Muppets Tribute Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 11. 2009in News Chat

Something I have been itching for lately is a new Muppet Movie, and while one is some Muppet fun is on its way and now this tribute to Queen is out and its made of awesome.

Queen is releasing a new album and this tribute video was made to celebrate its release. And I am excited about a new Queen release, but this just makes me want to see more Muppets.


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Rodney who has written 8625 posts on The Movie Blog

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15 Responses to “Muppets Tribute Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody”

  1. McBain says:

    uhhhhhh….. I was under the impression that Freddy Mrcury died like 20 years ago. So no there will not be a new Queen album, there may be a new Brian May and co. album, but it sure as fuck isn’t a Queen album.

    • Rodney says:

      Mercury might have been the lead singer, but there is a reason it wasn’t called Freddy Mercury and Queen.

      Its a band. Its not Freddy.

      I look forward to seeing what they have coming out.

    • party marty says:

      Yeah I feel the same McBain, its not even John Deacon on bass anymore. Its only half of Queen really since they were all equally prolific writers of the material. They are using it as a brand a little. The reason it wasnt ‘Freddy Mercury and Queen’ is because he was a quarter of queen himself, no distinction required. I dont mind new material though, but form a new supergroup with a new name is a better idea IMO.

      Isnt the new album a Greatest Hits? They did new material with Paul Rogers about a year ago.

  2. Brendan says:

    Best part = singing bananas.

    Man I miss the muppets… *goes and watches Muppet Treasure Island”

  3. ThePeter says:

    Loved it. Great video.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Muppets Rock!

  5. 420BAND says:

    they need to do the T.V. show again

    • Rodney says:

      They did try to revive the TV show.

      There was Muppets Tonight that only lasted 2 seasons. It was set in a TV studio variety show format instead of the old style theater of the original. Statler and Waldorf(The old guys from the balcony) were watching it on TV now from their nursing home, still heckling them.

      Statler and Waldorf also had a webseries called Statler and Waldorf: From the Balcony.

      They considered another revival capturing the reality TV craze called Americas Top Muppet or something like that but I think the idea died off.

  6. Vic De Zen says:

    That was great! I still enjoy the muppets =)

  7. 420BAND says:

    Not enough interest I guess SHAME. somehow I think this generation of kids would benefit from a Muppets T.V. show in the mix of all the other stuff their spoon fed now-a-days.

    just sayin’

  8. SlashBeast says:

    I’d love a new Muppets movie. Not something like The Muppets Go to Hell. Just, The Muppets.

  9. 420Band says:

    “Muppets in Vegas”

    Poster Title: What Happens in Vegas.Could give you STD’S

    Image:………….Use your imagination!

    Mine involves Animal,Ms.Piggy,one of Gonzos ladie chickens, and that fat-lipped chick from Dr. Tooths’ band.

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