Legion Trailer and Images Online

Somehow this Sony Screen Gems film Legion escaped my notice but it has my attention now.

Bloody Disgusting describes:

“In the supernatural action thriller Legion, an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity’s only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner and the Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany).”

The premise seems simple enough, but I am having difficulty wrapping my head around an omniscient being becoming disillusioned with the creation he loves. What happens that makes God decide that humanity isn’t worth it anymore. And for that matter, why would God (the being who created everything by his will alone) have to send a legion angels to kill one baby in a desert.

The answer is so we can have a kickass action flick. The film has some great visuals at the sacrifice of a sensible blot.

I am on the fence about the story, but the visuals and action look pretty amazing. Its like Maximum Overdrive.. with pissed off angels.

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21 Responses to “Legion Trailer and Images Online”
  1. David Lopan says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this movie for a while. It’s a shame Paul Bettany hasn’t become a household name yet. I think he’s a great actor and I’ve followed his career since Gangster No.1

  2. kal07 says:

    The action looks pretty badass to me…
    I might see this.

  3. bigsampson says:

    i am a hater of religions so i dont really get into this type of thing but i love dennis qUAD and any time i get to watch some god bashing im all up for it!

  4. jaffahut says:

    Looks like fun!

  5. Andrew says:

    Jeez, why don’t they just show the end credits in the trailer too?
    I think they already just spoiled how about 5 characters are gonna die
    The plot is totally nonsensical, but there seems to be plenty of action to make up for it……aka, the Michael Bay method. (lol)

  6. ramsey carr says:

    This movie looks great. Even though I am a believer in God, I don’t put my faith in films, haha, but this looks good. I’m a huge fan of Bettany, due to the fact that he married Jennifer connely, haha. but does anyone else think that lucas black and sam worthington look alike? has anyone seen them both in the same room at the same time?

  7. matty says:

    “What happens that makes God decide that humanity isn’t worth it anymore?”

    Musta seen Transformers

  8. Mikano94 says:

    This movie has looked god awful since I saw the first trailer, it looks like a cheesy apocalyptic movie that’s gonna be a waste of time and money.

  9. Matt Keith says:

    The whole “God loses faith in humanity” is just fucking rediculous, even from someone like me, who is a former christian. But, it does look like it could be some fun. LOL, I can’t wait for The Vatican to be pissed about this film.

  10. Mike Mai says:

    tyrese? ugh… why does this guy even have a job?

  11. kanthan says:

    ‘The whole “God loses faith in humanity” is just fucking rediculous’ Whattttttt has you forgotten a big flood and an Arc, second chance is over!

    • Rodney says:

      I like when people act like they know the story and miss the most important part.

      Yeah… the Ark? Remember the part when it was all over and God tossed up a rainbow?

      That was a promise that he would never again do that.

      There are a thousand theological problems with God loosing faith in humanity that make this plot complete nonsense.

      But without it, we wouldnt have a legion of angels trying to kill an unborn baby… thats plotline gold. Bring it.

      • me says:

        Can I just say that although God did make a promise not to visit the Earth with a flood again he still regularly sent plague after plague on mankind. God losing faith in humankind is not all that hard to believe just look at the tirade God unleashed on Sodom and Gomorrah. UNLESS I AM MISTAKEN THE PLAGUE VISITED TO SODOM/GOMORRAH WAS AFTER THE FLOOD. Seems to me God has lost faith in humankind quite frequently EVEN AFTER THE GREAT FLOOD…God MIGHT of promised not to flood the Earth again but he has plenty of other weapons in his arsenal.

      • Rodney says:

        Ok. “me” you might want to try READING the bible sometime.

        God dealt justice on those places after forewarning them that if they did not give up their sinful ways that he would lash out at them. The flood wiped out more than just sinners. It wiped out EVERYTHING that wasn’t in the ark. Plenty of innocent creatures and people died in the wake of his wrath, and he promised never to do that again.

        There is a big difference between dealing justice and wiping out all of humanity. He promised not to wipe out all of creation as he did with the flood. He never said he was going to stop punishing individuals or groups for defying his edicts.

        This is why religion sucks. People make up their own mind on hearsay instead of reading it.

  12. 420BAND says:

    Saw the trailer seems like a year ago , it was like 4 minutes long and I came away thinking I saw the whole thing. (hate when that happens) saved 10 bucks I guess

  13. vargas says:

    Looks like a Constantine ripoff.

  14. me says:


    Of course innocent people were whipped away in the Great Flood, but I would also suggest that innocent lives were lost in SODOM/GOMORRAH (children/ babies unless you wouldn’t count them as innocents)

    The point I am trying to make is God has been known (even after the FLOOD)to send plagues on a great number of people even if that supposed group contained a few innocents in its wake. That’s right God sometimes kills good people in order to rid the earth of the bad ones. That is why this movie’s plot makes sense to me on a Bible stand point.

    Oh and I do read the bible. I have examined very thoroughly.

  15. PED says:

    Now I know what the term god awful means. This movie was so bad I can’t believe dennis quaid would agree to such movie, then again he probably just did it for fun. I don’t believe in critics I believe it’s merely their opinion as is mine, but wow really bad. I’ve been a victim of the massive layoffs across the country but it’s good to know that at least anyone can make a movie.

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