Jackson Talks Tintin

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 11. 2009in News Chat

Peter Jackson was at the London Premier of The Lovely Bones and decided to remind us he was working on a Tintin movie. To my surprise he said the movie was done… kinda.

Movie Moron says:

“Tintin is great. It’s made,” he said while in London for the premiere of The Lovely Bones. “The movie is cut together and now [we] are turning it into a fully-rendered film. So the movie, to some degree, exists in a very rough state.” You’ll have to wait a long time to see it though (if you actually care) because it’s going to take 2 years to do all the CGI.

Again, I only have a very light and very basic awareness that Tintin even existed, so I have no guage of nostalgia or anticipation for this.

Let alone two years worth. Maybe something will come along and make me want to see this. But right now its just mild curiosity.

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Rodney who has written 8625 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Jackson Talks Tintin”

  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    Is Peter Jackson directing this? I thought it was Spielberg.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Yeah I heard something to that nature also. BUT like others I dont know diddly-squat about this Tin Tin. is this like Archie and Friends style stuff?

  3. Philipo says:

    Tintin is kinda like a young Indiana Jones, mixed with Sherlock Holmes with maybe a little James Bond in there too. Mystical adventures, conspiracies, diabolical super villians, etc. There is a cartoon thats worth checking out though.

    The first film is going to mix The Secret of the Unicorn and Red Rackham’s Treasure which in my opinion are in the top 5 Tintin books (I like the adventures on the moon slightly more - hopefully theyl go there in the sequels *fingers crossed*).

    Personally I can’t wait to see what Spielberg and Jackson do with this. 2 years is gunna take ages!

    • Bernardg says:

      Love Tintin, read it as a kid, just like Philipo said. He is a reporter that have a knack of solving mysteries, conspiracies, etc. Accompanied by his loyal dog Snowy and best friend a foul mouthed, hard drinking sailor Capt Haddock… sometimes tagging along a twin of the most clueless detective in the world (Thomson & Thompson)and genius oft eccentric prof. Their HQ is in a mansion (property of the capt, that i’m sure will be revealed early in the movie), they’re embarking in quite over the top adventure around the world, undersea & even the moon.

  4. nbakid2000 says:

    Tintin is great. There was a cartoon they showed on Nick years and years back (they’re on DVD now) that I would LOVE to see again.

    My friend owns almost all the books and I borrowed them.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Thanks for discript, will look out for it

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