Archive for December, 2009

Bryan Singer talks more X-Men First Class

In an interview with HeatVision Blog, Bryan singer got talking about everything that is on his plate and touched a little more on X-Men First Class and though he didn’t spill the plot, he does say it will revolve around the formation of the school which inevitably leads to its elite students being formed into the X-Men. This means Magneto will be involved.

Heatvision Blog quotes:

Heat Vision: What is the story?

Singer: I can’t tell you that; it’s secret. But it’s basically about the formation of the X-Men. How they began and the relationship between a young Xavier and a young Magneto.

Singer raves about his writer Jamie Moss, and he also explains that having First Class deal with a younger Magneto, that it will tread on any story they had planned for Magneto’s stand alone film - which means it likely wont happen now.

I imagine the film will pick up right around or just after Xavier rescuing the mutant kids from the Weapon X fallout. Which of course is where my assumptions about the cast might come from. I kind of hope they do a pre-Jean Grey XMen.

I worried that Magneto wouldn’t have enough broad appeal to really hold up his own film, so I like the idea that they would incorporate it into First Class telling his story from the formation of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

The interview also hits up on his other projects like Battlestar Galactica, Jack the Giant Killer and a TV project with my favourite TV Writer Bryan Fuller called SelleVision for NBC.

The Backup Plan Trailer Online

Jennifer Lopez is just one of those people I like seeing in romantic comedies.

So check out her latest appearance in The Backup Plan.

A woman thinks she will never find that “one true love” and takes efforts to become pregnant when suddenly she falls for a guy. Now she has to face the reality that the relationship might be moving forward naturally in a positive way, and her pregnancy plans change the natural order of things.

I kind of like this conflict. Many Rom-Com plot involves two people falling for each other until someone does something unforgivable, then makes up for it and they live happily ever after. I like that this explores something different - at least somewhat different.

Looks fun. But do yourself a favour and DONT go to the Official Website which features a creepy image of a heart with little tiny heart sperms attacking it. And for good measure a heartsperm chases after your mouse. Creeped me out.


Marvin the Martian Feature Film gets a Director

He is a much loved and very odd character in the WB library, but Marvin the Martian is something to be made into a tattoo instead of a feature film, but it is apparently coming… and has a director! Alex Zamm!

ScreenRant offers:

the Los Angeles Times Hero Complex Blog reported that director Alex Zamm is attached to helm a live-action Marvin the Martian film. Although Zamm hasn’t directed many films (the direct-to-video Inspector Gadget 2 stands out as the highlight of his career thus far), he is also currently attached to a film version of Hong Kong Phooey.

Now I like the quirky Martian as much as anyone else, but I just don’t know where they would go with a feature film based on the character.

Apparently the plot revolves around Marvin coming to Earth to destroy Christmas, but gets sidetracked when he gets trapped in a present. So yeah, we can expect Marvin to attempt to invade the pantheon of Christmas films.

While usually I like to see the potential in most things, this one has me puzzled. And my faith isn’t bolstered with Zamm being attached despite everyone and their dog trusting their franchises to him. Zamm is currently attached to Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2, and adapting 70s cop show CHiPS as well as the above mentioned adaptation of Hong Kong Phooey.

Would you see a movie based on Marvin the Martian?

Hitgirl Focused Redband Kick-Ass Trailer Online

A new trailer for Kick-Ass is online and this one focuses around Hitgirl.

Dammit, I would see this movie JUST to see this character. It never gets tired to have a little girl cussing like a trucker and kicking so much ass.

That scene with the gun in the doorman’s mouth and her shooting another guy through his cheek is just priceless. I squirm everytime I see it.

I will see this movie just for her, and fortunately it looks like there is more to the movie as well!


Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeakquel Featurette Online

Ok, first thing. Shut up.

Second thing. I am actually looking forward to seeing Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeakquel. Before you go further, refer to the “first thing” above. Now move on.

There is a behind the scenes minifeature online that shows some of the stars of the movie sharing their experience with it. Check it out:

I always like seeing the process with these kinds of films. But moreso, I am happy to see that Zachary Levi is still involved. Back when he was announced as being Dave’s cousin who is caretaking the Chipmunks (while Dave recovers from an injury Alvin inadvertantly causes) I was encouraged. I love seeing him in Chuck, so I wanted to see him in this too. But then the first couple teasers seemed to exclude his character entirely.

Also, after seeing this promo clip we can see that despite Levi’s character being so much like his Chuck character (nerdy video game guy) to discover he is very different from that guy.

Also nostalgic talk like hearing that the house number is 1958 (the year the Chipmunks were created) and that Dave’s piano is actually Ross Bagdasarian, Sr’s original piano on which he wrote the Chipmunk’s music.

Yeah its all nostalgia to me, and its fun. And my kids love it as much as I did when I was their age.


DC and WB consider a Hawkman Movie?

I have been so impressed with Marvel Films doing their thing and finally evolving their panels on pages into a live action empire of great films. I hope that train never stops.

But I have been disappointed with DC’s efforts. Mostly because I loved the recent Batman films and mostly liked Superman Returns. They have made it clear they CAN make a good superhero film… so what’s the hold up??

Oh I see. They are too busy with Hawkman. Wait …what?

Get the Big Picture shares:

If you watched Super Friends as a kid, you no doubt saw Hawkman. But how many of us know the character? The smart money says not too many, but with WB and its DC Comics subsidiary drawing a line in the sand with the Marvel Universe, we’re going to get a ton of comic book movies we just don’t need.

“Need” is a strong word. We don’t NEED any films really. But I get the sentiment there.

But lets play devil’s advocate here for a moment. Why not have a Hawkman movie?

The character is less known, and ultimately one of the hardest to adapt to this trend of “real” superhero movies. And DC just seems to be having a hard time getting all their superpowered ducks in a row despite forming a studio exclusively to do just that.

But while people cry that DC only cares about Superman and Batman movies and don’t do anything else, we are getting Green Lantern moving forward. So why not throw a few lesser known faces into the mix?

I am not a Hawkman fan, and I would be really curious to see how they handle this and how it would fit in with the current franchises an inevitably building toward Justice League.

Maybe it won’t happen and this is just more random buzz. But maybe. Just maybe they will put some effort into it, and surprise us with a comic book movie we “didnt need” that surprises us.

It could happen.

Marmaduke Movie Teaser Online

Marmaduke was always a staple of the funny pages, and while I was never in love with the character, the one panel style syndicated comic quite often struck a chord and gave me a smirk or a little nod of recognition.

The dog was just a dog. And most of the gags revolved around the nameless couple who owned him and the obsticles of owning a 200lb Grate Dane.

Well now Owen Wilson will be giving that dog a voice for the feature adaptation of the comic strip to the big screen. Check out the teaser.

I expect this to lie in the same demographic of appeal that was the Garfield movies, but I am just not all that keen on seeing a Marmaduke movie. Not because its a talkind animal comedy, but it just doesn’t seem to have anything at all in common with the strip other than the breed and name of the dog.


Knight and Day Trailer Online

The new Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz action flick has a trailer today and we have it for you right here.

Day-um. Now that looks like some fun. This is the Tom I love. We all know he has an extra helping of crazy with his morning poptards, but it makes him PERFECT for roles like this. And Diaz looks great in this too.

Yeah, it looks like right up front there is going to be some suspension of disbelief for the over the top action, and we don’t really know 100% what’s going on just from this trailer. But it looks like a fun ride.

Welcome back Tom.

Dangerous Minds meets Harry Potter

The College Humor gang have put together a little spoof trailer for the next generation of Harry Potter fans.

This shit just got real yo. This is Dangerous Wands.

Now that’s a next generation film I would like to see. Hermoine Granger as a teacher at Hogwarts reaching out to a younger generation that just deserve to have a better life.


First Arrest in Leaked Wolverine Workprint Case

Remember back when X-Men Origins: Wolverine was leaked to the public in the form of the unfinished workprint? Well the FBI got involved in the leak and was dilligently seeking out the origin point of the leak. Then like OJ searching for the real killer, things just got quiet.

Well we just heard that the FBI has made its first official arrest in the case.

World of Superheroes reports:

According to CNET, 47-year-old Gilberto Sanchez was arrested in the Bronx, N.Y., by FBI agents early yesterday morning under suspicion of uploading the unfinished film to a large file-sharing site. The arrest was later confirmed by a spokesperson for the law enforcement agency’s Los Angeles field office, which is heading the investigation.

“We’re supportive of the FBI’s actions,” a Fox spokeswoman told CNET. “We will continue to cooperate with law enforcement officials to identify and prosecute those who illegally steal our creative content.”

Now to recap, this is not your typical piracy case where some pimple factory who can’t afford to blow his allowance on movie and downloads some pirated content. This was a hard copy of the film near its final stages with effects shots and transitions missing. Someone had to have gone out of their way to copy this and sneak it out to get this public. This constitutes ACTUAL theft, not just the act of piracy and copyright violation.

So while Sanchez was arrested for uploading the copy online, they haven’t arrested him for the original theft of the copy of the workprint. I imagine there is still a bigger investigation going on that will one day reveal who snuck out a copy, and how it ended up online.

Sanchez could get 3 years in jail if he is convicted of the crime, and with that also comes a hefty fine of $250,000, or twice what they determine to be the gross profit loss from the leak. I am not sure how they will determine that number - as the film did far better financially than the reviews and fan reaction would give it credit for.

Any “profit loss” could easily be attributed to the weaker parts of the film just as easily to the scads of people who chose not to go to the theater or buy a copy.

Editors Note The comments in this topic will stay on the topic. Any comments endorsing piracy, supporting downloads or defending illegal downloads will be considered off topic and will be removed.

Who will Play Green Lantern’s Girlfriend?

News on the Green Lantern front has been a little quiet with all the Holiday buzz, but word comes from a fairly reliable source that there are five different actresses all lined up to take on the role of Hal Jordan’s girlfriend Carol Ferris.

Cinemablend shares:

El Mayimbe at Latino Review posted a list of five women who are in the running to play Hal Jordan’s girlfriend in the upcoming Green Lantern movie… and it’s pretty much the list you would come up with when listing all eligible 30-something actresses who come for relatively cheap.

The source seems solid, but lets review (and gawk at pictures of their hawtness)

#1 - Eva Green
Eva has a haunting beauty, and even despite those almost droopy eyes, I can’t stop looking at her. Yes, she’s distracting like any superhero’s girlfriend should be - but is she a fit? This sexpot just oozes presence on screen.
#2 - Keri Russell
Keri has that very “girl next door” look down. Genuinely appealing, sweet and innocent with a tiny bit of a rough edge that says “I might be cute, but don’t break my heart” The very thing you might want from a sweet and approachable girlfriend figure for a superhero. Something to ground him to reality. A “real” girl to remind him of a real world.
#3 - Diane Kruger
From the follicking briany adventurer, to Helen of Troy, she has had her share of roles that don’t allow you to put her in a box and categorize her. She could play just about any archetype from vixen arm candy to shy sweetheart.
#4 - Blake Lively
This strikes me as far too young. Another unique beauty, this Gossip Girl might be trying to break out of the small screen (her previous attempts have been more or less unnoticed) but despite her “too mature for an 18 year old” personality on Gossip Girl, I still think Blake Lively is far too young to pair off with Reynolds. I just don’t see it.
#5 - Jennifer Garner
Garner is a hottie for sure, the right age to match up with Reynolds, and she has enough sass to keep up with Hal Jordan’s thrilling career choice. A strong bold girlfriend to continually challenge and support Hal might be just what the daredevil needs… (see what I did there?)

So all in all, I could be happy with 4 out of the 5 above. I just don’t see Lively keeping up with the pack here. But it all depends on just what kind of portrayal of Carol Ferris they go with.

I just hope they dont have her taking on the Star Sapphire persona as a potential villain for GL.

Now this could all just be wild speculation. But if this was the short list, how would you like to see it go down?

2 Daybreaker clips, 1 brand new

I am a sucker for Vampire flicks, and this one has got me all fired up to see. Here we have 2 clips, 1 is a little bit older, but the other is brand new. gives us the 411:

Edward Dalton is a researcher in the year 2019, in which an unknown plague has transformed the world’s population into vampires. As the human population nears extinction, vampires must capture and farm every remaining human, or find a blood substitute before time runs out. However, a covert group of vampires makes a remarkable discovery, one which has the power to save the human race.

Look for Daybreakers in theatres January 8th, 2010.

More Daybreakers Videos

Daybreakers - Clip 3 - Protecting Humans
by dreadcentral

Love it, looking forward to it.

The Movie Blog’s Top 10 Films of 2009

Well, it’s that time of year again. I have to say that despite the fact that 2009 was not a fantastic year for cinema overall… there were still a decent number of very solid movies that made it all worth while. Yes… we may have had to sit through “Transformers 2″, but at least we had “District 9″. “G.I. Joe may have only been 1/10th as good as it should have been… but at least we had “Up In The Air”.

Remember, all film is subjective, so I’m sure no one on the planet is going to have the exact same list as mine.

With all that out of the way, here is your definitive list of the top 10 movies of 2009:

Top-UP.jpg #1 - UP
To me nothing else even came close this year. A touching and moving story that had the audience in tears one moment… and then a few minutes later laughing themselves sick. This film is a flat out masterpiece and easily the best film of 2009. It was also the #1 critically rated film of the year on both Rotten Tomatoes AND Meta Critic.
Top-Up-In-The-Air.jpg #2 - UP IN THE AIR
I should have learned by now to always give Jason Reitman the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t even think this movie looked any good… let alone completely fantastic. Reitman has to be listed up there with Christopher Nolan in the new breed of genius directors. Great story. Great performances. Great movie.
Top-An-Education.jpg #3 - AN EDUCATION
Another great example of why first impression can be misleading. What appeared to me to be a boring 60’s period piece turned out to be perhaps my biggest surprise of the year. Peter Sarsgaard is fantastic in the film, but to me Alfred Molina should get an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor.
Top-Julie-And-Julia.jpg #4 - JULIE AND JULIA
An absolutely beautiful mix of moving and hilarity. Add on top of that a flat out OSCAR worthy performance by Meryl Streep and you’ve got a winner of a film. Also has to be ranked up there amongst my biggest surprises of the year. Seriously… did many of you think this movie would be THIS good?
Top-Star-Trek.jpg #5 - STAR TREK
I had to eat a lot of crow over this one. I was very public about the fact that I didn’t think this movie would be any good… and WOW did it prove me wrong. So much charm, so much swagger, so exciting… it was just awesome. They pulled off the nearly impossible… keeping the traditional Star Trek, while re-inventing it at the same time. Perfect casting didn’t hurt either.
Top-Avatar.jpg #6 - AVATAR
One of the most visually beautiful and stunning films I have ever seen in my life. James Cameron has indeed changed the way films will look at doing visual effects forever. Critics will say the story itself was a bit lacking, and I don’t necessarily disagree, but as a cinematic EXPERIENCE, this film will blow your socks off.
Top-The-Hurt-Locker.jpg #7 - THE HURT LOCKER
Such an intense film. It’s not an action film per se… but it drags you into it. You feel the intensity… the tension is palpable… the performances are engaging and you leave the theater feeling a little staggered.
Top-Nine.jpg #8 - NINE
The last film on this list that I actually had the chance to see and man I’m glad i did. I’m not a big fan of musicals at all, but this movie just dazzles you from the word go. I’ve always found it difficult to connect with CHARACTERS in musicals… but this one does a masterful job of it as it actually comes off as a character films somehow.
Top-The-Hangover.jpg #9 - THE HANGOVER
I don’t care what anyone says. This movie deserves a spot on here because of the pure experience it offers. The best pure comedy of the year that had you laughing almost from the first minute. Maybe the best comedy since “The 40 Year Old Virgin”. I love this film and make no apologies for including it on this list.
Top-District-9.jpg #10 - DISTRICT 9
District 9 proves thatyou can indeed have a great visual effects movie without it needing a $300 million dollar budget. Yet unlike Avatar, this movie is not carried by the effects… it’s carried by the amazing performance of Sharlto Copley in the lead role. There is probably no way in hell he’ll get an Oscar nomination, but I honestly believe he deserves one.

So there you have it folks, my list of the best of 2009. Now, just for some fun and debate:

THE WORST FILMS OF 2009 (in no particular order)

- Halloween II
- Observe and Report
- Transformers 2
- Paul Blart Mall Cop
- Year One
- Old Dogs
- The Invention Of Lying
- Imagine That

MOST OVERRATED FILMS OF 2009 (not necessarily horrible movies, just overrated)

- Inglourious Basterds
- Where the Wild Things Are
- Drag Me To Hell

So that does it folks! My final “Best of the Year” list for “The Movie Blog”. What films did I leave off there that you would include? And if you name any, you have to name which films you’d take off the list to make room for them. Let the debate begin!

Breaking down the Iron Man 2 Trailer

In case you are like me, and did not dissect every single Iron Man 2 frame from the trailer, IGN does this for us. It also does a really good job of explaining all the character for those who are not totally familiar with the story.

Iron Man 2 at

‘Toy Story 3′ Extended Clip

ABC Family aired an extended clip of Toy Story 3 and you can view it below.

I cannot get enough of Toy Story, if they made them every year, I would watch them every year. The clip sheds light on the plot of the movie, which is, Andy heading off to college. Looks good

Taylor Swift as Supergirl?

The week couldn’t start of better if we didn’t have a wild speculation into a casting of a film that is also a rumour.

Seems the intarwebz are all a buzz with talks of Taylor Swift as Supergirl.

Cinematical says:

Hollyscoop reports that country music star Taylor Swift is in talks to headline a planned Supergirl reboot at Warners. An unnamed insider states, “A number of young stars are being mentioned for the title role in a Supergirl movie and possible TV spin-off and Taylor is top of that list. She has all the right elements to be a positive role model

Ok, first thing. I like Taylor Swift, and she sure is a whole lot of pretty. I think she would make a staggering pinup poster of Supergirl, and if they do a poster of that… yes. I am in. She would look amazing.

But I just DESPISE it when they give lead roles to singers. Singers are not actors. Swift might look hot in that skimpy Supergirl outfit, but I would sooner an ACTOR be given the lead role.

But honestly, do we really think they are making a Supergirl movie? The first Supergirl adaptation came around as the result of the popular Superman franchise. Ok, it sucked hard, but it only happened because there was some Superman buzz.

WB can’t even get their shit together to make a new Superman film. However with the copyright bull they are going through with the Estate of the Superman Heirs, Supergirl (though inspirired by) is entirely a DC/WB product. There may be more luck getting this to happen than Big Blue.

Lucasfilm Tests DSLR Camera for Future Projects

George Lucas is gearing up to film his World War II project Red Tails, and a new technology he is considering is using smaller digital cameras for filming.

This could also possibly be used to film the long awaited Star Wars TV Series.

/Film says:

Somehow, I’m not surprised that Lucasfilms is the first major Hollywood production company (that we’ve heard of) to look into consumer-level DSLR digital cameras that can shoot HD video. For better or worse, George Lucas has always been a pioneer in digital filmmaking. Learning how to use these small DSLRs (at least, compared to large professional-grade HD cameras) could help them immensely with future projects.

I remember back in the day when my home computer plugged into my TV screen. Now my cell phone has ten times the capabilities than those computers.

Everything gets smaller and more efficient. And now it is possible that those massive boom stand supported film cameras will be replaced entirely with small hand held digital single-lens reflex cameras will be used to film the next generation of TV and Movies.

Check out the results of the test kicking around Skywalker Ranch.

It’s only a matter of time before people with cybernetic implants in their eyes will give new definition to “camera man” and we will film exactly what they see.

James Cameron talks Terminator - Sold for a Dollar

James Cameron was in an interview with the Toronto Sun and got chatting about how he felt about Terminator Salvation and Sam Worthington.

He actually liked the film and raves about Worthington - which makes sense since he is the star of his current film Avatar that hits theaters today. But he didn’t see Terminator in the traditional means. He caught it in a hotel on-demand service in parts over a couple days.

He goes into a little analysis about the film (which I didn’t like much at all) and how he did like it despite it being true to the genre, but how it lacked a “stamp of authenticity” without Arnold.

But when asked about how he would feel about returning to the franchise he confesses that he has moved on creatively so it won’t happen, but does confess that he has regrets for giving up the rights for a buck.


“I wish I hadn’t sold the rights for one dollar… If I had a little time machine and I could only send back something the length of a tweet, it’d be — ‘Don’t sell.’”

Apparently, he sold the rights to the Terminator franchise for the opportunity to direct the first film.

If he had maintained rights, he would have raked in a share of the last 4 films as well as the TV series. So even if he didn’t have creative involvement anymore at least there would be a paycheque.

The good news is that with Terminator up for sale he might be able to offer them at least double what they paid for it to buy it back!

$232 million dollar opening weekend for ‘Avatar’

So, I saw Avatar on Friday. I was thoroughly impressed by all the visuals, they lived up to the hype and then some. Was it a great movie? It depends on what you were looking for. I knew exactly what I was going to see, and I was not let down at all. If you were looking for a new type of story (As John pointed out, Dancing with Wolves) I actually saw the same story in Battle For Terra, but oh well.

With a guesstimated $400 million - $500 million dollar price tag, it looks like it is well on its way to recouping those funds.

MSNBC Entertainment News Writes:

James Cameron launched his science-fiction epic “Avatar” into a safe orbit as the costly film soared to No. 1 with $73 million domestically and $159.2 million overseas, for a $232.2 million worldwide total.

With that big a start, distributor 20th Century Fox was quick to proclaim it made a good investment with the estimated $400 million spent to make and market the film, which is Cameron’s first narrative feature since 1997’s “Titanic,” the king of modern blockbusters.

“Absolutely. No question,” said Chris Aronson, head of distribution for the studio, which reported stellar reaction in exit polls from audiences after seeing “Avatar.” “The word of mouth is something that I don’t know I’ve ever seen in this business before.”

Brittany Murphy Passes Away

Rumors were reported earlier today that actress Brittany Murphy had died, and sadly those rumors have been confirmed. Britney Murphy was 32 years old.

There are reports that 911 was called when Murphy suffered cardiac arrest and died in hospital. No other official information is available at this moment.

Murphy appeared in such films as Don’t Say A Word, Clueless, 8 Mile, Sin City and others.

On a slightly personal note… I’ve met Murphy on a couple of occasions… I obviously didn’t “know” her at all… but whenever I met her she always came across as very “real”, very sweet and very personable.


Avatar Review

Hey there guys. Last night I had a chance to finally see “Avatar”. Does it live up to all the unrealistic hype it had been getting? Well… in some ways no… but… in some ways YES.

Check out my review here:

This is my last “review” for The Movie Blog. Before the end of the month, I’ll be back with one more podcast and my annual “Best and Worst of the Year” post.

So did you see Avatar yet? What did you think of it?

Home Theater 3D is Closer than we Thought

The world of 3D films has seen a HUGE boost over the last couple years and everytime we hear news of a film we are used to hearing the additional detail that it will be filmed for 3D.

Now it looks like we are closer than we thought to seeing this same technology at home as the details are released including an expected 2010 release on the technology.

EnGadget spills:

First, that the Blu-ray Disc Association has chosen the Multiview Video Coding (MVC) codec to store 3D, so that even though it is now providing a full 1080p frame for each eye, it will only require about 50% more storage space compared to the 2D version, and all discs will be fully backwards compatible, in 2D, on existing players. Better than backwards compatibility, the PlayStation 3 will be forwards compatible with the new discs — a new HDTV setup (the spec promises to work with plasmas, LCDs or projectors equally well) with IR emitters and glasses will still be necessary.

I have no doubt that the film distributors are already lining up their big blockbusters with a 3D version for Bluray, but fortunately it doesn’t mean a new edition. Bluray releases will be 3D capable.

Even better news is that this tech will just be an online update for Playstation 3 owners instead of having to buy another 3d enabled player for your home theater.

The next step is to find a way to do it without the glasses.

Laurence Fishburne joins Predators

The new Nimrod Antal take on the Predators franchise has added another cast member - Laurence Fishburne!

First Showing gives us:

Laurence Fishburne will star alongside of Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Danny Trejo, Alice Braga, Derek Mears, and Walton Goggins. Fishburne is playing a character named Noland, but that’s all we know.

I always enjoy Fishburne in his roles, so I look forward to seeing what he is doing in this movie.

But seriously, we need a teaser trailer, some promo images, a poster… something.

This movie is out July 2010 and we haven’t seen much of it.

The Bounty Hunter Trailer Online

Yesterday we got the poster, and now today we get the trailer. The Bounty Hunter stars Gerrard Butler and Rachel — I mean Jennifer Aniston.

Butler is a bounty hunter who coincidentally has to bring in his ex who skipped her court date. When he finds out what she is involved in he feels compelled to help her.

It does look like a fun little romp and probably really good pick for a rental. I fear the inevitable end of it will have these fighting exes on either side of the law falling in love with each other but I hope that doesn’t happen.

That takedown at the side of the road near the very end of the trailer is classic.

Bryan Singer talks X-Men First Class

Wow, right on the heels of announcing that Bryan Singer is in fact going to be helming X-Men First Class, we already get a ton of news about it. He doesn’t waste any time.

First he spills a little about the plot, characters and timeframe.

Movieweb shares:

“This is the formative years of Xavier and Magneto, and the formation of the school and where there relationship took a wrong turn,” Singer said. “There is a romantic element, and some of the mutants from ‘X-Men’ will figure into the plot, though I don’t want to say which ones. There will be a lot of new mutants and a great villain.”

“Whether it’s ‘Batman,’ ‘Lord of the Rings’ or ‘Star Trek,’ if the characters are good, you want to see them on their journey even if you know their destiny,” Singer said. “I put myself in the fan’s position, and I think this story is something I would want to see, and so will they.”

My wild speculation into reading these comments are that this will take place in and around X-Men Origins Wolverine, in which Xavier made a cameo rescuing a number of children from the Weapon X facility - including Scott Summers and Emma Frost.

I predict that this will take place before Jean comes along and Emma Frost will fulfill the romantic interest element. I just hope that its a flirty romance and not the core of the story. Singer’s X-Films have had light romance to them with the Jean/Scott/Logan love triangle without letting it derail the film, so I have confidence this wont be a Spiderman 3 romance plotline.

Also at Movieweb there is talk about Jamie Moss, who wrote Streek Kings will be taking over the script

New characters will be created for the project. Moss’ script will be based on a mini-series written by Jeff Parker. The O.C. creator Josh Schwartz wrote the first draft of the film.

I don’t feel that they need to create new characters. I am not opposed to seeing something new, but at the core of it there are already SO MANY characters they could choose from and adapt to the fit the film there hardly seems a need. I doubt they would be making any new characters for the core group, but perhaps supporting cast or fringe extras.

Frankly I would love it if they touched on Sinister in this. He is always so mysterious and eternally clandestine anyways, so I am quietly hoping he is the villain or the motivating force behind whoever the First Class has to face.

‘Youth in Revolt’ Redband Trailer

This was actually released a few days ago but some people find it kind of funny. Not sure I laughed one time through the trailer, maybe it’s because I cannot stand Michael Cera. Yes he was good in Superbad, yes he was also good in………….. exactly..

Traileraddict gives us the scoop:

Youth in Revolt is the irreverent story about the wild adventures of a teenage boy named Nick Twisp who meets the girl of his dreams while on a family vacation and has to turn his life and the lives of all those around him upside down in order to be with her.

To me it looked an awful lot like a watered down version of Fight Club meets “Boy tries to get girl, boy eventually gets girl”.

Shrek Forever After Trailer

Are you feeling another Shrek? I don’t know about you, but after the first shrek, the rest were just.. Meh..

Shrek suddenly finds himself in a twisted, alternate version of Far Far Away, where ogres are hunted, Rumpelstiltskin is king and Shrek and Fiona have never met.

Looks ok, I guess you almost have to see it if you have seen the others. Not super excited but has potential.

Final character poster from ‘Kick-Ass’

This, is Hit-Girl. Word on the street is that she steals the show. This little girl does nothing more than spew profanity’s, kick ass and take names.


Kick-Ass comes out April 16, 2010, I for one cannot wait.

Universal Soldier: Regeneration Trailer Online

Ok, so maybe its just my 80s action flick nostalgia kicking in, but I am so jonesing for this film.

DOLPH LUNDGREN AND JEAN CLAUDE VAN DAMME!! WoooHooo! Universal Soldier: Regeneration!

Gives us the 411:

The militant Chechen Basayev abducts the children of the President and takes control of Chernobyl, threatening to unleash a radioactive cloud unless his demands are met. Luc Deveraux (Van Damme), now a Universal Soldier again, joins a new team of UniSols secretly held in deep storage. Their mission is to retake Chernobyl and disable explosives that will unleash radioactive clouds. Luc discovers that one of the reactivated Universal Soldiers is a clone of his old, homicidal Sergeant, Andrew Scott (Lundgren). He also must face the NGU, the next generation in the UniSol biotechnology.

Check out the Trailer.

If it wasn’t VanDamme and Lundgren I likely wouldn’t give this a second glance. The trailer was kinda sloppy.

But seriously… Lundgren and VanDamme!

Solomon Kane Clip Online

A new clip has dropped online showing a short scene introducing us to the tone of the new Solomon Kane film.

Dread Central calls it:

The first part in a trilogy series, Solomon Kane is an epic adventure adapted from the classic pulp stories by Robert E. Howard, creator of “Conan the Barbarian.” Solomon Kane (James Purefoy) is a 16th Century soldier who learns that his brutal and cruel actions have damned him. Determined to redeem himself, Kane swears to live a life of peace and goodness but is forced to fight once more when a dark power threatens the land.

Check out the clip here:

I am looking forward to this. It seems to be shaping up well, and I always like action flicks that have that redemption angle to it. You know he can do really badass things, and it conficts the character more because he doesn’t want to. But he will.

New Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif Poster Online

There is a new poster out there for Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Lightning Thief, and apparently it has no Olympians.

Not to say they are not in the movie, but that the title appears to be trimmed down to just be Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

The title almost has a pulp serial ring to it now that its been slimmed out. Like Alan Quartermain and the Lost City of Gold, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade or Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Still a mouthful, but not as run-on-sentence sounding as the original title.

The film looks to be fun and will definitely appeal to the Harry Potter demographic. And perfect timing as the legendary gods of myth are coming into style with Clash of the Titans and even Thor.


New HD Clash of the Titans Trailer Online

UPDATE: We found an embed!

Sadly I could not find an embed of this trailer that was ganked from the intarwebs earlier this week, but Apple Trailers has the monster filled full trailer for Clash of the Titans in glorious HD. The one we posted is still there, but its a little sketchy, so if you want to see the HD clip, its online now.

The music in the trailer seems almost unfitting. Visually I love it, and Gemma looks downright angelic. Its pretty kickass, but that music is a tiny bit out of place.

You can still hop on over to Apple Trailers and check it out.

Disney puts the Brakes on Wild Hogs 2

I am not ashamed to say that I liked Wild Hogs. Sure it was just family fluff film, but it had its charms and overall it was a good movie.

So with its financial success, it was only a matter of time before Wild Hogs 2 came about. And it was being developed.

Ramascreen says:

Unfortunately Disney has been doing a major ‘audit’ and by that I mean the mouse house has been axing projects that it deems unnecessary and a possible waste of resources. It put a halt on McG’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea: Captain Nemo, it stopped Robin Williams‘ Wedding Banned and now WILD HOGS 2: BACHELOR RIDE

The title suggests that the four of them are headed off on another road trip to celebrate William H Macy’s Dudley’s pending nuptuals to the tasty Marisa Tomei’s coffee shop owner Maggie.

I am ok with them not making this movie. As fun as it might be to see, I can live without it. The movie was pretty complete as it stood, and while they could potentially have another hit on their hands, after Old Dogs tanked so badly I don’t blame them for not taking the risk.

Spiderman 4 is Delayed over Unfinished Script

Seems that Spiderman will be put on hold for his fourth installment as the studio is sitting on an unfinished script and seems to have hit a wall with the direction.

And by direction I mean Director. And in this case (if its accurate) I am siding with the Director.

Screenrant gives us:

Apparently, Raimi really wants to include Vulture as the main villain, a character he wanted introduced in the last Spidey adventure where he was instead told to (mis)use Venom. Sony, on the other hand, isn’t interested in having that character involved at all. The source says that Sony instead wants to use whatever character is selling best in the books.

I can see the relevance of using a character that is selling the books. Not that the comics are in direct line with the books, but there is certainly an overlap. Walk into a comic shop near the release of a big screen adaptation of that character and try to spot that book… the place will be flooded with it - and all related merchandise.

But what villian is big in the Spidey books right now? Will that character still be big by the time Spidey 4 hits the screens?

What’s wrong with Sony having a sit down with the Marvel peeps and saying “Look, we want to release Spiderman 4 in 2012… any chance you can have a storyline that involves the Vulture in it around then? Raimi really wants to use him and it would tie in well for sales and marketing.”

I think the Vulture would be a great villain to use. And if the rumoured John Malkovich plays him? Even better! And I am still clinging to the hope that the “Vultress” thing was just a red herring to play away from a very obvious Anne Hathaway/Black Cat casting rumour.

This just reeks of how Sony stuck their corporate noses in Raimi’s Sandman story and forced him to rush into a sloppy Venom.

Bryan Singer to Direct First Class

Looks like fanboy rage has won again. The man who utlimately rescued superhero films from the fate that Joel Schumacher’s bat nipples left it in will be returning to the X-Fold.

Bryan Singer will direct X-Men: First Class

IGN Movies shares:

Singer was asked about his upcoming projects. After mentioning his next film, Jack the Giant Killer, Singer then let loose the big news, saying, “I just yesterday signed a deal to do an X-Men: First Class origins picture, which is kind of cool. I’m very excited.”

Kind of cool? I am sorry… kind of?

I figured it was only a matter of time before Singer returned to the massive hitfactory that his X-Men films have become after he gave up the opportunity to do X3 and it then became the most criticized film in the franchise. Thankfully for Brett Ratner, Gavin Wood trumped him with X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Should be interesting to see an X-Film that isn’t about Wolverine though. I know he is the most popular of all the X-Men, but honestly… there has been 4 films in the franchise thus far and everything spirals around his character. Let’s move on.

After nearly half a century of X-Men comics you would think they could find something else to show.

Josh Schwartz, who is credited with already having written First Class (and one of my fav TV Shows Chuck) hasn’t revealed who the cast will be, however it might spin off of the cameo appearance of Charles Xavier in Origins: Wolverine in which a group of young kidnapped mutants - Cyclops included - make their getaway in his Helicopter.

I could see a first class with a young Cyclops, substituting Jean for Emma Frost as a love interest, and a young intellectual pre-fur Beast. Maybe fleshing out the group with others from that escaping group of mutants.

In the continuity Scott was already a student when Jean came along, and Iceman and Angel don’t join until much later.

The Runaways Trailer Online

Kristen Stewart may be starring in one of the biggest movie franchises, but its not the only thing she is doing.

Stewart will be joining Dakota Fanning (who I am recently told isn’t eight anymore) in a rock biopic of the turbulent story of The Runnaways based on lead singer Cherie Currie’s book ‘Neon Angel’

And now we get a trailer.

Yup… Stewart cleans up well…thats not the right word. She messes up well. And I am still having issues with Dakota Fanning not being eight and rocking that look.

I am a sucker for music biopics, so I am in. I hope Stewart is better in this.

Olivo and Voth talk Bitch Slap

If you have been living under a rock, you might want to check out BitchSlap.

The film is a throwback stylized film that America Olivo calls “a thinking man’s sexploitation film” and “grindhouse done right”

And this is the BEST interview I have seen yet for the flick. Kevin Pereira (G4’s Attack of the Show) gets to chat it up with America Olivo and Julia Voth.

Game Trailers - E3 2010 - Movies and TV

Absolutely perfect how America’s blazer accidentally bursts open near the end there. They couldn’t have planned that better.

It was after this film that Julia Voth got a lead role in John Campea’s The Anniversary which is making the film fest circuits over the last year.

But this is hands down the best promotional interview ever. The girls are perfectly hot, and fun. Julia Voth is always distracting.

As if the trailer wasn’t enough to go see this movie, this interview put me over the top.

Here is the trailer in case you missed it:

The film will have limited theatrical release on January 8th, and on DVD shortly after.


Iron Man 2 Trailer Now Online!

Here it is!

First thoughts:
Whiplash- Bad Ass.
Nick Fury, very nice.
Natasha aka Black Widow make an appearance.
And of course, War Machine.

I feel like I just saw the whole movie. I cannot get enough of Whiplash though.

4th and final Iron Man 2 clue

Here we have the 4th and final clue. The other 3 clues, posted here, spell out “Secret Stark Confession” and the last one “Revealed”.

And here is #4, with the 1969 reference.. Anyone care to guess?


The Bounty Hunter Poster Online

Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler face off their scowls in a new poster to promote their film The Bounty Hunter

I don’t know how it is that every film since 300 Gerard looks more and more slim. Where is that massive man we saw in that film. And he keeps flip flopping from action to Romcom that he does show some diversity, but he doesn’t always make the movie for me like I had hoped he would.

Jennifer Aniston, still as pretty as ever, makes her regular appearance on the big screen to remind you she once had a big career with Friends, and after each appearance you are more convinced of that fact. Yup… she was once big in Friends.

Maybe this will change that for her. Or not.


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