Hlavin to write Underworld 4

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 11. 2009in News Chat

I really liked the Underworld series, but I wasn’t all that impressed with the third one. Maybe it was the lack of Beckensale. I don’t know. I just wasn’t sucked in as much as I was with the first two. I didn’t hate it, but it wasn’t as good.

Well they are moving along with Underworld 4, and even hired a writer. John Hlavin wont spill what its about, but it won’t be a prequel.

Screening Log shares:

John Hlavin, whose credits include “The Shield” and “Trust Me,” is on board to write “Underworld 4,” the latest installment in the popular series that began with Len Wiseman’s “Underworld” in 2003.

Hlavin told Heat Vision that plot details will remain secret for a while. However, he said “Underworld 4″ won’t be a prequel. “It will satisfy old fans and excite new audiences…,” he said.

No word of Beckensale, but like the Pirates’ Elizabeth and Will thing, it is possible that they would continue on with a new story with new characters.

I like the franchise and I look forward to seeing what they do with this.

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Rodney who has written 7914 posts on The Movie Blog

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17 Responses to “Hlavin to write Underworld 4”

  1. Jake says:

    The reason Underworld 3 sucked was because the sex scene before the end of the first act obliterated the tension established between the two main characters, breaking down the story’s dimension. That’s why the rest of the movie was a grind. It was a really bad decision.

    • Ian MacLeod says:

      It seemed to me the love-making scene tied the two more closely together. Until Michael she was a stone-cold killer who lived for nothing else. Then she found herself in the same position as Victor’s daughter, and THEN he was the only other “safe” person, the only help in HER world. It removed the tension between the two because that wasn’t needed. Then the tension was accomplishing what they had to and both surviving it to have a life together. Plenty of tension there without adding the “Will they or won’t they” sexual thing. I enjoyed all three, but I’d like to see Beckensale again. Excellent actress, very athletic. She looks a tiny, very slender gal in the rehearsals, but a perfectly gorgeous, sexy femme fatale in the movie. I thought it was all around a great movie, lots of action, surprises, very entertaining. Too bad they killed off so many interesting characters though.


  2. Matt Keith says:

    I thought the third was the best of the series, but I do agree the sex scene was lame. I was hoping that this film would be another prequel, but its already been said that its a sequel.

    • Jake says:

      I never said that that the sex scene was lame (though it was pretty darn cheezy). I said that it’s placement in the story was a terrible decision, plotwise. It sent the rest of the movie into the ground.

  3. SlashBeast says:

    Underworld is the perfect example of a series with a great idea/premise, but completely lame execution.

  4. Ifaz says:

    I loved the first and third Underworld movie, quite hated the second one. I’m happy to hear that it’s not a prequel, wish Beckinsale comes back and wish they do not bring Scott Speedman back.

  5. 420BAND says:

    First one had a nice vibe to it and Kate was great…2nd one had a smell of havarti all over it.
    and the 3rd I did’nt see..The girl they got in 3 looked almost identical to Kate..in the poster anyway.

    Vampires and Werewolves have worn out their welcome as far as I’m concerned…

    Gimme Benicios Wolfman and I’m good for a while thanks

  6. 420BAND says:

    kinda, again just speakin’for myself, nothing wrong with it ,but after 2 of these it’s not my cup of tea anymore. and by worn out I mean for myself..I grew up loving Vanpire and Werewolf flicks from Abbot and Costello to flicks like The Howling and Vamp (forgotten fridays anyone?)and Fright night to all the Boris and Lon. so This latest trend is kinda cool, but as I get into Old Fogie demagraphic territory I cant help but have a low tolerance with this genre and mediocre re-visioning or whatever you want to call it. Chalk it up to Nostalgia again with me… Sorry

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    Strange. I actually liked the third film a lot. I didn’t mind Rhona Mitra, but that was by far Michael Sheen’s best work in the series. Rodney is pulled out, I’m pulled back in.

  8. Colin says:

    I can’t quite remember where I read it, but I’m almost positive I heard she had signed on for 3 more Underworld movies? though elsewhere I’m reading she isn’t interested in doing a 4th one.

    Lets hope so, tight-clad leather has never been so good!

  9. P says:

    I read that Beckinsale is back in for 4

  10. izabelle says:

    love the underworld series. wish they would do a prequel with Amelia. and her history, as to how she became an elder, etc. i can only cross my fingers….

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