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The Dark Knight is Confused Rap

By Brock - December 31, 2009 - 11:24 America/Montreal

Ok this is just damn funny. Batman rapping about plot holes in “The Dark Knight.” Thanks to College Humor!


  1. Garrett says:

    Haha that was hilarious, and it makes a good point.

  2. HDpunk says:

    lol they didnt have a black guy to play morgan freemans part…

  3. MBUncut says:

    Saw this a month ago. And it wasn’t college humor, it was barely digital.

  4. MBanno says:

    It is a neat video. And some interesting concepts. But I didn’t think the whole batman taking the blame was at all confusing.

    It takes into account that Joker’s point all along was to prove that nobody is incorruptable. He planned to do it by using Harvey as an example. But Batman took the blame on himself, thus preserving Harvey’s image. It thus allowed them to continue having hope.

    • Kaneda979 says:

      Yup, good all good points. All of Dark Knight does indeed make sense.

      Still a pretty funny video though none the less.

  5. SlashBeast says:

    Ugh, another rap parody video.

    Also, it doesn’t present any plot holes.

  6. GeneAriani says:

    Man this site is so anti batman pro iron man

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