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Mel Gibson’s Movie Causes Protest in Veracruz

By Rodney - December 30, 2009 - 14:55 America/Montreal

It wouldn’t be a Mel Gibson film if there wasn’t some protests around it. But this one is just silly.

A film is set to return Gibson to Veracruz, (he filmed Apocalypto there) where part of a prison will be emptied to make way for his crew. Protesters are up in arms because they believe that this will cause their loved ones to be temporarily moved to another facility and make it inconvenient for them to visit!

Hollywood Reporter er.. reports:

About 300 relatives of inmates at a Mexican prison where Mel Gibson is reportedly scheduled to make a movie protested outside the facility Tuesday, fearing their loved ones will be moved to make way for the production.

The group of protesters said it would be harder to visit inmates or bring them food if they are transferred out of the Gulf coast city of Veracruz.

One protester held a sign that read “No transfers to make a movie.”

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for the “convenience” of you visiting your criminal relatives. You should thank whatever deity you worship that they even let you visit with these degenerates to begin with!

The prison will clearly be benefitting financially by letting Gibson film his movie there, and that might mean better facilities or repairs that might make your incarcerated relatives stay even marginally less abusive. Maybe not, but that still doesn’t matter.

That they would even fight for the “rights” of these inmates is laughable considering those held inside do not even deserve the basic right to walk freely among their fellow citizens.

Now if they said that his filming would cause inhumane distress on them, or other violations that are unfair even to criminals, then fine. Protest. But that they MIGHT be moved to a different facility to accomodate the film crew is hardly an issue.

Especially since the guy in charge of the Prison said that a section would be cleared, and that moving them to another facility is just a rumour.

And we thought Mel was Crazy. lol


  1. Pman-67 says:

    How about a sign that reads “STOP SCREWING UP AND KEEP YOUR ASS OUT OF PRISON”….

  2. War-Journalist says:

    I’m kind of hoping Edge of Darkness will be decent.
    And seriously, what’s with the puppet? What kind of movie would he need that in?

    • David says:

      Well, Im from México, and of course, the protest may sound crazy, but you must know that here (and everywhere) the politicians are not the most beloved ones, and they are not making any gift to Mr. Gibson and crew, they will get some money for that, and i will protest just for that, because i pay my taxes every month, and obviously part of that money serves to give food an supllies to our jailbird fellows, so…

      How much i get for this ???

      The families may complain about a “possible or not” change of location, but im still paying for it, because thats the law, and i dont want to be in a prison, so, from my point of view, i lose in any case . =)

    • BobaFett says:

      That’s from The Beaver. Jodie Foster is directing…

  3. ReyningDevil says:

    Jeez. What people do for a piece of 15 second spot in the Mexican Sun.

  4. ADOX says:

    I love movies but I am if the opinion that this should not come first, mainly for the visitors as well as the people inside.

    It maybe hard for people to get there to visit the people they love already, for some it may have been their first visit, some of them may not even deserve to be there.

    Let’s not punish the people who care about the people in jail for the sake of a movie schedule

  5. 420BAND says:

    I get the feeling that Jodie Foster would rather have another Female hold her beaver…

    just a thought

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