Rodney’s Top Ten Christmas Films

Its that time of year when we have a ton on our plate but life doesn’t stop. Between that and Christmas shopping we still have to find time to bit up those movies we are craving to see.

But for me, movies are more at home around Christmas and just in time for Christmas I thought I would present my Top Ten Christmas movies that always make their way into the home theater at this time of year. So this list is the movies that bear repeat viewing and always get a show in my home.

#10 - Christmas Vacation
The Griswold Family loves to vacation, but there was no travelling this time around. The family comes to them and as usual nothing goes right. Its a touching tale that not everything at Christmas goes smoothly and sooner or later you end up with some unfortunate circumstances. But you dont get to choose your family, but they are your family.
#9 - The Santa Clause
Tim Allen films are a weak spot for me, and I tend to like his family friendly fare. A big popular series in my household is the Santa Clause series. When Santa falls off Scott Calvin’s roof, Scott puts on the outfit while investigating the abondoned Sleigh and Reindeer and inadvertantly triggers the Clause that says if you put on the outfit you will become the new Santa. Hilarity ensues. The sequel was also good, but the third falls flat.
#8 - It’s a Wonderful Life
The oldest film on my list, but one that always pulls at the heartstrings for me. Yes, it is a Christmas story, but its not really about Christmas. An influential man thinks he has it tough and an angel out to get his wings presents him with a look at his own world without him. A classic story about appreciating what you have and how you can affect others, is perfect for a Christmas season.
#7 - The Nightmare Before Christmas
An stop motion animated Tim Burton classic that takes a stab at Christmas on route to Halloween. Just another reminder of how hard of a job the Jolly Elf has. Its a fun romp in a world of holiday spirits. The music is fun and its a deviation of the regular Holiday mush.
#6 - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
I am talking about the original animated TV Special, but the live action one has its merits too. But with classic tradition and nostalgia the original animated, while only 22minutes in playtime is among my favourite Christmas viewings. I still get a little warm fuzzy when the Grinch’s heart grows.
#5 - A Muppet’s Christmas Carol
No Christmas tale has been remade more than Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. The music is infectiously catchy and Michael Caine as Scrooge is perfect. In the grand tradition of the Muppets playing out the parts in classic stories, Kermit plays Cratchit, which makes the perfect portrayal of Tiny Tim by his nephew Robin.
#4 - Scrooged!
Another Christmas Carol adaptation, but a moden twist that is not only hilarious, but magicly touching. Bill Murray is in perfect comedic form and the supporting cast is perfect. Even amidst all its silliness and goofy characters.
#3 - A Christmas Story
The ultimate tale of Christmas told from the mind of a young man who’s only concern in the holiday season is the ultimate present- an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle! Its all kids REALLY think about at Christmas, and this was an honest look at Christmas fromt he eyes of a nine year old. A classic that has migrated to the Bluray section of my collection.
#2 - Die Hard
Forget all those feel good Christmas movies that have a feelgood theme of goodwill towards man. In this film most of the things coming toward man are bullets, feet, chairs. NY Cop John McClane is visiting his estranged wife to try and save their marriage when the office building in which her corporate christmas party takes place comes under seige and the party people become hostages. McClane risks life and limb inspired by duty and his desire to salvage his marriage. That’s sacrifice and giving. The true spirit of Christmas.
#1 - Gremilins
While not a specifically a Christmas movie, it does take place at Christmas. The film revolves around an inventor who brings home a unique gift. A small fuzzy creature called a Mogwai. The creature comes with some rules - Keep away from Sunlight, Don’t feed after midnight, Never get it wet. When these rules are broken, a mischevious legion of Gremlins is unleashed on a small town wreaking havoc. Lots of laughs, cutsey “Awwww”s and a fun ride make this top my nostalgia list for Chirstmas.

So while my less than conventional list of movies wont neccessarily be the same as your Holiday Favourites, this is what graces the screen in my home at this time of year. And while we are busy with the posting and working on the whole new look for the Movie Blog, we are still making time for the movies.

So what’s on your “must see” list at this time of year?

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45 Responses to “Rodney’s Top Ten Christmas Films”
  1. Iain Wiseman says:

    Love actually should be in there at Number 1

  2. SlashBeast says:

    A Muppet’s Christmas Carol!

    • SlashBeast says:


      A Christmas Story
      Home Alone

    • Jake says:

      That one was pretty awesome. Gotta love the Muppets. Their version of Treasure Island is probably my favorite movie rendition of the story.

      But when it comes to Christmas flicks, my all-time favorites are unquestionably It’s A Wonderful Life and Nightmare Before Christmas.

      Good call Rodney, by the way. Awesome movies.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I forgot to mention the stop-motion Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Love that movie.

  3. Dragonslayer says:

    1. A Christmas Story

    • Dragonslayer says:

      Sorry, I fucked up on that one. Here’s my list:

      1. A Christmas Story
      2. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
      3. Nightmare Before Christmas
      4. Die Hard
      5. Polar Express (there I said it!)

  4. Derek 8-Track says:

    My Step Dad is in Scrooged, and because of that its become a tradition to watch it for Christmas.

  5. Jase says:

    I think Elf should be #1 - Loved it.. that or Bad Santa. (You want some sandwiches?)

  6. Todd W in NC says:

    Whew, good, I would have been worried if Muppet Christmas Carol hadn’t been on the list. It’s probably my favorite.

    Iain, good call on Love Actually. I had almost forgotten it takes place at Christmas too, but that’s an excellent movie also.

  7. says:

    Home Alone should be top 5

  8. mike says:

    Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!!

  9. mceddiemac says:

    You have got to be kidding me, ‘Gremlins’ the Top Christmas movie! It’s not even a top ten gremlin movie! Have you ever heard of..oh…Home Alone, Elf, Polar Express, Miracle On 34th St!!!!

    • Soggie G. says:

      Come on man! Don’t be hatin the Gremlins! It’s his list, let him put what he wants to put…

      Hell! I watch the Star Wars and the Star Trek movies on Christmas and they have nothing to do with it! All that matters is the way you feel about the movies. Now I’m starting to sound like a movei hippie XD!

      …All you gotta do is feel it… man…

  10. Rob says:

    Wow, didn’t expect Gremlins to be number 1. But I totally love Gremlins. I Gizmo sitting on my DVD shelf. Great list!

    Glad Gremlins was No. 1

  11. chris says:

    honest to god this is a god-awful list.

  12. War-Journalist says:

    You’ve hit the nail on the head, Rodney. But I always saw Scrooged as a weaker Murray film. I just watched “Die Hard” today and I’m so glad it made the list.

  13. Kasper says:

    No love for Bad Santa?

  14. Andrew says:

    How can you guys forget…

    “Jingle All the Way”

  15. ajbarfell says:

    Gremlins #1 total bollocks
    that and the Muppets wtf

  16. Shades says:

    Bad Santa, The Ice Harvest, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for a very Merry Noir Christmas

  17. Anti-Septic says:

    I know this may sound strange, but my family has adopted the first Harry Potter film as our annual Christmas movie.

  18. ChrisK says:

    I am sad to say I recently watched Christmas Vacation again, and I hardly laughed. I don’t know why because I remember finding it funnier. Regardless, good list Rodney. Oh and thanks for helping to keep TMB afloat.

  19. aheadofme says:

    My list:
    1. Elf
    2. Elf
    3. Elf
    (you get the idea, I’m not gonna make you scroll though the last 7)

  20. Joe Lazarski says:

    How could everyone forget The Ref? That should definitely have a spot in the top 10.

  21. Daniel says:

    What about Lethal Weapon!!!!!

    Home Alone should have made your list, just for arguments sake.

  22. Todd W in NC says:

    Someone mentioned Miracle on 34th Street. I’ve never seen the classic version (I’ve never been big on old movies, especially B&W ones), but I do like the 1994 version with Dylan McDermott (from The Practice).

    Several people are mentioning Elf too. While I’m not a Will Ferrell fan at all, Elf is one of the two exceptions to that rule (his Bush impression on SNL being the other). He fit that role well, and I like Zooey Deschanel and Bob Newhart too.

  23. Zach says:

    I’d move “It’s a Wonderful Life” to number one and absolutely include the original “Miracle on 34th Street”…I did like that you included “Die Hard” I never thought of it that way!


  24. Victor says:

    Fred claus. That’s right I liked it

  25. Ricci says:


    Christmas isn’t Christmas without Home Alone 1 & 2

  26. Maggie says:

    haha Die Hard is my #1 and my friends all say it doesn’t count… so thanks for agreeing that it’s totally Christmassy!

  27. Cap'n Pickle says:

    Mixed Nuts for me…

  28. Jim says:

    Rodney, I love you but your list sucks.

    White Christmas
    Miracle on 34th Street
    Fred Clause

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