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Jeremy Renner is Not Hawkeye

By Rodney - December 31, 2009 - 11:49 America/Montreal

There was rumour surrounding Hurt Locker star Jeremy Renner that he was approached to play Hawkeye in the Avengers after a cameo in Thor.

But Renner himself was faced with the rumour and fessed up. It did happen, and nothing came of it.

Worst Previews quotes Renner:

“That was just one of those things that got blown way out of proportion. It was an idea,” he explained. “I happen to know Zak Penn, who’s writing ‘The Avengers.’ So they thought Hawkeye is an interesting role, and asked me if I knew anything about him. I said no, so they gave me their sort of spiel on what he was, and I thought that it was kind of interesting.”

Renner added: “The only reason it came out this early, because ‘Avengers’ is two years away, is that they’re thinking OK, we may throw him in Thor, we may not, as a cameo. You know what I mean? So there’s truth that we talked about it, but there’s no truth to me doing it.”

It makes sense that they would try to lock down a character like this. Having Hawkeye cameo in some of the films leading up to The Avengers would be cool even if they just had him on set for one day.

If they did this sooner it could have been in Iron Man 2 he could cross paths with Widow. The two share a romantic storyline in their early history together with the Avengers and it was Widow who brings Hawkeye to the fold.

But it seems that it wont be Renner. With all the buzz around Hurt Locker, I think it would be a wise choice but it just doesn’t look like its happening that way.


  1. Lawrence says:

    Jeremy Renner’s great in Hurt Locker. I thought he was great in SWAT too (with Colin Farell and Sam Jackson). Hope he gets considered for Hawkeye.

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    Aww, shucks.

    But hey Jeremy….think about that other Avenger. Y’know, the one with Stars n’ Stripes? Folks call him Cap?

    Just a thought.

  3. Ted says:

    Why is Zak Penn allowed to write “The Avengers” after his horrific handling of X-men 3?

    • Rodney says:

      That you personally didnt like X3, doesnt mean that he did such a poor job that they would have run him out of Hollywood.

      That would be nonsense.

  4. 420BAND says:

    X-3 wasn’t that horrible a story , That it had a HACK director that made it a little hokey is debatable..other than that it had what the 2 previous “holy grails” lacked…ACTION and battles, and finally seeing a full-blown Iceman…(3 glorious seconds)..

    I personally dont read too much in cameo rumors till I see pics.

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