Nimrod Antal Talks Predators

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 11. 2009in News Chat

Robert Rodriguez is producing the next Predator film and will be named Predators.

His director Nimrod Antal was in an interview and talks about casting Adrien Brody and confirms the R rating. Geek Tyrant quotes Nimrod Antal:

So far, it’s been great, and I think that the fans who may have been underwhelmed by the last two AVP films, I think they’re in for a very pleasant surprise.

I think we recognize that the original film was as good as it was because of the practical, because it was a guy in a suit, because it was the jungle, so we stay true to that. We were in Hawaii for a month in the jungle, so there’s going to be some pretty impressive locations.

Let me tell you, I was so much of a fan that I stood in line when I was 14 and I had the poster on my wall. I was a huge fan. Again, it was a challenge in finding a balance. I think when we cast Adrian, there were a lot of people going, ‘What?’ but at the same time, if we cast a Vin Diesel in that role or if we cast anyone who is Arnold-esque, we would have been attacked for doing that. So we decided early on to go in a very different direction as far as the casting process, but it turned out fantastic. He plays a mercenaryin the film and if you look at the guys in Iraq and Afghanistan today, they’re not ‘yolked-out’ Schwarzenegger-looking guys. They’re all very wiry and thin guys, and I think it’s going to play well.

Its bold talk and builds some confidence in the franchise that has delievered less than stellar conflicts before.

But this film has no Aliens, so I am trying not to associate this with those films, and Antal says he is working with the feel and tone of the original Predator films, so I have hope.

He also addresses the wild speculation that Schwarzenegger would reprise his Dutch role, even in cameo or mention. As of right now its not hapening, but he didn’t rule it out either.

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Rodney who has written 8625 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Nimrod Antal Talks Predators”

  1. 420BAND says:

    I didnt think AVP part 1 was too awful, it actually was a nice little B-movie w/ decent cast.

    Part 2 is another issue all together. seems like whomever directed that one didnt know how to film anything but close ups of everything.

    Predetors has a nice “going to rock like aliens did” ring to it. but I’m kinda on the fence with Rodriguez’ association.

    just hope we dont get Spy Kids effects.
    so far so good from what I’m hearing

    • David Lopan says:

      It wasn’t just close up(s). Homeboy loved to film all action scenes in the dark, it was damn near impossible to make out what was happening. Also, the thing looked like a music video the whole time. It felt like you were watching an extended music video, the pacing of the film was absurd. AVP2 was a huge letdown (which isn’t saying much since 1 was exactly Ben Hur either). I hope predators is good though, I really do.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Just hope he’s not a “NIMROD” behind the camera

  3. Anti-Septic says:

    I’ll go see this for sure, encouraged by what I have heard so far.

  4. Carlos D says:

    Cant wait. they better not mess this one up.

  5. MichoPower says:

    AVP 1 was the biggest piece of shit in the Aliens/Predator franchise. AVPR was a hell of a lot better. The only thing wrong with it was what David Lopan said…the lighting was just too dark for a lot of it. I am looking forward to this movie but not keeping my hopes up for it to be a great like Predator and Aliens. I am not impressed with anything by R. Rodriguez. I really hope I am wrong and this brings back the suspense and horror of the original. IMO that is the problem with all the current films…both A and P. There is no horror or suspense.

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