First Look at Jonah Hex

Finally after so many teaser shots of what Megan Fox will look like in the film we are going to get a better look at Jonah Hex.

I have never been a Jonah Hex fan, nor have I read the books (I will likely pick up the collected trades closer to the film) but I have seen the images in the comics and wondered just how they were going to do his scarred up face.
I am glad they did it subtle this way instead of the more dramatic zombie like scars illustrated in the books.


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9 Responses to “First Look at Jonah Hex”
  1. SlashBeast says:


  2. Afee Tadeo says:


  3. Matt Keith says:

    Looks cool, but I read the synopis for this film and it sounded like complete shit.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Any Megan fox pic’s to go along?

  5. Kaneda979 says:

    Great pic. I’m so glad the got Josh Brolin for the lead. The man is just a huge punch of awesome.

    I just wish Megan Fox wasn’t in it. Hopefully her lack of acting skills wont be TOO much of a distraction for the audience, verses the rest of the film…

  6. MADMAX_007 says:

    I have never seen his comicbook “zombie version” face before or any other iterations except on an episode of BATMAN: The Animated Series. It was an episode about Hex fighting Ra’s Al Ghul in the Wild West. Eventhough he was like 60 in the episode with a bald top and long white hair around the sides of his head (ala Hulk Hogan), Hex’s facial scar was also subtle. This first look pic looks like a live-action younger version of the animated Hex. I love comic-book movies and like westerns so I am quite pumped to see this.

  7. Robb Wo says:

    looks intense. but i want to see how they handle his big ol’ bulging eye. that might be hard to translate from the comic book without looking too cartoony or campy.

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