Sex and the City 2 Trailer now online

And the trailers just keep on coming. Here you have it, for those of you who enjoy the Sex and the City saga.

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7 Responses to “Sex and the City 2 Trailer now online”
  1. DirkAnger says:


  2. Ricky Rottenkrotch says:

    Shoot me now

  3. Jenny says:

    Double yawn.
    Plus a groan.

    Loved the show, but the movie was bad, and this looks like it would hurt.

  4. Meli says:

    I’m with all of you this was an awful teaser trailer. I hated the first movie and this looks completely uninteresting. Sadly, it will make money.

  5. Kristina says:

    The show is good.

    The movie was awful.

    This looks worse.

    And that Jay-Z song has now lost ALL of it’s cred:)

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