Full Musical Trailer for Nine Online

A new Trailer has come out for the musical film Nine, staring Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Kate Hudson, sophia Lauren, Judi Dench and Fergie.

Sounds like a great cast for a musical, but after seeing this trailer, I just don’t find myself eager at all.

I do like musicals, but this is just not catchy or entertainting at all (short of seeing Hudson and others in sexy outfits)

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16 Responses to “Full Musical Trailer for Nine Online”
  1. SlashBeast says:

    Complete Academy dick-suck.

    • David Lopan says:

      Actually “Precious: followed by pretentious title” is more like the academy dick suck this year. I don’t know if this will be. Although, Marshall did win for Chicago back in like 2003…what the hell were they thinking? Probably smoking the same shit they smoked the year that Shakespere in Love won over Saving Private Ryan.

      • SlashBeast says:

        This is WAY more of an Academy dick-suck. Emphasis on respect for the arts, Daniel Day-Lewis, musical numbers. Hell, the Academy LOVES musicals! This whole movie seems to be screaming “Give me an oscar!”.

      • Lonell Fletcher says:

        Actually, Marshall won nothing for Chicago. The film won best Picture, but he didn’t produce it and lost out on Best Director to Roman Polanski.

      • SlashBeast says:

        Who cares? Nominated, all that matters.

    • bdri09 says:

      I was in no ruh to see the movie Nine however, after seeing it i can not say it was all that bad. Some parts of the movie did remind meof Chicago, which a personally love, and I thought it was different than any other movie that had come out recently. People are not into musicals like they ued to be 40+ years ago, and man people must have had the same “in no rush” atitude as I did, and thats why it did so poorly in the box office.

      Nine ha the right cast as well. There ar popular and talented actors/actresses. I do wish that Penelope Cruz did an outstadin job playing her roll and I wish there was more of her in the film. Nicole Kidman was not too shabby herself. Kate Hudson looked georgous and nailed her part.

      This film needs to be given a lot more credit than it has gotten and should not be judged by the money it ade, or did not make, in the box office.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Hudson’s startin to look sexy again thanks to this.

  3. dave says:

    the first trailer was better.

  4. Stormy says:

    I am not a musical fan, but I was interested after the first trailer. After this one, I’m not anymore.

  5. Ifaz says:

    I don’t like musicals. And Rob Marshall movies are like so boring, it takes years to end.

  6. Will the GMan says:

    Daniel Day-Lewis wouldn’t do it if it sucked. That guy is infallible, we must trust in him.

  7. OMGuy says:

    I’m gonna watch it because I love Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2 and I’m really curious to see how this will work as a musical.

  8. Haole says:

    Is it just me or does this look like a car or perfume commercial?

  9. Angie says:

    It really just felt like a music video.. I didn’t see any story or anything that would make me want to see it, other than the fact Judi Dench is in it and she has pretty good taste in films… I love musicals…but I just don’t know.

  10. Vic De Zen says:

    I thought there was already a movie out called Nine (but in number form).

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