Guy Ritchie Remains Silent on Lobo

Back when Guy Ritchie was announced as the director for DC’s upcoming adaptation of Lobo, I was more puzzled about how a Lobo movie was going to work. But now we find out that Guy Ritchie refuses to verify or deny getting the gig.

MTV Splash:

However, the reports of Ritchie’s attachment to the project could be a bit premature, as he told MTV News during the recent “Sherlock Holmes” junket in London.

“Is it a matter of fact that I’m doing it?” Ritchie asked when told of reports framing his participation in “Lobo” as a done deal. “I don’t think it’s a matter of fact. In fact, I can tell you it’s not a matter of fact.”

Supremely evasive when asked for clarification, Ritchie seemed intent on keeping the status of “Lobo” — and his involvement with the film — under wraps for the time being.

“Isn’t there a fifth amendment or something?” he laughed.

Seems that he is keeping a tight lip on it. This leaves nothing but wild speculation at this point.

Is he building buzz hoping for the job? His Fifth Ammendment reference suggests that he doesn’t want to say something that might hurt his chances at the job. Maybe he is still negotiating.

I just don’t care about that film at all. The character is just an exaggerated over the top version of Wolverine, and while that might actually appeal to people, I just don’t see the potential there.

But as I said before, ANY film can be made to be good. So while I currently don’t care, they might put out a trailer and I will care again. Or not.

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2 Responses to “Guy Ritchie Remains Silent on Lobo”
  1. 420BAND says:

    Yeah, I dont get it why LOBO?
    Not really a mass appeal comic and the character’s image brings back bad SPAWN flashbacks..

    but again a cool trailer can change the world

  2. Andy says:

    This seems like a bad idea. Lobo was originally created to be a spoof character on all the anti-hero characters that were so popular in comics in the ’90’s. The fact that he’ll be getting his own movie 20 years after he should have been relevant seems like a problem to me. How about the new DC Entertainment focuses on getting Superman right for once instead of giving movies to obscure characters?

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