Beastly Teaser Trailer Online

A new Feature Film is coming that will be a modern retelling of the Beauty and the Beast. Beastly is the story of a rich good looking socialite who crosses the wrong goth chick and she curses him with a ghastly appearance of body peircings and tatoos.

Check out the teaser:

The Belle to this beast (named Lindy) will be played by Vanessa Hudgens of High School Musical fame. With any luck she might step away from that stereotype and be given a chance like her co-star Zac Efron.

The movie will be based upon a book of the same name that is a quiet hit in that popular teen drama demographic. I imagine if the feature film is a success, it could easily spawn into a series.


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5 Responses to “Beastly Teaser Trailer Online”
  1. emmaleeann says:

    This isn’t a TV Movie. It’s a feature film.

  2. kiddo says:

    omg… this looks like a tv movie from the sci-fi channel (sorry, SyFy), they better come up with a better trailer soon

  3. Jeremy K. says:

    Yeah, I could of sworn I saw a movie poster for this at the theater the other day when I went to see Ninja Assassin; which by the way, was a horrible horrible movie! I would think that if they are putting posters up at AMC Theaters that it would be a theatrical release, but maybe it’s some new marketing campaign to get people to watch it on TV.

  4. Ed says:

    I’ve read the book, I’ve met the author Alex Flinn too. It’s a good book as far as I’m concerned, but the movie seems darker than the sometimes comically book which isn’t a bad thing.

  5. Devan Price says:

    What is the Tv shows name? *unless you mean a movie that will become a TV series*

    have to give it props for originality, but I’m kind of confused by the plot. He tells some goth chick to buzz off and she curses him with lip rings and dragon tattoos?

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