Paranormal Activity on DVD and Blue December 29

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 11. 2009in News Chat

Because with the cult success of the wee film gone wild, Parnormal Activity will be available on DVD and BluRay just in time for you not to buy it for Christmas!


Paramount will release Paranormal Activity to home video on December 29, just in time to give you something to purchase with the gift card you got over the holidays. Both the DVD and Blu-ray come with the theatrical version of the film as well as an unrated cut that includes an alternate ending (presumably the original one). And the Blu-ray includes a digital copy of the theatrical version, so you can play the movie on your iPod and watch it while hiding underneath your covers.

It seems silly for them NOT to put this out in time for Christmas, but at the same with everyone else making sure their big releases are going to be out in time for Christmas shoppers it might not be a bad idea to have it released while you still have that $5 cheque from your Gramma burning a hole in your pocket the day after Christmas.

Will you be buying Paranormal Activity?

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Rodney who has written 8625 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Paranormal Activity on DVD and Blue December 29”

  1. Dragonslayer says:

    I’ll definitely be buying it. I saw the original version online and I’d like to see the differences between that and the new.

  2. SlashBeast says:

    I doubt this film will have any longevity.

  3. tr0n says:

    I saw this the other day and I thought it was absolute rubbish. I don’t know if it was because of the hype or that I didn’t see it in the cinema but it just wasn’t scary and was so freakin boring - I did watch it home in the dark, lights off and still hardly even creeped me out let alone be scary. I had such high hopes given what I’d read and seen on the intertubes but (I personally) was extremely dissapointed.

  4. David Lopan says:

    I enjoyed it and I’ll definitely be buying.

  5. b sims says:

    Absolute rubbish,no way the film hitt a little to close too home for me.Yes the film has a touch of blair witch style film makeing,but the subject matter of this film is possible.
    when she was pulled out of the bed,that brought me back to a place in my childehood once you have been touched,you can never forget or let go of the fear,you live with it every day of your life.
    I am a hard core horror fan and this movie for the first time in forever scared the hell out me.
    there was no hollywood background music too build the tension,anyways i think the film was great

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