Is Black Widow a Villain in Iron Man 2?

Seems there is a lot of confusion on who Black Widow will be in Iron Man 2. Some unfamiliar with the character think she might be a villain, a hero, or a love interest. Well it might be all of them.

Well according to the source material, Natasha Romanoff/Natalia Romanova was a KGB Agent who seduces Tony Stark while on a mission to kill the creator of the Crimson Dynamo armour (a former Soviet scientist who defected to the US and works for Stark). Later Widow would defect to the US herself and joins Shield before inevitably joining The Avengers.

So does the Black Widow become a goodguy? Well it appears that she is going to be a member of SHIELD if this screen capture tells the tale.

Taken from the most recent trailer, we get a medusa looking redheaded spy and a hint of a very familiar badge on the shoulder of her outfit that was missing from previous shots. I have lightened up the image that has been floating around the intarwebs to get a better look.

Now of course this doesnt mean that she is going to start out a member of Shield, but its very possible her story will paralell the comic storyline and she will originally be sent as a Russian Spy and eventually defect to help Tony Stark and Iron Man face off against Whiplash.

While some sites are claiming this is absolute proof (which it could be) it is still possible that she’s just wearing the symbol as part of her spy infiltration to Stark Enterprises and she might be a somewhat villain afterall. But I think they will stick closer to the Comics with her path, even if Crimson Dynamo is not involved.


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8 Responses to “Is Black Widow a Villain in Iron Man 2?”
  1. matty says:

    Nice pickup, Rodney. I’m favouring the whole “villain who defects to help Stark” storyline, which would also create a potential love triangle with Pepper Potts

    • Rodney says:

      The badge was noticed by a number of other sites but they were all very dark pictures that made me think they were just guessing there was a Shield logo under all that hair.

      I just lightened it so we could get a better look at what the other sites were reporting was under all that hot mess.

  2. kingl says:

    Well isn’t suppose to be his new assistant since he made Pepper the new head of Stark Industries?

  3. Lawrence says:

    I think having Black Widow in this Iron Man sequel is unnecessary, other than giving Tony Stark a new leading lady / love interest. Perhaps trying to make Gwyneth Paltrow’s character jealous. Fanboys are more interested in War Machine.

    • Rodney says:

      And you think the fanboys wont care about a slinky dressed Russian redhead seductress?

      Black Widow is perfect for this, as she was originally introduced in the Comics in an Iron Man story, which lead to her joining Shield and the Avengers.

      Which is the plan for the movies as well.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Since when are fanboy geeks not interested in big breasted hot ladies? I am still disappointed they chose Scarlett Johansen for this role but I guess I will get over it sooner or later.

      As Rodney said the Playboy Billionaire persona is paramount to Tony Starks character.

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    There’s also a possibility that they have the actress wear a SHIELD patch, but her character is not part of SHIELD. Kind of like a promo shot from X2 where we seen Famke Janssen among the other actors on the Oval Office set, and then when the film came out we find out her character wasn’t anywhere near that location.

    Is that what I believe? Not really. I’m more apt to think she is a neutral party who will join SHIELD and/or “The Avengers Initiative”. At this point I consider her neither hero nor villain. In my view she could simply be somewhere in between, a conflicted character.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Looooooooooove Scarlet in this….dont like? Are you high?

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