Merry Christmas from The Movie Blog

We here at The Movie Blog would like to wish the International Friends a Very Merry Christmas.

No matter what variation of the Holiday Season you are celebrating the meaning is always the same. Family, Friends and Goodwill.

That is what The Movie Blog is built on. Even when we don’t always agree on films topics, The Movie Blog is a safe place to discuss, share and discover news about the movies we all love.

We thank you for coming here every day to check out what’s new, and we have a lot of exciting things coming for you in the new year.

Its a new era with The Movie Blog, and its going to be a hell of a ride!

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19 Responses to “Merry Christmas from The Movie Blog”
  1. AARON says:

    Merry Christmas to you guys!

    I’ll probably spend my Saturday seeing Avatar for a second time.

  2. Kasper says:

    Even though christmas was yesterday here, merry crimbo to all you americanos.

  3. Valis says:

    Merry Christmas everyone! Remember to take care of one and another.

  4. Dragonslayer says:

    Merry Christmas! Have a good one!

  5. ReyningDevil says:

    Merry Christmas to you guys and fellow MovieBlog followers too.

  6. louisgamers says:


  7. David says:

    FELÍZ NAVIDAD a todos los cinéfilos de The Movie Blog !!!

  8. Astrocreep says:

    Merry Christmas to all

  9. tripp van easille says:

    May the holiday bring great flicks to the base of all your Christmas trees and the New Ysar some great fils\ms and maybe, a bit more peace in the world!

  10. tripp van easille says:

    errrr…..films….and I don’t even drink eggnog!

  11. gypsydreams101 says:

    Merry Christmas, y’all, hope you have as white a Christmas as you’re hoping for :-)

    Eat loads of good food from my side, I’ll be having a rather damp Christmas this year :-S

    Anyway, enjoy!

  12. arihmann says:

    Wohooooo!!!!! and Happy Kwanzaa for all!!!!!

  13. 420BAND says:

    Happy Holiday’s guy’s

  14. Bernardg says:

    Merry Christmas too you guys!!

  15. Meli says:

    Merry Christmas all and Happy New Year!!

  16. Dogbone says:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Healty New Year!
    Maligayang Pasko from the Philippines!
    More power to TMB!!!

  17. Kristina says:

    MERRY XMAS!!!!

    My sister got me Firefly on DVD, and I have fallen in love with that show…and Nathan Fillion:)

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