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Mandarin for Iron Man 3?

By Rodney - November 23, 2009 - 05:49 America/Montreal

The subtle presence of the Ten Rings terrorist group and the leader Raza wearing a decorative symbol of his position made me think that Mandarin might make an appearance in the sequel but we know that isn’t happening just yet.

The actor who played Raza has a little insight into the potential of Mandarin in the Iron Man films.

Latino Review quotes Faran Tahir:

“At some point, they want to introduce Mandarin into the storyline and my character, like Mandarin, was the leader of the Ten Rings. We’re leaving it open because, partly, it makes good business sense for us to leave a little bit of uncertainty for people to speculate on.”

“He [Favreau] has known for a long time where he wants to take it and I don’t want to speak for him, but my feeling is that the second movie didn’t want to just follow a singular storyline. They wanted to expand the characters to show that it’s not a linear saga like Lord of the Rings. There’s a linkage somewhere in there, but the big idea is to do at least one more Iron Man movie and then go into The Avengers.”

Now sometimes when we hear about a cast member promoting his character we just assume its just talk, but the talk here pretty much sets up the potential that Faran himself may not be the man who becomes the Mandarin.

The Mandarin’s true name has never been revealed, though it has been suggested that he has been called a few variations of Khan among other completely different names.

Perhaps it was the ring itself that becomes the cameo of the first film. Even Tahir admits that his character may not step into the shoes and just shares a little of the inside track he knows about Favreau’s plans.

I’d like to see Mandarin as the villain. He brings something a little different from the current trend of the “Turn Stark Technology against Iron Man” stories. Fav seems to be pacing out the storylines.

I also wonder when we might see the Bottle.


  1. 420BAND says:

    I’m sure well the bottles in the background of the 2nd and set it up for a third(possibly) as great as an arc as it was I would’nt be devestated if they bypass it all together..
    excited to see more action and War Machine..

    Mandarin would be cool to see also at some point without the cheese of course..

    Favreau’s doin’ good

  2. hamiwill says:

    Mandarin would be an interesting character to throw into the mix at some point, though I am glad that they are waiting a few films before they introduce him. Hopefully they do a better job at that than Rami has done with the spider-man series. Dr. Connor’s cameos have been enjoyable, but the tease has sort of lost its flavor at this point.

    • bigsampson says:

      “Hopefully they do a better job at that than Rami has done with the spider-man series” why the 3rd one was the only one most people didnt enjoy…and at that it was better then 80% of the crap out there….

  3. cloud720 says:

    Is he saying do a third Iron-man movie before avengers? If do, since when was that the plan?

  4. SlashBeast says:

    With all the B-list villains they went for in Iron Man 2, I’d be pissed if they didn’t include Mandarin in the third.

    • Geno says:

      But does Iron Man have any real A List villains? Fing Fang Foom, Mandarin, Crimson Dynamo? I never really thought of them as top shelf really. As far as villians go for Iron Man he never really did have any major threats that I can think of. The only ones that were worthy was when he fought them with the Avengers like Ultron and Kang or the Skrulls in the recent Secret Invasion.

      • SlashBeast says:

        True. Iron man doesn’t really have any noteworthy villains. Perhaps the 3 you mentioned, but I’d never consider them to be A-list villains.

  5. Soggie G. says:

    I for one, wouldn’t want to see the Bottle in any upcoming Iron Man movies. Why? you ask, because I’d rather not have the Avengers movie be one long Iron Man Intervention. Where Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Spidey, etc are all standing around him, and hulk walks up with a Que card and says “When Metal Man Drink, He get angry at hulk, and that make Hulk sad.”


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