McG Thinks he is making Terminator 5 and 6

It seems with the release of the Terminator Salvation Bluray, that during the director’s commentary McG gushed over his plans to run with the franchise and is apparently convinced that T5 and T6 are his to create.

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Gizmodo blogged the Blu-Ray Terminator Salvation live commentary and found out that director McG thinks he’s making TERMINATOR 5 and also TERMINATOR 6. I kid you not. But the fact of the matter is Halcyon is still trying to find potential buyers who for some reason still think there’s still some pulse left in TERMINATOR franchise…

He just announced that he’s making another Terminator movie. Seriously.
He said he’s making one after that.
And now McG is being coy about making another one?
And now he’s talking about a second or third movie again

Now granted these are things McG said during the commentary for the BluRay release, and it is very possible that with the recent turn of events that he might have already changed his tune on the certainty of his involvement with Terminator.

Salvation was a nail in the coffin for me. Not as bad as part 3, but it just punctuated that telling more of this story is pointless.

As for McG doing them? Frankly if the story was better I wouldn’t even care if McG did do them, but where is the story?

McG, like the rest of us, will have to wait until Halycon finds a new owner after the garage sale. I expected to hear news of offers rolling in, but strangely not surprised its quiet on that front.

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40 Responses to “McG Thinks he is making Terminator 5 and 6”
  1. Darren J Seeley says:

    With the exception of the commentaries that are retrospective for older films, the majority of AC’s are done around the time of said film’s theatrical release. The latter are generally optimistic.
    With a retro one director can say “I wished we could have done better for x reason” while in the other “I don’t know how well the film will do but I (we) had a blast making the movie” Big difference.

    So there’s nothing out of place/wrong with a director “having plans” for the next film or two. The film doesn’t do as well as thought, those films are either delayed or they simply become what could have been. That goes for any movie franchise.

    I agree that there wasn’t really anything for Terminator to continue. Everyone (=“”the fans”") wanted to see Futurewar. But why? We already know what happens/will happen. It is a moot point, with the mild exception being the short lived TV show- there was a bit of a Hail Mary going on there due to low ratings, where they would try just about any crazy thing. But it still got canned.

    The show is dead.
    The films are dead.
    The cow is dead, there is no more milk.

    • Shane Razey says:

      Everyone knows how that ended, and most everyone still went to go see it when released.
      We want to see waves and waves of shiny new terminators marching from the factories. HK’s plowing through debris. And the resistance battling back with every weapon that can they can scrounge up.
      We had only seen flashbacks and heard verbal discriptions of the war.
      Your last paragragh is almost like, “I saw the trailer, I don’t need to see the movie”. (I mean basicly to compare the amount of previously filmed future war footage in the last films was enough to satisfy some people.)
      I bet if Cameron said he was doing the next 2 films, every neh-sayer would come out of the wood work and buy up every movie ticket, as if it was the last show on earth.
      I’ll go on record and say I liked the segway movie McG put out as a precursor to the full blown war.

      • gypsydreams101 says:

        Totally agree with you, good point…..

      • Chris says:

        Right on target there Shane. I don’t know about you but not every movie has to be epic story, epic scenery, epic cast, epic sound track, epic special effects…. EVERY TIME! It was a decent film. Lots of splosions and enough story (much of which we already knew) to move the movie forward. I was entertained and I felt like I got my money’s worth and then some. Unclinch your collective butts and release the bitterness already.

      • Chris says:

        I’d like to add that seeing a nice full blown war between the machines and the resistance would be great. In that setting, they could definitely set the tone for great story and character development a la Saving Private Ryan. Like I said, every aspect of the film doesn’t have to be ground breaking of epic proportions but they can at least try. For the movies that do get that formula, great, but it’s just not going to happen.

      • Matt Keith says:

        “. I don’t know about you but not every movie has to be epic story,:

        You’re right, but at least have a story that doesn’t have as many plot holes as T4 had.

      • Shane Razey says:

        @ Chris,
        Exactly, there is no law that says there can not be a great war story. Look how many WWII flicks there are! (Granted some are better than others.) But no 2 are the same. They covered a “save the prisoners” aspect, now maybe some “Bridge over the river Kwai” or “Dirty Dozen” nod instead. (“Dam Busters” anyone? :) )
        Time and technology have come together in filmaking to create a truly epic battle. Glory in realistic Terminators and say goodbye to stop motion.
        Does it HAVE to be McG, of course not! Hell have someone how has directed a great war film helm the next one… How about Edward Zwick who
        did “Glory” or the person that directed “We were Soldiers” (Randall Wallace)?
        Just make it good!!!!

  2. Lawrence says:

    McG is a deluded and dazed guy who thinks WB is still going to produce another Terminator film and hand him total creative control . Forget about it man! The way to save this Terminator franchise is to re-hire that James Cameron guy and pay him his due millions and let him control the whole thing. That’ll get everyone interested in Terminator again. But Cameron himself has said, that the entire Terminator saga has ended in those two films he directed.

  3. Jeremy K. says:

    “Now granted these are things McG said during the commentary for the BluRay release, and it is very possible that with the recent turn of events that he might have already changed his tune on the certainty of his involvement with Terminator.”

    Am I mistaken in thinking that the live commentary was actually live, so what he said was in the presence of the current situations in regard to the franchise? That’s one of the cool features of bluray that has been being made use of with major releases, to have a live commentaries on a set date after release with a major player from the film.

    And outside of him saying he is planning to go through with his plans, it’s old news that he had planned a trilogy. He was screaming trilogy while still making the Salvation.

    I enjoyed Salvation despite the flaws, and would like to see where he takes us with it. We already know that time travel exists, and to say there is no story left to go by is moot because of the ability to time travel. They just have to say they decided to send a terminator back to the Civil War era and knock out the Connors a little earlier or something. When time travel is involved then any infinite numbers of stories can be made, we just have to hope they (the writers and director) can come up with a good one.

    • Pman-67 says:

      I think that’s part of the problem though. How many times can you go back to the time travel well before it dries up? I guess we can ask the fans of Star Trek that question. Personally, I think there are still some stories to be told in the Terminator universe. Maybe they should try something on a smaller scale. Instead of telling us whole story, that we already know. Tell the story of an individual battle or adventure, with characters that people can connect with and care about. But we all know that in Hollywood, bigger is always better.

      • AARON says:

        Bigger is not always better, Example: Transformers 2.

      • Jake says:

        Seeing as T2 is commonly considered to be on of the best action films of all time, in many parts due to it’s perfectly structured first act and incredibly intense action, that’s a really, really bad example. Like, really.

      • Jake says:

        Oh, TRANSFORMERS 2. lol, nevermind.

      • PMAN says:

        I never said bigger was better. I meant that the attitude in Hollywood is that bigger is better. I can’t believe, I’m having to explain this.

  4. Sweeptheleg says:

    Only Joel Schumacher can fuck up a franchise with such flare.

  5. 420BAND says:

    I still would like to see the full blown out war with t-600-800’s against the resistence.

    This last one was pretty damn good for me, erasing that shit-fest of a 3rd one.

    lets see…..

  6. kal07 says:

    Full blown out war is the way forward for me too.

    We have only seen flashbacks NOW the TIME HAS COME to actually witness the whole thing!!!

    WOW! Can’t wait! I don’t care who is doing it only condition being he doesn’t screw things up.

  7. Matt Keith says:

    I was one of the few who was willing to give McG a chance, and I enjoyed T4(only as a mindless action flick). But his directing was horrible. I hope that he doesn’t come back, especially since he plans on sending HKs back in time, and ruin continuity even more.

  8. Jack Rhien says:

    I was actually on the commentary last night. He did say that he wants to make the next movie. However, he said that it all depends on fan request. He said that if a large enough people want it, he’ll want to work on it. If not, then he’ll let it die.

  9. AARON says:

    T4 could’ve been very good if the story was at least half decent. I don’t want him touching a fifth one so let me say……..

  10. Dragonslayer says:

    Who knows? If McG does come back, maybe we’ll get another Bale Rant.

  11. Tony says:

    Even though I like the whole terminator idea, if they do plan to make 5 and 6. Arnold should buy the rights with James Cameron, together they can put the future of the franchise, in a solid position to make money. -T5 has to explore the idea of the resistance re-programing terminators and the time displacement field. Sending Kyle back to 1984. and in T6 set in 2038 when they finally win the war. heck, make me (a fan of the Terminator series) the writer of the next two films and the movies will make more moeny then harry potter.

  12. cltmikey says:

    I actually really enjoyed salvation… but anything was better then 3

  13. 420BAND says:

    Sam Worthington made T-4 fun NOT BATMAN.
    all the growling stuff got a little old.(probally cause reading about him being an asshole was in my sub-con.)
    Yeah, Bale was in kick-ass mode but the Marcus storyline was cool and made the final moment of him giving his heart to Connor impactfull.

    now lets bring on the war!

  14. Kevin C says:

    I know I am in the minority here, but I really enjoyed Salvation. It was an interesting spin on the story for me, providing subtext to the characters of the first two films. I also thought Sam Worthington was very good and Christian Bale wasnt fine for me too. The story wasnt the best but it wasnt bad either… I actually like how time travel was not adressed in the story and that we arent sure whether the machines have come up with it yet. Anyway, I know its easy to hate on McG but I thought the editing was way worse than the direction. Overall I gave T:4 a solid 7/10 and I for one wouldnt mind a McG directed T:5. Commense bash.

    • Kevin C says:

      I meant Bale WAS fine.

    • ThePeter says:

      I’ll agree with you Kevin. T4 was a 7/10. It had flaws (direction, cinematography, editing), but story and adventure was there. I’d still be fine with the franchise continuing. But I want a new director for T5.

      • Matt Keith says:

        “But I want a new director for T5″

        I think that Neil Blomkamp should be given a shot at the next film.

        “. It had flaws (direction, cinematography, editing), ”

        You forget that to mention that the plot had more holes in it than swiss cheese.

      • dave says:

        The first 2 had enormous plot holes too.

      • SlashBeast says:

        The entire franchise is based on logical paradoxes and holes.

  15. RPM says:

    The first two Terminator movies were awesome the other two were good, not great but, like the Alien series, they should be retired while they retain at least a fraction of respect. Enough is enough. Just because a film series doesn’t continue for all eternity is not any sign of disrespect for that series. It’s just time to quit.

  16. Kevin C says:

    I think there is still a good story to tell. The mythos is so rich when you throw time travel in there, which has never been explored save for the fact it was just thrown in and never really explained. Who discovered time travel, how and to what end? There could be a whole film or two done on the race fro figuring out time travel and making the jump, where and when did they end up the first time and what effect did that have? There is definately alot there and a good screenwriter could make 1 or 2 great movies out of it that ends with Ah-nold being sent back at the beginning of T1.

  17. Vic De Zen says:

    The Terminator series should have stopped after the second movie!

  18. 420BAND says:

    Time travel= all kinds of plot holes (on purpose)

    for the record Mc G’s grade is a solid b+ for me.

    • Matt Keith says:

      Except T4 didn’t use time travel and it still had a fuck load of plot holes.

      • Preston says:

        Ok a few things meet to happen to fix terminator 6.

        Fix the original script of salvation somehow.
        Original script was for Conner to die and Marcus right takes conners face and unknowing to the humans he leads them to victory over the machines like the strong Conner the other terminator movies talked about. Because both John conners in the other two movies portrayed as being kinda weak and even in salvation he wasn’t a strong leader because Marcus was suppost to take that role. And Marcus already bonded with Kyle Reece as a father figure so it all made much more sence with the original script.

        How cool would that be?? The one we thought was worthless and didn’t respect human life before the war ends up saving all of humanity in our future???

        Fix that and I’ll enjoy the other two no matter what they decide to do.

  19. Preston says:

    Oh and having Marcus replacing the weakly portrayed John Conner would be much more exiting because one of skynets own creations comes to bite them in the ass like real life usually does when you plan an evil act.

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