall in the role though.

        He CAN act. Also, if you watch the way that Dexter is filmed, and his posture changes when he’s not “hunting” it amazing even though nothing has changed in his “costume”.

      • Ifaz says:

        Hey BobaFett, completely agree with you. He was awesome in Running Scared(and The Lazarus Project).

        My vote is and always will be Paul Walker. But he needs to act better ’cause he’s alongside RDJ.

  10. MichoPower says:

    “An American actor that can represent America.” Dude, look what they did to GI Joe! Do you actually think the studio cares if Captain AMERICA is an actual AMERICAN…Uhh No!!!

  11. HDpunk says:

    anyone else think Sam Worthington is too young(33) or too young looking for the role of cap? also hes an Aussie…

    i dont know if hes right for the part, but its easier to picture Aaron Eckhart as Captain America

    • thematticus says:

      Naw. His accent isn’t great though. It was incredibly distracting in Terminater how he kept going in and out of the Australian accent.

  12. James (Haz) says:

    Everytime someone says “The actor must be the same race as the character!”
    It makes me want to fucking slam my head against my tv until my brains are glued to the back of the wall

    • Matt Keith says:

      So, would you do that if RDJ was cast as Obama in a film?

      • thematticus says:

        Read Rodneys comment above - it doesn’t make sense to have a white actor play a Obama, who is a real person. The thing is, if Worthington was captain america and did an american accent, you wouldn’t know that he wasn’t american. I agree with Haz on this one, this is frustrating to think people get this bent out of shape over something that ultimately doesn’t change the character one bit.

      • James (Haz) says:

        Its ACTING. The actor never has to be the same as his character, which is why its called acting.
        I doubt Downey could ever pull it off but, if he can magically play obama with make-up CONVINCINGLY (good acting) i dont see what would be wrong with that (black people though… WOULD be pissed)

        But thats not what i was talking about.

        I was referring to people saying that actor that plays cap must be american. To that i simply say; its ACTING

        Like thematticus, i would love to see Worthington as cap, hes from Australia and so far he has played 3 roles in which he is American

      • James (Haz) says:

        Ok i just read the rodney/matt keith/darren comment trend that was going on up there.


        …i think that some roles are so important (powerful maybe?) like Obama, Martin Luther King, Captain America… maybe theres an argument that the actor should be the same race so that the people represented by said character dont get pissed off
        I mean i see how people could say that, and 20% of me agrees…
        like i get it… how it would be weird having a canadian playing cap when you compare it to like… obama and a white guy

        Its a hard call matt, youve got a good point but i still have to lean towards the whole “its acting” argument because Cap isn a REAL american hero but a comic book character
        if he was like… Ghundy or something.. then i would give it more of a though

        (btw didnt liam neeson play ghundy??)

      • Matt Keith says:

        ” hes from Australia and so far he has played 3 roles in which he is American”

        Yes but, none that are a symbol for American patriotism.

        Why not cast an Iranian to play an Israeli culture icon.

      • Rodney says:

        When Ben Kingsley played Ghandi, no one cared.

      • Ifaz says:

        Hey Matt and others, not trying to piss u off but it’s ironic[imo] that RDJ played a black guy before in Tropic Thunder.

        @James: Dude, liam neeson played Gandhi? You really need to check out imdb, LOL.

        I agree with James and Rodney and others. But Matt’s got a point, patriotism is a fact in this case.(Trying not to be political).

      • Matt Keith says:

        “Hey Matt and others, not trying to piss u off but it’s ironic[imo] that RDJ played a black guy before in Tropic Thunder.”

        That’s why I sarcastically voted him to play Obama.

  13. Lawrence says:

    My Casting Suggestion for the Captain America movie :

    Channing Tatum or John Cena or Matt Damon or Sam Worthington as Steve Rogers/Captain America.

    Jake Gyllenhaal or Joseph Gordon Levitt as Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier

    Rachel Nichols as Sharon Carter

    Ralph Fiennes or Jackie Earle Haley or Willem Dafoe as The Red Skull

    Ray Park as Crossbones

    with cameos by Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark/Iron Man), Ed Norton (Bruce Banner/Hulk), Sam Jackson(Nick Fury) and Chris Hemsworth(Donald Blake/Thor) and the obligatory Stan Lee cameo.

    • Rodney says:

      I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to your list until you included John Cena in there like he was an actor or something.

      You have some good suggestions in there, but a wrestler in a movie where everyone wonders who will have to the stones to play off of Robert Downey Jr?

  14. Alex(Name Pending) says:

    In no particular order: Paul Walker, Sam Worthington, or Chris Pine.

  15. Lawrence says:

    Paul Walker’s another good choice for Cap. I read somewhere that he was rumored to be one of the frontrunners for the title role. Hope they’d include the “Winter Soldier” storyline in potential sequels (if there are plans ).

    • Anti-Septic says:

      I always felt Paul Walker has the classic look to play Captain America, and he is the right size but would have to add 10-15 pounds of muscle for the role. He is a decent enough actor, he is kinda like Nic Cage in the sense he has done some really good stuff and also some really terrible stuff.

      I would be in favor of Paul Walker as Cap.

  16. Roman says:

    A Team - Chris Pine / Sam Worthington / Matt Damon

    B Team - Aron Ekhart (spell) / Brad Pitt / Zack Effron (young Steve before Serum)

  17. Derek 8-Track says:

    I like all this Chris Pine talk. He never occurred to me till recently. We know he can carry a big budget movie. he just needs to bulk up a bit.

    I still prefer Paul Walker though, even though I don’t think he has the acting chops to carry a movie like this.

    • Alex(Name Pending) says:

      Why would someone that you don’t think can act the part be your prefered choice?

      I think he could actually do it. I think he could surprise a lot of people.

      That being said, after our discussions, I think Worthington is my favorite right now. We know he can carry an action/fantasy/epic movie (Terminator, Avatar, Clash of the Titans (hopefully..)). And he has a really good personality for the role i think. Just needs to bulk up. Maybe grow a couple inches..

      • Derek 8-Track says:

        because Paul Walker has that all american look to him. i think he gets it from Pleasantville. plus for the obvious reason that our friend group thinks he’s so darn dreamy.

        wanna hit up that chinatown buffet when you get off work?

      • Alex(Name Pending) says:

        Dang it. I wish i wouldn’t have eaten so late. I just got back from lunch. I don’t know if i’ll be able to get hungry enough for that tonight. Tomorrow?

  18. tripp van easille says:

    Great to hear of the progress (finally!) on the”Cap” flick! DC needs to play serious ‘catch-up’ and have some huge news to release as per the January 2010 teaser. The talk of Cap being played by a culturally diverse actor is crap. Put the “politically correct” crap to the side and just tell the story as it was crafted by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon!

  19. liendre says:

    i’ll always thought Michael C Hall AKA Dexter would be a smart choice. He can act and I can realy see him behind the mask

    • BobaFett says:


      Another obscure choice, Joshua Jackson from Fringe as Bucky. (He’d need to get in shape but he would be better than Paul Walker as far as acting talent.)

  20. Lawrence says:

    DC is going to be hard pressed to match Marvel’s ploy of “feature individual characters first and culminating into a team flick” game plan. Hope their highly touted January announcement is more than enough to match Marvel’s plans.

    • BobaFett says:

      My hope:

      Green Lantern 2011
      Batman 7 2012
      Wonder Woman 2012
      Superman 7 2013

      Justice League / Crisis 2014 Potential Problem Budget!

  21. tripp van easille says:

    I agree with Lawrence, DC really has to step its game in a BIG way. Other than the Batman franchise it has been anemic and weak in its output. SR was (as has been repeated ad nauseum…) a “tribute” that left most liking but wanting more. If James cameron can dedicate time and patience to pull off AVATAR in the vision he saw, DC can do it-if it has the cajones and the will. No more “safe” films, take the bull by the horns. WATCHMEN was great but had limited appeal. I have high hopes for Green Lantern. Reboot the Man of Steel, do the 3rd Nolan Batman, then, Justice League. The technology will be even more cinema-friendly to craft a quality and impressive product. Git ‘er done!

  22. Travesimo says:

    I would like to see Matt Damon bulk up a bit and play Cap. I think he would do a fine job.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Well he is too short for one, and his thick Bostonian accent wouldn’t do well for Cap I think.

    • tzaylor says:

      that’s a great suggestion
      Damon has the size to pull it off, the acting chops, and the look. He would be perfect.

      Height doesn’t matter, you never notice how short tom cruise is, they can work around it.

      I doubt he would do it, but he would rock it.

  23. ChrisK says:

    No no no NOT Matthew McConaughey, he is not Cap, not in any way shape or form. Chris Pine I could handle, even Worthington has a better look for Cap than McConaughey does. That would be the worst casting EVER. Even that dude from Stealth, Josh Lucas would be better. Please movie gods, do not let this happen. Not to Cap.

  24. 420BAND says:

    Hope they dont shit on this and get some stupid wrestler… Sam is 1st choice.

    hoping this will be awesome..

  25. 420BAND says:

    Josh Lucas is a shitty clone of Bradley Cooper (Jock lookin assholes) he screwed up the first Hulk like that clown from Nip/tuck screwed up Dr. Doom..

    keep him away

    • BobaFett says:

      Christian McMahon is great in Nip/Tuck because he’s playing himself…and sucks in everything, because he can’t act

  26. tzaylor says:

    You know that dude that played Chris Pine/Captain Kirk’s Dad in Star Trek? I heard a rumour that he was considered. I loved his 5 minutes in Star Trek. I think there is a lot to be said for unknown actors stepping into a big role. They really become the character and it’s so easy to belive the role.

    That being said, any actor who really nails the part can make it beleivable, it’s just easier to beleive an unknown who nails it.

    • Rodney says:

      That dude’s name is Chris Hemsworth. And he is currently staring in Marvel’s Thor as the title character.

      I never heard he was considered for Cap, but I like him better as Thor.

  27. Ryan says:

    Matthew McCaughehey = no way I go see it. Sorry, but I’m just not that interested. Not sure I’d want to pay to see Aaron Eckhart do it, either. I like him as an actor… in supporting roles (which shouldn’t be insulting, I just think he’s a better character actor than a major hollywood lead - he lacks screen presence).

    I’d probably see it if Sam Worthington were cast. Michael C. Hall is an intriguing choice, but on the whole I don’t think he’d be especially good in that kind of a role. Brad Pitt? Hell no. Hell no x2 for Ryan Reynolds.

    I’d go see *anything* with Nathan Fillion… I’m so freaking happy he’s finally taken off with Castle… what an immense talent… but still doubt he’d get the part. (He should have been Green Lantern, but now I’ll be happy to save my $10 movie ticket, because I wouldn’t go see Ryan Reynolds in that movie if it were for freaking free).

    Personally, I think a studio would be best served to cast someone new or newish in the role, with talent and screen presence. There’s a lot of people who fit that bill.

  28. Roman says:

    I’ve Got It, Thomas Jane he would totally be Captain America! No one remembers Punisher so he could slide right on in, Acting Chops, Blonde, Body type, Stage Presence, Natural Leader, and can Carry a big role

  29. 420BAND says:

    Srew all this “has to be american” crap!

    When you see U.S. soldiers of all different cultural backgrounds fightin’ in Iraq and abroad I say Were all American…

    Unless we cast a full-blooded Seminole, he’s never going to be “Full Blown” american.

    so this is all kinda silly

  30. 420BAND says:

    screw not srew..

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