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New Robin Hood Poster and Trailer Online

By Rodney - December 23, 2009 - 13:01 America/Montreal

Ridley Scott must want to remind you just how much you loved Gladiator, because this poster looks like it could come from that film. It does allow you to focus on the fact that he has a bow, which is iconic for the Robin Hood character.

We also have the International Trailer too. The first trailer focused almost entirely on Robin’s experiences on the crusades and lead up to the inevitable return to a suffering homeland. This one seems to reveal more of the feel of the movie as a war of Outlaws vs a corrupt Prince John.

This does look epic. And Blanchett looks as angelic as she usually does.



  1. Dragonslayer says:

    This film is gonna be awesome.

  2. Ben says:

    First of all, I am looking forward to this movie. Looks great!

    Only point: Does the bows also look weird to you, shouldn’t they be dirtier and … Well they just look weird.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      I am sure the bows are a representation of what they looked like in that time period. I am not certain what wood they used during that time period, maybe waxwood?

      I wouldnt have minded if they had updated the bows just a tad, but then there would have been historical people complaining. Just can’t please everyone right?

      I am very excited to see this!

  3. Jake says:

    Okay, this trailer looks a heck of a lot better than the last one.

  4. Kaneda979 says:

    My god this movie looks so damn good. The Robin Hood movie I’ve always wanted.

    Can’t wait, May is going to be awesome, with this and Iron Man 2, WOOT!

  5. Matt says:

    I read a book about Medieval Films (A Knight at the Movies), and it said “Robin Hood: Men In Tights” has the story of Robin Hood told more closely to the original story than any other film adaptation. Sweet

  6. Reuben Agboola says:

    Quite impressed at the fact that it seems that Russell Crowe is at least attempting a Nottingham-accent in his portrayal of Robin Hood. Something that cannot be said of any of the other film versions of this story that have been made before.

  7. vargas says:

    Looks like it’ll be fun to watch.

  8. ThePeter says:

    Isn’t Iron Man 2 coming out in May 2010? I can’t imagine any movie besting IM2.

    Regardless,… this looks like an okay movie. Not sure if i’ll see it in the theatre.

  9. 420BAND says:

    ehh. Ridley and Crowe again will be good of course.

    just seems like I’ve seen this before.

  10. Kristina says:

    Whoa, Maid Marian’s gonna fight in this?

    She’s not gonna be a wimpy little damsel in distress?

    I’m IN!!!!!!

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