Cop Out Trailer Online

I have really been looking forward to A Couple of Dicks, but it’s now because that title was considered potentially offensive, its now called Cop Out (which is deliciously ironic).

I have been wanting to see it because Tracy Jordan is in it. I mean Tracy Morgan. Same guy. Since falling in love with 30 Rock I have really grown to like Jordan (previously he just bothered me) as well, this is the first film Kevin Smith is directing that he didn’t write. I really want to see what he has going on there.

Check out the trailer.

The world really needs a new buddy cop comedy and this looks pretty fun. I hear there might even be a plot even though this trailer doesn’t appear to show one.

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15 Responses to “Cop Out Trailer Online”
  1. Iam Wright says:

    Surprised they’re not advertising it as a Kevin Smith movie.

  2. Geno says:

    The trailer doesn’t really show much that would make me want to see this

  3. BobaFett says:

    I’m glad they are not advertising it as a Kevin Smith movie. This way maybe more people will be exposed to the film and to his style.

    Personally, I think Kevin Smith’s strength is his writing and that if he were to concentrate on that we could see more of his types of films.

  4. nbakid2000 says:

    Wow. Utterly terrible trailer. I have no interest in this at all at this point except to see Kevin’s evolution in directing style.

  5. Anders says:

    A buddy cop movie! Now that’s something we haven’t seen before.

    Bruce Willis, playing a cop! Now that’s original.

    The film looks like a piece of s-t.

  6. Agent M says:

    I didnt know Kevin was not the writer. IIRC, he has always considered himself more of a writer than a director, so this seems like an odd choice. Oh, and this trailer blows.

  7. Methos84 says:

    This did not look funny at all.

  8. 420BAND says:

    I have nothing good to add..

    I like Kevin Smith for his writing of funny dialouge not for his directing chops but it’s good to see him working at least.

    Dude’s gotta eat.

  9. Meli says:

    The only reason I am considering supporting this movie is because Kevin Smith is directing; however I didn’t like that trailer - at all. I like 30 Rock, but man, Tracy Morgan annoys me so much - he’s simply not funny, to me. I dig Kevin Smith but I don’t know about this one.

  10. cltmikey says:

    To everyone complaining about this trailer. This movie is R rated. This is just a green band trailer which means nothing good is actually in it. Its trying to get a more broad audience to go see it. Wait till the redband trailer comes out and then if thats not funny and sucks then flame it…

    Also this trailer is hilarious drunk… just fyi

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