Public Service Announcement - C3P0 says Don’t Smoke

At least the current trend of non smoking Public Service Announcements have some common sense to them. Back in the 80s however it seems that linking pop culture icons to tell kids not to smoke might have been a good idea at the time, but not ver well thought out.

I love my Star Wars, but I don’t know how in a million years in any galaxy far away or near, the decision of a droid to not smoke (that can’t smoke to begin with) would shape my decision.

For me, the ability to breath and not stink was justification enough.

R2’s example in films as to not stick your probe in strange sockets was enlightening, and served me well.


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5 Responses to “Public Service Announcement - C3P0 says Don’t Smoke”
  1. AARON says:

    Lol the title made me Lol out loud.

  2. 420BAND says:

    That job should go to the Emperor…He looks like he’s been smoking his whole life and even sounds like Lucille Ball!

  3. Edvin says:

    Dude if R2 thinks smoking is cool, that’s good enough for me.

    • Rodney says:

      But he doesn’t think its cool. He gives up on that myth when he realizes it doesnt make him look “grown up”.

      You need to watch the video friend.

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