Star Trek 2 could enter Production in 2011

Star Trek was easily one of the biggest surprises for me this year. Not being a huge Trekkie, I didn’t care if they pissed all over canon. The franchise was dead and needed a kick start.

And they did just that. They handled the reboot with class while still making it non-canon and canon at the same time. And I loved it.

But there seemed to be a grand lack of news about a sequel, which I thought was going to be announced before the end of opening weekend. We know its coming now, and while there is no real inkling of a plot, we at least get a hint on the planned production schedule.

Filmonic says:

Zoe Saldana, who played Uhura in Star Trek, recently spoke to MTV while on the rounds promoting Avatar and she gave a small update on the sequel:

“I spoke to J.J. and Bryan Burk, his producing partner at Bad Robot, and they are still in the middle of building the script with Alex Kurtzman and Bob Orci, and we’ll probably be going into pre-production around this time next year.”

This is exciting news indeed. Its a bit of a gap (considering current franchise trends) but we could see Star Trek 2 entering production in early 2011, and seeing a film in 2012!

Call me what you want, I still am not a Trekkie, but I feel no shame in saying I loved this film and that I look forward to more.

But JJ? Can we back off the lens flares? Kthx!

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14 Responses to “Star Trek 2 could enter Production in 2011”
  1. DirkAnger says:

    I guess as long as the world doesn’t go up in an enormous ball of flame then I’ll be pretty jazzed to see this.

  2. Matt Keith says:

    I can’t believe that I’m actually excited for a new Star Trek film. I hated the other series with exception of “First Contact” and “Nemesis”.

  3. Travesimo says:

    I think that taking more time is a smart move. They did a great job on writing the reboot. All of the film makers working now have amazing fx technology to work with but if the ideas and writing are not strong this reboot could resuck!

  4. Lawrence says:

    Star Trek’s great. Hope the sequel’s going to be better.

  5. melbye says:

    I would think they would want to start production as fast as possible

  6. Kristina says:

    Zoe Saldana’s had one hell of a year, huh?

    Never thought the girl from the Britney Spears movie would turn out to actually have talent.

  7. 420BAND says:

    That dont look like ZOE it looks like that other actress Tawnie sweenie or somethin like that.

  8. tzaylor says:

    This was my favorite movie this year. I expected a great movie and it delivered. I agree there are an excess of lens flares, but it does create a sense of realism and gloss to the film. But once you find out they are doing it on purpose it starts to become distracting.

    I loved Zoe in this movie. In fact I liked all the casting in this movie. Everyone that is, except for Zachary Quinto. I may not have minded him if I hadn’t seen heroes. But I don’t like his character in Heroes and I didn’t like hime so much as Spock.

    Anyway, glad they are working towards the next one.

  9. Dragonslayer says:

    Damn, Zoe’s hot…

  10. 420BAND says:

    Quinto,Zoe,Pine, Bones and Chekov were awesome..

    looking forward to more.

    the only lame-ish part, hard to say, was Bana’s villan

    • Matt Keith says:

      The only thing I didn’t like about the new Star Trek was when Scotty got trapped in the pipe. It was a rather unnecessary and pointless scene.

  11. Adam says:

    Had doubts about whether the reboot would work but for the actors were very well chosen and managed to convey something of the original 60’s Star Trek characters without being a total pastiche. Liked the humor in the film too. Really looking forward to the sequel, a little impatient for it but if the delay is due to a great script being developed then all the better.

    Zoe is great as Uhura and really got into the role which was hard given how few lines she had, hope she and the guy who played Chekov get more lines next time.

    Totally agree re: the lens flares, hope they cut down on that!

    Also agree that Bana’s role wasn’t “evil” or convincing enough, I hope the bad guy in the sequel is better thought out.

    What would be great for me would be some cool battle between the Federation and the Klingons or Romulans going on, with a really wily/clever/evil opponent the likes of Khan in the Wrath of Khan, or one of the Romulan commander opponents of Picard in the Next Generation TV shows. Kind of like a game of chess/force simultaneously.

    • MBUncut says:

      Man, I totally agree. Chekhov was one of my favorite cast members, even though his role was small.

      I do have to disagree about one thing. I loved the lens flares. I thought they added an element to the film I didn’t even notice the first time I watched it. When I watched the film again I started to see it more and more and really began to think it was a nice touch.

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