22 Mistakes and Counting in New Moon

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 11. 2009in News Chat

Seems the barrels of those guns are still aimed at Twilight as it takes the #1 spot two weeks in a row, just edging out $2million ahead of Sandra Bullock’s $40m opening of The Blind Side. Over the last week since the film’s release there have been a number of movie mistakes discovered about the film. A staggering 22 of them in fact. (that’s sarcasm right there)

io9.com has shared some of them:

here are a few of the problems the fans have identified:

When Jacob first shows off his tattoo, it is up at the top of his shoulder. Then when he is in the forest at the end with Bella and Edward, his tattoo is about 2 inches further down his arm.

When Bella is flying to Italy they show a Virgin America airplane. Virgin America only flies within certain cities in the US. Virgin Atlantic flies from the US to Europe.

Just as Jacob enters Bella’s room through the window, a stunt prop - white band on his right wrist - is briefly visible.

In the montage scenes where we see Bella’s depression, when the camera is circling her, the camera man is shown in the mirror (twice) behind her.

The rims of the vampires contacts can be spotted occasionally during the film, especially the Volturi’s during the ending scenes — e.g., Jane’s in the elevator.

In the main title when the giant new moon appears on the screen the shadow fades over the moon from right to left when it should actually fade from left to right. The moon travels around the earth clockwise. The waning moon should turn to a new moon, not the waxing which is shown.

Interestingly enough in the original article, the writer speculates on a number of flaws that just reveal she has never read the books or knows anything about Twilight. She ponders on how its possible that Jacob could transform into a wolf 4 times his size (uh… magic has to follow the laws of physics now?) and where they keep getting clothes after they shred their outfits(the book spells out how they deal with this too)

But still I am sure that the twhaters will be trying to use this as Ammo for proving how flawed Twilight is, keep in mind that according to Movie Mistakes, Star Wars has 139 recorded mistakes (259 reported - 120 corrections). Who knows if they will find as many in New Moon.

I am sure more will be found and nit picked over. But spotting these little slip ups in any film is always fun.

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Rodney who has written 7867 posts on The Movie Blog

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43 Responses to “22 Mistakes and Counting in New Moon”

  1. Dragonslayer says:

    I love movie mistakes.

  2. cloud720 says:

    Mistake number one: making a twilight movie

    • Dragonslayer says:


    • SlashBeast says:


    • Rodney says:

      There are over 800 million reasons that statement is completely wrong.

      And all 800 million of them have dead presidents printed on the back.

      With a combined budget of about $60m to make BOTH films and the money they made? You can hate the franchise with the passion of a million burning suns and you still can’t say it was a bad idea.

      • kal07 says:

        Yeah it was a money-making idea BUT that doesn’t change the fact that these films are pathetic.

        Sry Rodney no hard feelings…I know you love them!

      • matt says:

        I have to agree with kal07. Even without any rose-tinted spectacles, surely we can agree that a bad movie, no matter that prints its own money, is still a bad idea?

      • Rodney says:

        Your personal opinion of the film has little to do with it being “a bad idea”

        Its clearly a good idea. Doesn’t mean you have to watch it or like it, but it doesn’t change that the movie was a good idea to make.

      • tina says:

        thank you rodney all haters dont have to comment period

      • SlashBeast says:

        Because only Twilight lovers can have opinions!

    • riggs says:


  3. SlashBeast says:



  4. SlashBeast says:

    The mistakes that piss me off the most are probably in The Prisoner of Azkaban (2nd most of all time with 296). The grinding with continuity probably contributed to why I hated the film.

  5. GODFATHER says:

    I got a mistake in your article, Rodney: The Blind Side was released last weekend, not this past weekend, therefore not its “opening”. ;D

    BTW, I think it would be more interesting to note which movies have absolutely no mistakes in them. I’m pretty sure that’s something of an impossibility!

  6. matty says:

    I’m forwarding this to my girlfriend Rodney, she’s going to be pretty angry with you ;p

  7. jenn celeste says:

    i wish i didn’t like the twilight saga, but i do.. i think new moon was way better than twilight (not by much..i really despised the first film). rob pattinson’s acting was still bad though and kristen stewart annoyed the crap out of me…. but taylor lautner lit up the screen. yummy werewolves.

  8. llkm says:

    interesting post and I like the way you mentioned the flaw in star wars. Now i’m not a twilight fan but I dont mind the mythos behind it, and when there are action scenes i’m all for it. in writing this, i haven’t seen new moon but…

    all this twilight bashing from people need to stop. its the same case when nerds were going in droves to the theatres when star wars ep 1 came out a few years back. you guys ask what is the big fuss about twilight? many normal people would ask what the fuss about star wars is? and your responses are a resounding: it fukcing rocks; its genius; lucas is god.

    let the little teenage girls have their fun as you guys have your fun. what’s the big fuss?

    • tim says:

      the fuss is the fact that it’s everywhere now. i can’t go a single day without seeing a burger king commercial with a twilight tie-in and articles about mistakes for a movie only rodney cares about.

      • Will says:

        The big difference between Ep1 and twilight is a lot of nerds admit that Ep1 wasn’t all that great. The acting was bad, the writing was horrible. In fact I think the only reason it made money was special effects and the fact it was a star wars movie.

        Starwars proved nerds are loyal and have too much money/time.

        Twilight proves young women have more money than brains.

      • Rodney says:

        Sorry Tim, I know you have a deep seeded hate for this film that you have to lash out to illustrate your insecurity (there are films I dislike, and ignore) but clearly I am not the only person who cares about the film.

        I like the movies. They are far from perfect, and I have a LOT of issues with the franchise. Its a surface interest as there are good parts to the story.

        But please don’t pretend that I am the only person who cares about this film.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Yeah, let them have their fun with a crappy franchise.

    • cloud720 says:

      I complain because they are bad movies.(Admittedly, I can only say half of the first one was bad, because that’s all I could stand to watch. The second one looks just as bad) I don’t care for harry potter but at least they are trying to make good movies for their audience. The people behind twilight don’t care. They are not even trying to make good movies, they know people will go see them anyway.

  9. llkm says:

    i get you time, but when star wars was rolling around was burger king , mcdonalds, pizza hut and every other place you looked not selling space ship toys, jar jar binks toys, skywalker toys, etc?

    i mean if people are going to complain about the state of the fan ravings of twilight, then some people (especially on this blog) should tone there level of excitement when there favourite movies roll around.

    hell, its f’ing gross looking at ADULT fans of star wars dress up like clowns AT the theatre WITH their lightsabres IN hand… time to grow up maybe? I’d rather have innocent teenagers who just hit puberty lulling over actors like the vampire and wolf in twilight… that’s understandable because they’re KIDS!!

    i’m just trying to understand the bashing is all

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I agree! Any SW fanantic who dresses up like a clown instead of a Stormtrooper at a convention should be ashamed of themselves lol

  10. Darren J Seeley says:

    This entire post ticks me off. Not the way Rodney reports or writes it, (aside from one side comment) but the concept in general.

    First, Rodney’s blunder.
    She ponders on how its possible that Jacob could transform into a wolf 4 times his size (uh… magic has to follow the laws of physics now?)

    No, it doesn’t. BUT like any other genre film, it does have to follow the rules set up by the film itself. Once those rules are ignored, the film itself falls apart. That said, there’s two better answers for that io9 writer. Camera angles and depth of field could make Jacob appear larger and/or dominant. That’s one. The other is in other Werewolf (or even Werewolf vs Vampire flicks) aren’t the majority of werewolves bigger/longer in mass or height? However, since it happens to be JACOB who is the biggest wolf, that isn’t coincidence.

    While I’m not going to defend New Moon, (or the previous film, which I thought was over-praised but not a bad film overall) it does appear that the io9 writer is a bit too nitpicky. Sometimes what are thought of as mistakes aren’t, or that there is a reason for things to be different.

    However, I’m NOT going to hold the writer to task for PLOT HOLES in the film itself. Yes the explanations are in the book.. Yes it is possible that some stuff was left on the cutting room floor, saved as DVD extras.

    It does not matter I repeat It does not matter if the writer of the article read the Twilight books or not.

    The film(s) have a following due to the books. But as an adaptation of hose books, the film (s) have to stand on their own. The person who wrote the article is objectively judging the film itself.

  11. thematticus says:

    There is no excuse for the camera in the mirror. That’s amateur. I guess if they spent more than leftover change on the budget that sort of thing wouldn’t happen. Movie mistakes are common, but that is huge. Oh well, they know the general audience for this doesn’t have the attention span to really notice or care about things like that, they’ll keep pouring quarters into the machine.

  12. Lordthybob says:

    I’m gonna have to argue with the “explanation is in the book” excuse. I believe John made mention of it about Nero in Star Trek, it doesn’t matter if some other medium has more info or explanations, if its not explained in the movie, it doesn’t exist in the movie. They could have had a two second explanation about how the clothing works, I say it stands as a mistake.

  13. Zach says:

    IMO the only good idea came from the producers who recognized the massive fan base. Other than that, these movies are embarrassingly executed.

  14. Jeremy K. says:

    Yea, I don’t get all the New Moon bashing after this past weekends release of Ninja Assassin. Talk about a horrible movie worth far more bashing. I’m a fairly forgiving individual when it comes to movies, and I really wanted to enjoy it… but damned did I not walk out disgusted at wasting my money on seeing it. I enjoyed New Moon, bad acting and all, more than I did Ninja Assassin.

  15. Briony says:

    Get a life people… every movie has mistakes EVERY MOVIE.

  16. Vic De Zen says:

    Teens/Tweens could careless about movie mistakes =P

  17. voloap says:

    it was bad but it wasn’t that bad…. twilight was far worse. which is probably why this movie wasn’t such a pain to watch.

  18. Devan Price says:

    It’s completely understandable because if i remember from one of the early movie blogs about this movie is that the director didn’t really care about twilight. if the director wasn’t passionate about the movie then of course there are going to be mistakes.

  19. Joshua says:

    people seem to think that just because a movie has mistakes then it has to be bad. this is not true. even the best movies have mistakes. people need to stop nitpicking and trying to find flaws in everything they look at. i am not a fan of the twilight franchise, the first movie was a horrific piece of trash, the second was slightly better but still not good. and yes it had its flaws but who cares. especially who cares if you can see the contacts that people put in to make thier eyes red. of course they did…its a hell of a lot cheaper than CGIing someones eyes to make them a certain color and it accomplishes the same task. now if they made a mistake like forgetting to transform some of jacob into a werewolf…that would be something to talk about…not this crap.

  20. Bellsonsusan says:

    I am a Twilight fan. I saw Twilight 13 times at the cinema and I’ve already seen New Moon 4 times and have no doubt I’ll see it again. The issue isn’t that the movies are crap (which granted Twilight was bordering on it), it’s that they could never live up to the books. I saw Twilight when it first came out and didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t till I read the books 2 months later that I was completely hooked. After that it didn’t matter that the movie wasn’t directed well or that the acting was poor. It was all about what you know the characters were thinking and feeling.

    For all of those Twihaters out there, you can’t be critical of the Twihards until you read the books and understand why they are such devoted fans of the movies.

  21. Joe says:

    Cool stuff :)

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