*CANCELED* John’s Final Uncut Show LIVE - Best Of The Decade, Mailbag, And Your Live Questions. Send In Questions NOW!

*Sorry guys, I’ve decided cancel my live show tonight. My best to you all. Live long, watch movies, and prosper*

A few years ago The Movie Blog became the very first film site to run a podcast. Later we went on to win “Podcast of the Year” over “This Week In Tech” (TWIT). In the coming months, The Movie Blog will continue on with that glorious tradition as Rodney capably takes over the reigns. But for new things to start, old things must end.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) will mark the final “Uncut” show that I (John) host. So I thought to myself: “Why not do it LIVE”? So I am.

Tomorrow night at 4pm PST (7pm EST) I’ll be broadcasting my final appearance on The Movie Blog in a LIVE episode of “Uncut”. The show will be streaming live here on The Movie Blog in the side bar.

I’ll be using about half the show to just discuss my “Top 10 Films of the Decade” list, and then the other half of the show to take your questions.

You can email your questions to me live, or email them to me in advance at [email protected] (MAKE SURE TO PUT “SHOW QUESTION” IN THE SUBJECT FIELD OF YOUR EMAIL)

I hope you’re able to join me as we discuss movies together one last time here on TMB. See you tomorrow!

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42 Responses to “*CANCELED* John’s Final Uncut Show LIVE - Best Of The Decade, Mailbag, And Your Live Questions. Send In Questions NOW!”
  1. Rocket says:

    The word “final” brings a tear to my eye.

  2. AARON says:

    How has TMB changed your life?

  3. John says:

    YIKES! I was hoping to get 10-15 questions… this post has been up for 12 minutes and there are already 14 questions in my In box. LOL

  4. Hiland says:

    I will defiently be on here tomorrow to see this. Also one more thing how long will the LIVE last? Just curious..

  5. Dutch says:

    John, best of all things for you. I’ve been reading and listening since the first podcast. Back in the dialup days now that’s dedication i suppose. Take care good luck and kick ass dude!

  6. Kristina says:

    This is so sad:(

  7. Chris says:

    dame I have to work then.

  8. War-Journalist says:

    I’ll be there

  9. joe says:

    any way you guys are going to post it on the website later in the week on so the people like me who will not see it live will be abile to see it at some point that would be really great

  10. me says:

    The one time I have nothing to ask is when one of the favorite Movie Bloggers is leaving

  11. EZELL says:

    I would like to see Rodney continue the live thing.

  12. Rama's SCREEN says:

    You’re my hero John,

    always will be.

    -Rama’s SCREEN-

  13. Hitesh choudhary says:

    Hey john,would u make guest appearances on the site?

  14. Phil Gee says:

    I’ll be there sir.

  15. Jason Angel says:

    Cancelled!? Wait, what, why!?

  16. Kristina says:


  17. John Campea says:

    I’ll put up a full explanation on my website later tonight.

  18. Darren J Seeley says:

    I sent in the question, but I had no idea it was that bad… haha.

    • John Campea says:

      Meh… disregard that last message. Meant for it to sound funny… but reads much harsher.

      Bottom line, I’m done here and will have nothing to do with TMB again. My best wishes to those carrying it on.

  19. Chris Bunker says:

    The truth is this happens all the time in hollywood. People fall out with each other. I enjoyed it while it lasted. Nothing last forever.

    • Rodney says:

      There is no “falling out”. John has his own direction and I am moving up to take care of the site.

      Its not ending, and the site is still being run by the same person who has run the site for the last year.

      • Astrocreep says:

        After reading John’s last tweet it kinda seems as if there was some sort of falling out, hence why he cancelled tonights podcast. Although I won’t jump to conclusions.

  20. Chris Bunker says:

    The movie blog has been such a important tool for me in my career in hollywood. The bottom line is this site has been way more active the last week then it had been in months and that is better for everyone.

  21. Vito says:

    I’m sorry, but canceling with no explanation is not cool. I don’t appreciate it.

  22. brian says:

    ‘Bottom line, I’m done here and will have nothing to do with TMB again.’

    Cheers for the notice. Dont you think you coulda worked that out before? I mean me more than anyone greatful for this site.. but this doesnt look very respeful.

    just my thought of the day

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