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Tron Poster Online?

By Rodney - October 26, 2009 - 05:12 America/Montreal

The hype machine has already been moving full forward for Tron Legacy, but this is the first look at an official poster… which is probably fake.

The image is clearly supposed to be a disc weapon from the film, but with that title “It’s not just a game anymore” it automatically made me think it was a Simon Says electronic game from the 80s. Well a two tone version anyways.

With films like Viewmaster and Battleship coming out I wouldn’t put it past them but I am satisfied that this image is making its way about the intarwebs with the forewarning that its very likely fake.

Considering all the other amazing visuals, I would hope we would get something better than this.



  1. Big Hungry says:

    The main image in the poster, tells me nothing?????
    So I will say this is a bad design.

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    Rodney, I’m a little surprised at you. You know it’s a fake. I know it’s a fake. How do we know it’s a fake?

    First tipoff:

    lower left corner. A PG-13 rating. The film will probably get a PG or PG-13 rating, but it hasn’t been submitted to the MPAA yet.

    Second Tipoff:

    “June 7″ what-? No year? If the year is 2010… that falls on a Monday. (To confirm this, go to your ‘puter’s date & time, look up June 7 2010)

    Third tipoff:

    Like you pointed out. The image (like a Simon Says) and the tagline seem out of place. For all the hype around the sequel, Disney would not have made such oversights. The Tron films revolve around video games and the cyberworld, not with 80’s toy games and if it was legit? The above tagline would be “GREETINGS PROGRAM!” which may not sound ’serious’ but this is TRON. It would be a no-brainer, and very appropriate.

    The person who threw this together (literally) either hasn’t seen the original or has a short memory span. It’s not even a good fake poster.

    This evildoer must be de-rezzed.
    End Of Line.

  3. Dragonslayer says:

    Yeah, it’s fake…but it’s still fun to see.

  4. DON says:

    That is not good teaser poster. Infact, it doesn’t tell anything.

  5. Price says:

    This is one game of Simon Says that I can get down with. I bet I could make it all the way to the 5th or 6th round!
    On a more serious note, I am way jazzed for this film. Can’t wait until we get an actual teaser poster!

  6. tzaylor says:

    I cannot wait to see this movie. I saw the first as a very young kid and loved it. It doesn’t hold up very well in my opinion so a modern sequel is needed.

  7. James (Haz) says:

    It has a different feel and vibe then the teaser did. Thats how i know its fake.

    Usually the teaser poster and trailer have similar feels to it. This is totally alien to the trailer.

  8. Robb Wo says:

    happened to be at the theater yesterday - saw a different poster - release date 12/10/2010

  9. TigerClaw says:

    If the ring was all Green or Red, It would look exactly like the Xbox 360.

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