‘Repo Men’ Red Band Trailer

Repo men, no, not the kind of repo men you are thinking of. These guys set out to retrieve organs from people who can no longer make payments. Looks pretty interesting, has a little bit of Minority Report to it. Company the guy works for comes after him etc..

Collider.com gives us the skinny:

In the futuristic action-thriller Repo Men, humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called The Union. The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don’t pay your bill, The Union sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property…with no concern for your comfort or survival.

Jude Law plays Remy, one of the best organ repo men in the business. But when he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company’s top-of-the-line heart-replacement…as well as a hefty debt. But a side effect of the procedure is that his heart’s no longer in the job. When he can’t make the payments, The Union sends its toughest enforcer, Remy’s former partner Jake (Academy Award® winner Forest Whitaker), to track him down.

Now that the hunter has become the hunted, Remy joins Beth (Alice Braga), another debtor who teaches him how to vanish from the system. And as he and Jake embark on a chase across a landscape populated by maniacal friends and foes, one man will become a reluctant champion for thousands on the run.

So what do you think?

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21 Responses to “‘Repo Men’ Red Band Trailer”
  1. Ifaz says:

    I bet your that ass that I’ll see this movie.

  2. Rodney says:

    There is also some contraversy around this as Repo: The Genetic Opera (a stage musical and movie adaptation thereof) came first and has a very similar premise.

    Aside from the idea of reposessing organs that clients couldn’t pay for, there is no similarities.

    But yes, this does rip off the Repo Opera but the creators of Opera are not pursuing this legally. So its not a big deal to them, so its not a big deal to me.

    • cloud720 says:

      I thought they weren’t taking legal actions because they can’t. Avatar borrowed the basic story elements from Dances with Wolves but cant be sued over it.

      There is still something wrong with a studio stealing an idea just because they can get away with it. With Avatar it was because they respected that story, so who cares. With Repomen the studio liked the idea but didn’t want to make a musical. They basically said fuck you, we are going to use your idea and make the movie we want, and there is nothing you can do about it.

    • chuck86 says:

      “Aside from the idea of reposessing organs that clients couldn’t pay for, there is no similarities.”
      Isn’t that the base of the story for both movies? How can there be no similarities when the base of the story is the same?

      • Rodney says:

        The setting and premise behind the plot is obviously very similar. But the overall plot and what happens in this world (where organs can be repo’d) is different.

      • James (Haz) says:


        Well, maybe theyve just come out with everything, so whatever is made is pretty much a ripoff of something else.

        I mean, dude name a recent movie (this decade) that doesnt have the same synopsis as some previous

        Every movie now pretty much HAS to be a ripoff, which is why i laugh when people think Avatar ripped off other movies

        Well- this is just my theory

  3. Ben says:

    as soon as i read this my first thought was Repo: the Genetic Opera (which i own on dvd). the repossession of organs and it taking place in the future(tho heavy on the gothic theme in the opera) are both part of Repo Genetic Opera as well.

    diffirence seems to be in this one the repo man is hunted cause he didnt pay his debt for the new heart while in the Opera the repo man is debt to GeneCo. threw manipulating his guilt and the job itself takes its toll on him daily as he struggles to juggle to be emotionless at what he does but at the same time be a loving single father to his sick daughter and turns down a contract and thats when they send out others to kill him ( he was the only repo man i believe)

    but i cant help feel like this is a rip off tho it will be interesting to see there take of the same basic story

  4. Will says:

    I think this look WAY better than Repo: The Genetic Opera. Glad to see good ideas are not thrown away all the time.

  5. mike F says:

    That’s the kinda health care the U.S needs!!! REPOMAN!!!!

  6. Bamkazaam says:


  7. Mike Mai says:

    that’s intense! look forward to this

  8. MichoPower says:

    Repo The Genetic Opera was an awesome movie! This one looks hella sweet. Definately have to catch this when it comes out!

  9. babyjay says:

    try to kill the rza, your life gets fucked up.

  10. Blu-ray Films says:

    Cool piece!

  11. Geno says:

    Looks pretty cool, Jude Law looks friggin bad ass in this film.

  12. JKH says:

    Why did i watch the trailer, WHY! Spoiled the whole story. I really hate this.

  13. Kaneda979 says:

    Holy crap this movie is INSANE! I have to see this one, looks just amazing to me. That story is nuts and the brutal action looks great too. Plus, Jude Law as an action star and Forest Whitaker as his friend turned enemy, ya, this movie is going to rule.

    Can’t wait!

  14. 420BAND says:

    WTF? where’s Emilio? EMILIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    any relation to Sonia Braga?

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