Superman is going Nowhere Faster than a Speeding Bullet!

With such mixed reviews over Superman Returns and where that might leave the franchise for a continuing film, the only thing certain in the Superman Camp is that anything after this would be a Reboot.

I think they painted themselves into a corner with Returns, and while I envision a valid way out of it WB is uncommited to any direction with the franchise just yet.

Obsessed with Film quotes Anne Thompson at WB

The studio is still seeking the right direction. No writers are working on a Superman script. “We’re working on a strategy for DC,” says one Warners exec. “Superman is the trickiest one to figure out.” In fact WB consumer products guru Diane Nelson, who liased with JK Rowling on the Harry Potter series, has been charged with putting the integrated DC/WB house in order.

So it would seem that WB/DC is putting all their ducks in a row before attempting to move forward with anything. The first step of that Was DC Entertainement getting their own film production separate from WB. Probably a wise move considering their competition Marvel Films seems to have the inability to do wrong with their current projected path.

DC has a wealth of stories and characters that deserve to come to the big screen, and yet only Superman and Batman seem to have any real success in that market. Well with Green Lantern getting a lot of buzz and attention, they might be fleshing out that roster which could inevitably lend to a JLA film.

Curious though that WB seem to be unfettered by the threat that the legal shadow of Superman hangs over their heads, as the rights to Supes on Film are at risk if they do not make a Superman film soon.

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25 Responses to “Superman is going Nowhere Faster than a Speeding Bullet!”

  1. SlashBeast says:

    They should approach Superman only if they known where they’re going with it. Otherwise, I’m still anxiously awaiting the return of the Man of Steel to the big screen.

  2. TigerClaw says:

    Superman has a huge rogues gallery of Supervillains, Why can’t they just pick one to make another movie. Its always been about Lex Luthor.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      For me thats always been the problem. I have always been a fan of the Superman Comics and all I have to say is I have had enough of the Superman/Lex Luthor movie script.

      If they are even going to attempt another movie please inject another villain, someone who can actually make us believe that Superman is “Super”!

      I have thought long and hard about this, who I would like to see as a villain in the next Supes movie.

      My choice would be Solomon Grundy! I just think it would be easy to write a script around the character and also I find Grundy can be a compelling character and he always comes back! Who doesn’t like kick-a## Zombies with super human strength?

  3. ReyningDevil says:

    Shame, shame, shame… don’t see a movie the happening anytime soon. everyone’s got their own idea how the film should be, villians and all, but nobody’s quite realizing that there’s so much you can do with the Guy in the Cape without disappointing half the fans… they somehow got it right with Batman, but a really good Batman movie just had to have the right amount of a dark element to it to point it to the right direction and have an excellent start….

  4. Philipo says:

    I just hope they don’t kick Brandon Routh off - he was ACE as Superman. I’m gunna have a hard time seeing anyone else as Supes. PLEASE NOT TOM WELLING!!! Smallville is not Superman.

    I enjoyed Superman Returns but it needed a powerful villian, someone for him to hit and I think people were wanting someone else than Lex Luthor. 23 years in the waiting and the most we got a plane rescue and him lifting an island - we were all expecting a huge fight with the massive budget and the level of cgi possible now and….no, we get Remake/”Homage”/SuperBoy.

    But saying that, I felt it re-introduced the mythos well and would lead up to a far better sequel (a Wrath of Khan type) - more action/better villian/tighter plot. But thats gone to shit until they sort this new mess out.

  5. 3R!C says:

    I thought is was the whole deal with Jerry Siegel’s family that put the Superman name in an even more out of control spiral. The whole settlement and licensing deal. The closets I got to seeing a really cool Superman flick was the animated Public Enemies. I really do want to see another Supes live action film soon. I loved the way they utilized the CGI and visual effects in Returns.

  6. bjon86 says:

    I don’t get it. They act like it’s so damn difficult to make a good superman movie. It’s easy. They’re just stuck in the past.

    • SlashBeast says:


    • Methos84 says:

      I want Superman to at least throw a punch in the next film. If he must be there, relegate Luthor to the background and bring forth an adversary who can physically give Supes a run for his money. An epic city leveling slugfest is what I want to see!

  7. matty says:

    Whatever happens: please do not give us another origin story. A blind Tanzanian goat-herder could tell you how Superman came to be.

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    While I’m not for rebooting/re-imagining, regardless of which direction they wind up choosing I agree that the threat should not be connected to, in whole or in part, to Lex Luthor. A cameo or an honorable mention is one thing. But there is so much potential with seeing other big screen incarnations of Superman mythos.

    Also, I don’t see why can’t Superman have either landed on an alternate earth which had already been established in the Donner film, involvement from Mytzylplyk, (inter-dimensional “magic” being a threat to Superman) or making the Supeykid a bad seed or have said kid suffer a sad fate. There are a thousand ways to get past the previous film without restarting and/or re-imagining.

    So they “can’t decide” which way to go. Some want restart, some don’t. Oddly, nobody wants any in between compromise.

    About now a few might have a knee-jerk reaction to my alternate Earth evidence. Well, in the first film Supey turned the world around, turning back time. In doing so, he created an alternate earth/timeline.

  9. 420BAND says:

    Still waiting for D.C. to break loose and make some f’n films already, Green Lantern’s a good start but wheres Aqua-Man, Flash, & Wonder-Woman ?

    Till then we still got Donners cut of Supes 2 at least (still holds up)

  10. brandon says:

    yo john, none of these pictures show up on the main site. its only when u click on the link that they show up.

  11. Vic De Zen says:

    I’ve never enjoyed any Superman movie before so if this does get rebooted then please don’t screw it up.
    I’d actually much prefer a Justice League movie instead.

  12. Andy says:

    Personally they should put Superman permanently on the back burner and concentrate on generating interest in other characters and then when they’ve got it sussed then try and bring Superman back with just a small part for Lex Luther.

  13. Ryan says:

    They need to do what Edward Norton version of The Hulk did. It may have technically been a “reboot,” but it didn’t tell the origin story again. We don’t need that.

    My fear with a full-fledged reboot of this film is that whoever writes it and whoever’s project this is, they’ll want to put their spin on the story and tell it from the beginning. I won’t go to see that film. I’m just tired of it — as all have said, we know the freaking origin.

    What they need to do is just make another movie and proceed as if they last didn’t happen. I say through Brandon Routh back in, because he was great in the role, but ditch the horrible actress who played Lois Lane. Then make sure the next movie is NOT about Lex Luthor. The most he should be in it is as the opener of a Pandora’s Box — the guy who builds Metallo, or discovers Brianiac, etc. Then let’s get one of these villains who can stand toe-to-toe with Supes and have a big slug fest.

    • Rodney says:

      Norton’s Hulk did tell the origin story. It just did it over the opening credits and summed it up nicely so we could move on to the real story.

      Superman Returns kind of did the same thing.

      I wouldnt mind a new origin story but only if it served to build on the story. Like if they planned a trilogy or something.

      But I will be happy if they sum it up too.

  14. Ifaz says:

    I know this will never happen but what I want is leave superman as it is, concentrate on the other JLA characters and when it is time to do a JLA movie just hire Brandon Routh 2 play superman. Later make a individual superman movie without using Lex Luthor.

  15. Tithian says:

    I might be in the minority of actually kind of liking Superman Returns… at least… the one time I saw it. I never bothered to watch it again to see if I was delirious.

    My only real beef with the movie was that the actors playing Lois and Clark were too young for the roles.

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